Iowa Old Press

The Arlington News
Arlington, Fayette co. Iowa
July 21, 1938

Around About Us - Over East
-Mr. and Mrs. Chris Streicher and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lamphier were dinner guests Sunday, in the Arthur Putnam home near Jesup.
-Miss Leta Mitchell of Strawberry Point, spent last week in the home of her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Nus.
-Miss Erma Lickiss is working the the Dr. Rienets home in Cedar Rapids.
-Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Norton and Mr. and Mrs. L.F. Meisgeier are rejoicing over the arrival of a little granddaughter, Karen Lee, born to Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Meisgeier of Arlington, Mrs. Meisgeier and baby are being cared for in the hospital at Oelwein.
-Mrs. G.W. Eckheart and sons were dinner guests Sunday in the Herman Andreae home.
-Mr. Erkie of Strawberry Point put up an enclosed proch at the Herman Kreumpel home.
-Mrs. Chris Streicher and children, Ralph, Dorothy and Mrs. Earl Lamphier, were callers at LaCrosse, Wis. last Tuesday.
-Miss Anna Mae Nodurf of Plattville, Wis., spent a few days in the John Frederick home.
-Miss Waneta Roquet spent Sunday in the home of her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hall.
-Mrs. Clarence Nus and Miss Bertha Gernand visited Saturday in the Amelia Kuhn home at Wadena.
-Miss Irene Andreae who was taken very sick Thursday night, is able to be up again.
-Mrs. Caroline Putnam and son Ernie, and Miss Kathleen Hoffman were callers Sunday afternoon in the Charles Beltz home, near Lamont. Kathleen remained for a few days.
-Mr. and Mrs. Carl Zwanziger and Otto of St. Sebald, were callers Sunday in the George Andreae home.

Mrs. Herman Andreae entertained the Helping Sisters Club at her home Thursday afternoon. A large crowd was in attendance. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Frank Dempster. A letter of thanks was read from the "Orphans' Home" at Waverly, for the money received from the club. A short program of music and readings was enjoyed. In the contest, rolling beans, on a yard stick, with a toothpick, was won by Mrs. Harry Hall and Mrs. Mike Lenhart. The hostess served a cafateria luncheon, after which all adjourned to meet again next month.

Around About Us - Putnam
-Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Streieher and son of Lamont, spent Sunday in the Fred Anderman home.
-Florence Greasch spent last week in the Louie Smith home near Oelwein.
-Lottie Bush was hostess to L.I.C. members last Wednesday afternoon. Lunch was served.
-Lizzie Jones spent Sunday in the Howard Jones home.
-Kenneth Seedorff and Darlene David were guests in the Frank Seedorff home Friday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Alex Seedorff and daughters, Darlene David and Leslie Seedorff were Sunday dinner guests in the Mrs. C.F. Welsh home.
-Dora Anderman who is assisting with the work in the Harold Jones home, spent Sunday with her folks.
-Mrs. Ralph Schuty and son were callers in the Alex Seedorff home Tuesday.

[transcribed by S.F., June 2013]

Iowa Old Press
Fayette County