Iowa Old Press

Hampton Chronicle
Hampton, Franklin co. Iowa
June 15, 1939

Miss Alice Pink, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Pink, of Hampton, and Dr. Stanley A. Hill, of Corinth, Mississippi, were united in marriage Wednesday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock, at the Congregational church in Hampton, with Rev. David M. Beggs, the pastor of the church, officiating, using the Episcopal ceremony.

Attend Boys State
Gene Velkers, Howard Burman and Donald Murphy arrived home last Saturday from Des Moines, where they had been to attend Boys' State. Velkers was elected city representative, Burman acted as assistant sergeant-at-arms for the house of representatives, and Murphy was campaign manager of the nationalisic party.

Attend Summer School in the West
Miss Frieda Blum, accompanied by Miss Lorene Campbell and Miss Mildred Thierman, of Cedar Falls, left yesterday for Boulder, Colorado, where they will attend summer school.

Miss Mary Helen Johnston, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. H.H. Johnston, who is a student at Northwestern University, at Evanston, Illinois, has been selected from a group of 125 men and women students to assist in the orientation of freshman students at th university for 1939-40. Miss Johnston has completed her first year.

[transcribed by S.F., May 2012]

Iowa Old Press
Franklin County