Iowa Old Press

April 26, 1888

Mt. Hope News

James and Mary Kingsolver recently of Fremont county but now of Smith County, Kansas, were born in 1807 and 1814, respectively. In 1834, they united in the bonds of matrimony and since have lived with each other as husband and wife. First they settled in Abington, Tennessee. From here they migrated to Clinton county, Indiana. From thence to Fremont county, Iowa, and recently to Smith county, where they now reside enjoying very good health. They have reared nine children. Never but little sickness in their family, and have had no death in their family. These nine children are all married and have children except one. They have had but little sickness in their families and have never had a death to occur. For 54 years these aged parents have traveled hand in hand. The nation has passed through many perils and today is free, prosperous and powerful. These parents have reached their middle age, their old age, and are now only waiting to be numbered with those who sleep in death. It may well be said of them that they have not lived in vain, but that the world is better from their having lived in it.

[submitter: G.K. Aug. 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County