Iowa Old Press

Clermont Enterprise
Clermont, Fayette co. Iowa
June 9, 1932

Local News
-Alfred Gunsten is working for Theo. Kjosa on the farm
-Mr. and Mrs. Anson Priest drove to Oelwein Sunday, taking Gene Gordon back to his home.
-W.A. Kneeland and family were dinner guests Sunday of his sister, Mrs. Alfred Miller at West Union.
-Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wells of Hazelton, spent the first of the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Washburn.
-Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Kneeland and the Bernard Waters family were dinner guests Saturday evening of Dr. and Mrs. George Berry at West Union.
-Elizabeth Priest returned last Friday from Oelwein where she visited the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Gordon. Gene Gordon returned home with her for a short visit.
-Mrs. G. Koland returned last Thursday from Des Moines where she visited her daughter, Mrs. Herbert Moeller. Viola Koland also visited there with her sister and mother. Miss Koland returned to Cedar Rapids where she has temporary employment.
-Margaret and Bernadine Boyle and Etta Wicke of Cedar RApids, were guests at the Dan Burke home last Monday and Tuesday.
-Ezra Dibble, accompanied by his daughters, are expecting to be in Ames next Sunday where they will attend the baccalaureate services for the graduating class at the State College. Phyllis Dibble, who is completing her work at Ames this year, is a member of the graduating class.
-Melvin Nelson, the new proprietor of the Clermont meat and grocery market, is getting well settled in the business circles of the town, and his neatly conducted place of business seems to be drawing a nice trade. Mr. Nelson's family is expected to arrive in Clermont for permanent residence some time this week.
-Dan McGreevey has been spending the past couple of weeks in Oelwein, a guest of his nephew, Hillary Gordon and family.
-The C.B. Wetherby family have moved in the Anna Knudson property just across from the high school building. They came from West Union.
-Esther Carlin, who is attending college at Cedar Falls, spent the spring vacation at her home west of Clermont.
-Mrs. L.L. Carr and Mrs. Wm. Larrabee were hostesses to the P.E.O. Chapter of West Union Tuesday afternoon of last week.
-Carol Wander, a son in the Philip Wander family who lived in Clermont some years ago, is a member of the graduating class in the law department of Iowa State University this year.
-Mrs. Emma Gunderson has moved back into her own home recently vacated by the Oscar Reierson family. Mrs. Gunderson lived with her father for a number of years and kept house for him until his death, with occurred over a year ago.
-Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Johnson are here from Chicago spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Miller. Mr. Johnson is taking time off from his work with the Artgyle printing company.
-Prof. D.R. Cottrell, newly elected superintendent of the Clermont public schools, has rented the Ernesta Pringle estate residence as a home for himself and family during their stay in Clermont.
-Mrs. Emmett Tyne, of Volga City, and Josephine Tyne of Strawberry Point, were guests last week at the Dan Burke home.
-Elsie Lindgren, Lillian Meyer, Etwina Belschner and Myrtle Amundson left last week to take summer work in college at Cedar Falls.
-Ellen Bilden drove to Forest City to get her sister, Myrtle Bilden, who had been attending Waldorf College the past year, and was a member of the noted Waldorf college choir.
-Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderson visited the first of the week with their daughter, Mrs. H.A. Lubke. Mr. Anderson was here helping at the polls in the election Monday. They are making their home with their daughter, Mrs. Will Starkey, on a farm near Postville.

I want to close out all my window box and potted flowers. Some are rare and new varieties. Sharp reductions on all stock now on hand. Grace M. Cooley.

East Clermont Lutheran Church
The editor of the Clermont Enterprise had the pleasure of accompanying Rev. G. Gunsten out to his East church Sunday evening, May 29. The experience proved quite a surprise as well as a pleasure. It was the writer's first visit to that well organized religious center and we found that not only have the Lutherans out in that settlement formed a very substantial organization but they have erected a church building that might be a credit to many big city congregations. The church is a large and well appointed structure having an auditorium capable of seating perhaps 400 people, equipped with adequate seating facilities, a modern pulpit and impressive decorations. Beneath the auditorium is a large and commodious lecture room and dining hall nicely fitted up with kitchenette and cooking utensils in which the members of the Luther League served a delightful luncheon to all those in attendance at the exerciese that evening after the meeting. At frequent intervals the ladies of the church use the dining hall in serving community feasts, which are always well patronized. The services at the church on the Sunday evening the writer visited there consisted of a very creditable program of religious songs and readings, chief amont which was a sermon by T. Gabrielson of St. Paul, who had been called by Rev. Gunsten to take his place in the church work during his absence at the convention in Minneapolis. The church was built over 50 years ago, Mr. Gunsten said, and is one of the oldest in the county, yet it remains in excellent condition.

Lutheran parochial school in Clermont began last week with Louise Amundson as teacher. Those enrolled are: Louis Amundson, William Burrow, William Belschner, Verla Belschner, Loretta Belschner, Lavanda Smith, Gladys Olson, Verla Gunderson, Edwin Olson, Gladys H. Olson, Leslie Olson, Norman Erickson, Harold Gress, Wayne Durscher, Harley Swenson, Margaret Moen, Irene Erickson, Doris Landsgard, Esther, Gunsten, Gretchen Rolfs, Julia Olson, Elmer Joe Houg, Glynn Paulson, Alice Frederick, Robert Burrow, Arthur Amundson, Leonard A. Olson, Vinc Gress, Norman Gilbert, Clarice Paulson, Phyllis Gress, Janet Olson, Bernice Stray, Clarence Amundson, and Leonard Olson. School is held in the Larrabee building.

Vacation school under the auspices of St. Peter's parish here was opened Monday morning. The two sisters from the Presentation convent in Dubuque, arrived here Saturday. The enrollment up to the present writing is as follows: Robert McSweeney, Daniel Rounds, Walter Becker, Darlene Wetherbee, Paul Cahalan, Francis Kneeland, Donald Brenner, Richard Crowe, Lawrence Wetherbee, Leo Griebenow, Francis Rounds, Sheldon Kohls, William Crowe, Elizabeth Cahalan, Mary Agnes Paulson, Anna Crowe, Joseph Leehey, Margaret Crowe, James Rounds, Lawrence Horan, Robert Kneeland, James Cahalan, George Rounds, Ruby Boyle, Zella Boyle, Rita Rounds, Joseph Paulson, Louis Bigler, Jane Fahey, Mary Killerlain, Catherine Wetherbee, Viola Marie Joyce, Clara Wanita Joyce, Laverne Wetherbee and Clarence Brenner.

Blanche Kelleher, who has been ill for several weeks, died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Kelleher, Tuesday morning. The funeral is being held at St. Peter's church in Clermont this (Thursday) morning. Interment will be made in the Catholic cemetery at Elkader.

[transcribed by S.F., November 2009]

Iowa Old Press
Fayette County