Iowa Old Press

Oelwein Daily Register
Oelwein, Fayette co. Iowa
May 8, 1936

Another Crime Near Elkader
Another crime has been committed over near Elkader, it seems. Dan Shine, a sixty-year-old farmer in the Littleport neighborhood was married a week ago yesterday to a young woman aged 27 years. The next day after their marriage she induced him to deed over to her 80 acres of land. Tuesday of this week he disappeared and Thursday night his body was found with his head shot to peices from a shot gun. The gun was lying near him, with a peice of string tied to the trigger, giving it the appearance of a suicide case. But the sheriff refuses to accept the suicide theory. He has placed his wife under arrest, and the wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hines also under arrest. An aunt of the wife is also being held for investigation and the sheriff seems to be working quite industriously on the case. The wife declares she knew nothing of the shooting. She went to the sheriff's office Wednesday and asked his aid in locating her husband, declaring he had disappeared Tuesday and she had been searching for him ever since.

Lennox Says He Helped Kill Dan Shine
Dubuque, Ia., May 8 - Maynard Lennox, East Dubuque, Ill., youth who will observe his 19th birthday on May 13, this afternoon was alleged by Dubuque police to have confessed to participating with Mrs. Dan Shine, 27-year-old bride, in the shotgun slaying of Dan Shine, her 68-year-old farmer husband. Chief of Police John W. Giellis of Dubuque said that Lennox, in his confession, admitted he was very friendly with Mrs. Shine and that they planned the crime to gain control of the Shine farm. According to the confession, the couple arranged the body in the hallway of the farm home to make the death appear like a suicide, fastening a cord to the trigger of the gun. Lennox however, said he did not fire the fatal shot, the police chief said. Lennox was arrested on information furnished in a statement to police by Mrs. Shine, it was learned.

After the purported confession, Clayton county authorities and Frank Brady, agent of the state bureau of investigation, took Lennox to Elkader, a few miles from Littleport, where the alleged crime was committed. Lennox will be questioned further in Elkader, and confronted with his alleged accomplice, Giellis said. The youth's statement did not implicate three members of Mrs. Shine's family, held for questioning in connection with the tragedy, it was said.

Elkader, Ia., May 8 - Clayton county authorities today resumed questioning of Mrs. Pearl Shine, 24, red-headed bride of a week, concerning the mysterious death of her husband, found dead in a closet of his farm home two days ago. The young bride's aunt, Mrs. May Hines, 49, her two sons Howard, 30 and James 26, also were being questioned. Late yesterday, deputies made what they considered a significant discovery - an empty can of ether in a pile of clothing.

Wins $5,000 In Crisco Contest.
How would you like to have someone hand you a check for $5,000? Mrs. Roy Tilton, 915 North avenue, Marshalltown, Ia., had that thrill the other day. The $5,000 check was from the Procter and Gamble company, of Cincinnati, which had conducted a nationwide sentence-completion contest of 25 words in advertising one of its most widely known products, Crisco. The check was presented to her by Mayor G.W. Darling, of Marshalltown. D.H. Robinson, of the Procter and Gamble advertising department, and P.W. Fox, a salesman in the Omaha district, accompanied Mayor Darling to Mrs. Tilton's home. Of the tens of thousands of persons in all walks of life who participated in the contest, Mrs. Tilton's completed sentence won first place.

Oelwein Boy Wins Honors.
At the national speech contest being held at Oklahoma City, John F. Schmidt, son of Mrs. H.A. Schmidt, 213 Fourth avenue SE, Oelwein, won second honors in a contest for coaches. He competed in the finals against Oklahoma City, El Reno, Okla., and Wooster, Ohio. There were 33 states competing. Mr. Schmidt is head of the speech department in the public schools in Sioux City, and among his students many have won national contests and two of them are now in the finals in this present contest. Mr. Schmidt has been with the Sioux City school now for five years.

-Jean Pfeiffer of Fayette was a city caller yesterday.
-Mrs. Henry Feller of Elgin was a city caller yesterday.
-Mrs. James Lee of Hawkeye was a shopper here yesterday.
-Mrs. C. Lincolnmeyer of Westgate was a city visitor yesterday.
-Mrs. H. Carr of Strawberry Point visited in the city yesterday.
-Miss Albright of Fairbank was a shopper in the city yesterday.
-Mr. Miller of Clermont was a business caller here yesterday afternoon.
-Paul Stewart of Maynard was a business caller in the city this morning.
-Miss Mry Anderson of Maynard visited in the city yesterday afternoon.
-Mr. and Mrs. Burton Twill of Waterloo visited relatives in the city last evening.
-A.E. McIlree of West Union and Dr. Walsh of Hawkeye were city visitors today.
-Mrs. Donald Retz returned home this afternoon after a few days at Mercy Hospital.
-Mrs. C.E. Kinsel returned to her home yesterday after being a patient in Mercy Hospital.
-Mrs. Wareham of Strawberry Point underwent an operation at Mercy Hospital this morning.
-Mr. and Mrs. Harry Benzer are the happy parents of a baby boy born yesterday afternoon.
-Mrs. H.E. Oakes, who has been ill at Mercy Hospital was removed to her home in Arlington yesterday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wells Knapp, formerly of Oelwein, now residents of Epworth, are the proud parents of a baby boy, born May fourth.
-Mr. and Mrs. William Trager are the proud parents of a seven and one-half pound baby boy born at their home yesterday afternoon.
-Miss Naomi Brant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Brant of this city has been elected to the position of fifth grade teacher in the Mount Vernon public schools, for next year.

Hawkeye News.
-Jennie Smith spent Sunday in the home of her sister, Mrs. A.J. Fox, at Fayette.
-Clinton Millard of Bakersfield Cal., came Thursday for a visit with his mother, Mrs. Mary Millard.
-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sieck, Ada, Minnie, John and Gary; Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wilbur and John Morf spent Sunday at Fayette in the Herman Sieck home.
-Ruel Randall visited Sunday in the D.H. and Gus Gundacker homes. His wife and two children returned home with him, having spent several days here.
-Mr. and Mrs. Will Harms of St. Paul spent a few days last week in the Charles Rulifson home.
-Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schrader attended a Masonic dance at Fayette Thursday evening.
-Mr. and Mrs. Joe Knox visited Sunday with Mrs. Knox's mother, Mrs. David Gletty.
-Ray Burkhart and I.D. Cornish have been at Center Point the past week hauling gravel.
-Mrs. Lida Gager was at the Hiams home for the week end. On Sunday she and Mr. and Mrs. Hiams went to Eldorado to call in the Fred Haller home.
-After an absence of four weeks due to illness, Mrs. Nettie Butler returned to her work at the Ben Franklin store.
-Mr. and Mrs. Will Wendland visited Sunday in the M. Schatz home at Eldorado.
-Mrs. Albert Kuhlmeyer underwent an operation for appendicitis Firday at the Waverly hospital. Her husband and children and the Walter Kohlmeyer families who visited her Sunday report that she is getting along nicely.

Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Sweigard attended the funeral of Mr. Sweigard's mother, Mrs. Lucinda Sweigard, at Garner Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Sweigard's death was due to a paralytic attack. She was eighty-four.

Fairbank News.
-Mrs. N. Mersch returned home last week from near Sumner, where she visited in the home of her daughter Mrs. Lewis Tiedt and family.
-Mrs. Frank Staack was in Waverly Wednesday to see Mrs. Raymond Fink who is a patient in the Waverly hospital.
-Mrs. Cash Ward and daughters Donna and Carol were in Oelwein Tuesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. H. Sigglekov and William Sigglekov of Waterloo attended the funeral of Frederick Sigglekov Monday.
-James Crouse and family moved Saturday from Mrs. James Carnahan house on east Main street into the Henry Fortsch house in Sim's addition.
-Mrs. Ella Ward returned Thursday from Oelwein after a few days visit in the home of her sons Dr. D.W. Ward and family and Dr. G.G. Ward and family.
-Dr. and Mrs. D.W. Ward and Dr. and Mrs. G.G. Ward of Oelwein attended a 6:30 birthday dinner Monday evening in the home of Dr. and Mrs. L.W. Ward in honor of their mother, Mrs. Ella Ward.
-Mrs. Charles Williams of Chicago, Ill., attended the funeral of Frederick Sigglekov Monday. She is a guest in the home of her brother William Wierck and other relatives here.
-Mrs. Mary Shannon returned home last week after spending the past few weeks with her son John Shannon and wife in Detroit, Mich., and her two daughters in Chicago, Ill.
-Mrs. Kate Draper and daughter Matilda of Waterloo, attended the funeral of Frederic Sigglekov Monday.
-Miss Lois Sherman who is a nurse in the University hospital in Iowa City, was a week end guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Sherman. She was accompanied by Miss Lucille Crossen of Iowa City, also a nurse there.

Bad Fire.
About 11:15 Wednesday night fire was discovered in the John Sparano grocery store. The fire was found to have started at the rear of the Sparano store. The fire had a good start and the building and stock were a total loss. The Lehmkuhl hardware store adjoining the building on the west had considerable loss to the stock by water. The loss of the building will be about $3,000 and the Sparano stock about $1500, it is estimated. Some insurance was carried.

Westgate News.
-The following people from Westgate attended the Junior-Senior banquet of Maynard High School at the Mealey Hotel in Oelwein on Friday night, May 1: Palma Hochne, Evelyn Thran, Lanais Coleman, Ralph Fratzke, Elmer Treplow, Cecil McSweeny, Dora Gruestmacher, Lorene Oltrogge, Helen Wood and Erwin Potratz.
-Donald Killman who has been attending U.I.U. at Fayette was chosen to take the leading part in the Senior Class play "Goblin Gold."
-Mrs. Nels Carlson is on the sick list.
-Emil Mohlis erected a new addition to his barn which was raised Monday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mixdorf and family of Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Art Schroeder and daughter Marlyn of Sumner, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burkhart of Hawkeye, Mr. and Mrs. John Schroeder and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Becker and family, Dora Gruetzmacher and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Meyer and son, Willard were Sunday guests in the William Schroeder home.
-Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schroeder and son, James of Denver, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Rueber and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Potratz and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Decker and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Schroeder and family, Mrs. Burkhart of Hawkeye, and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Miner and son, Robert of Randalia and George Yeoman came to help William Schroeder celebrate his birthday Monday evening.
-Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Johnson are the proud parents of a baby girl born on Monday, May 4.
-Mr. and Mrs. Louie Buenneke and family and Mrs. Maude Rademaker and family of Maynard were visitors in the parental W.E. Hollenback home Sunday.

Convict Escaped from Ft. Madison
Atlantic, Ia., May 8 - Ed Porter, escaped convict from the state prison at Fort Madison is playing hide and seek with state and local authorities who are seeking his arrest. Porter was sighted near here Wednesday. A posse of state, county and city officers was organized and a man hunt was conducted. Late yesterday Porter, driving a gray Plymouth coupe, with Nebraska license plates, was reported seen near Atlantic again. State and local officers gave chase but again lost the trail. Porter was serving 40 years in state prison for [illegible] when he escaped.

[transcribed by S.F., January 2009]

Iowa Old Press
Fayette County