Iowa Old Press

Clermont Enterprise
Clermont, Fayette co. Iowa
Thursday, March 17, 1932

Local News
-Ed Dugstad and B.C. Gruver have been engaged by the directors of the Clermont Farmers' Co-operative society to audit the books and accounts of the corporation preparatory for the final settlements to be made when the old company goes out of business the 20th of next month.
-C.M. Kneeland, who has been confined to his home with a severe case of the flu, has recovered and is back to his job at the Farmers' Co-operative house. His brother, Leo, had charge of the business during his sickness.
-Mrs. Wm. Larrabee returned the latter part of last week from Des Moines and Ames where she attended to business and social duties which comes in her work as president of the Federation of Women's Clubs of Iowa.
-Mr. and Mrs. Mons Hanson and son Thor Nelson were down from Castalia Sunday visiting with relatives and introducing the young son to his kin in this part of the county.
-Bertha Shipton, who is teaching at Mitchell, was at home over the week end.
-Lloyd and Kenneth Gress were week end visitors in Cedar Rapids visiting with Donald and Parker Gress.
-Nellie Carpenter of West Union, has been in Clermont the past few days staying with her brother, Dan Carpenter.
-Willis Gress is steadily improving from his paralytic stroke he had early in the winter. He was out last week and while he looks "sorter bleached out" he seems about as usual.
-Levon Simek of Hazelton, was in Clermont from Friday until Sunday visiting at the home of her brother, Len Simek. Mr. and Mrs. Simek took her home Sunday.
-Word received Monday from Mrs. Dan Carpenter who has been at Humiston, for several weeks helping care for her uncle, Tom Hyde, stated that he died at ten o'clock Sunday night.
-Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lou of Colesburg, have moved on the farm occupied by Merton Palmer and family for the past two years. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer have moved on the E.O. Lien place about three quarters of a mile from where they were.
-Alderman Frank Pringle made a great "hit" for a political future by his high vote in the town caucus last week. His total was 56 out of a possible 68, thus getting quite close to the unanimous support of the voters present. It has already started a bit of mayorality sentiment for Pringle two years from now.
-Susanna and Elizabeth Priest entertained at dinner Sunday in honor of three birthdays, their mother's Mar. 14, Margaret Powers' Mar. 16 and Dan McGreevy's Mar. 20. Guests at the dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Priest, Margaret Powers, Dan McGreevy, Mike Powers of Rochester, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Tom Powers, George Malone, George Larson and James Powers.
-Lucille and Phyllis Lubke visited their cousin Mrs. Vincent Franks, Friday night at Monona. Mrs. Franks is the wife of the coach at the Monona high school and is also a teacher. Mrs. Lubke drove over after the girls Saturday and was accompanied by Mrs. Harold Greenley and Leonore Simpson.
-Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Larson and baby were guests at the Ed Burt home last Sunday.
-Mrs. Mary Gruver and daughter Kathryn, of Postville, were in Clermont Sunday visiting her daughter, Mrs. Albert Lubke.
-Wm. Larrabee has been ill at the home at Montauk for a few days. After effects of the flu got in its work and put him back in bed.
-Parker Gress returned to Cedar Falls Friday where he has been employed in the office of the Interurban street car company and also works as motorman part of the time. He was home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gress, for a week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderson, who have been making their home with their daughter, Mrs. Will Starkey, for some time were guests all of last week at the home of their daughter, Mrs. H.A. Lubke in town. It was so cold all the time they were here that they could not get out much and few of their friends could get out to see them.

Clermont Directory
-Anderson & Tatro General Trucking - Local or Long Distance
-Dr. R.V. Brandt, Dentist - Xray and Gas for Extracting - Office over Farmers Savings Bank
-Dr. I.C. Jerdee, Physician and Surgeon - Office over Clermont State Bank
-Dr. L.L. Carr, Physician and Surgeon - Glasses Correctly Fitted - Office over Farmers Savings Bank
-N.H. Nelson, Embalmer & Funeral Director - Calls night and day promptly attended to
-Freiburghaus & Co. - G.H. Hackman, Licensed Embalmer - We own our Funeral Car

Declamatory Contest
The eighth grade declamatory contest of the Clermont public schools will be held at the auditorium of the Larrabee building on Tuesday evening, March 22.
Piano Duet - Verla Gunderson and Marjorie Olson
Violin Solo - Loretta Belschner
Vocal Solo - Edwina Olson
Nellie's Gift - Lavanda Smith
A Forgotten Witness - Beesie Nelson
A Soldier of the Empire - George Washburn
The Black Hourse and His Rider - Joseph Leehy
Priscilla - Verla Belschner
Laddie - Evelyn Maurer
Betty at the Baseball Game - Kenneth Heck
Jimmy Tends the Baby - Harris Olson
Old, Old Story - Wesley Maurer
Zoe Entertains Her Sister's Man - Gladys Olson
Wives at Jamestown - Louis Amundson
Bath Hour - James Triem
Little Brother Vin - Louise Hackman

Mrs. Maurice W. Cahalan
Maria Crowe, daughter of John and Mary Crowe, was born in Lindsay, Ontario, Canada, May 9, 1865, and came with her parents to Clermont in 1867, where many years of her life were spent. In 1885, she married Maurice W. Cahalan and in 1918 moved to Cedar Rapids where she resided until her death, March 12, 1932.

Hundreds of friends came to her home at 532 F. Ave. N.W. to shed a tear and breathe a prayer at the bier of her who had been a true friend, a ready sympathizer, an influence for good.

Funeral services were held at St. Patrick's church at Cedar Rapids at 8 a.m. Monday, conducted by her pastor the Rev. Father D.J. Lenihan, who eloquently attested to her home life as being that of the ideal mother. Brief funeral services were held also at St. Peter's church at Clermont by the Rev. Father J.F. McCaffery, and burial services were conducted by the Rev. Father John O'Donnell, of Lawler, a relative of the deceased.

Besides her husband, she is survived by the following children: Mrs. E.J. Roddy, Albert, James, Mrs. Tim Shea, Mrs. A.M. Clancy and Bernard, all of Cedar Rapids, Frank of Clermont, Mrs. H.W. Melton of Ponderey, Ida., and Richard, of Chicago. She also leaves three sisters, Agnes and Elizabeth Crowe and Mrs. James P. Sullivan, all of Clermont, and nineteen grandchildren. She was preceded in death by three sons, Park, Leo and Eugene, who died a month ago, also her brother, William Crowe.

[transcribed by S.F., November 2009]

Iowa Old Press
Fayette County