Iowa Old Press

Charles City Intellingencer
Charles City, Floyd Co.Iowa
February 15, 1898

Patridge-Weatherwax. At the home of D. O. Bliss in St. Charles, Wednesday, February 9, 1898, Miss Florence Patridge and Wm. W. Weatherwax, Rev. Frank Hirsch officiating. About 60 of the relatives and intimate friends of the young couple were present when Mrs. Frank Weatherwax began playing the wedding march. The ceremony, simple but impressive, was performed by Rev. Frank Hirsch at 8 p.m. after which a bountiful supper was served. The rooms were tastily decorated. The bride looked charming in her simple gown of white organdie with a beautiful floral design and made over pink, while the groom was dressed in the conventional black. The evening was spent in conversation and music and in the wee small hours the company dispersed wishing the bride and the groom the most happy and prosperous life for the rest of their days. On Thursday afternoon a reception was given them at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A T. Weatherwax in St. Charles at which a splendid dinner was served after which the young couple left for Vinton for a visit of a few weeks.

Kepple-Fassbinder. At the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kepple, Thursday, February 10, 1898, Miss Lottie Kepple and John J. Fassbinder, Jr., Rev. E. C. Wigmore officiating. The wedding came as a surprise to most of the young couples friends and only a few of the intimate friends and relatives were present. We extend our congratulations and wish them unbounded happiness through life.

[submitted by B.H.]

Iowa Old Press
Floyd County