Iowa Old Press

The Clermont Enterprise
Clermont, Fayette co. Iowa
June 7, 1928

Sam Gilbert Erickson
This community was greatly saddened when the message reached here last Monday that Sam Erickson, who about ten days prior had gone west to visit friends and relatives in Canton, So. Dakota, and at Inwood, Iowa, also to consult a doctor there, had passed away at the home of Louie Anderson, at Canton, following a stroke that he suffered on Sunday afternoon. Here at the home of these old time friends everything was done that could be done, but death came quietly on Monday, May 28. The body was brought to Postville Tuesday night, and from there taken to the farm home four miles east of Clermont.

Mr. Erickson was born in Marion township, Clayton county, February 12, 1867, being thus at the time of his death, sixty-one years, three months and fifteen days old. On June 24, 1890, he was united in marriage to Caroline Nelson, who survives him. To them was born 10 children, one dying in infancy. There remains to mourn the departure of a kind and solicitous father, the nine children, Mrs. Bertine Buraas, Postville; Albert, of Erskine, Minn.; Mrs. Clara Aanes of Postville; Mrs. Stella Loftsgard, of Gunder; Myrtle of Cedar Rapids; and Selmer, Elmer, Gladys and Florence, at home, also seven grandchildren, and three brothers, namely, Louis of Lavina, Mont., Henry of Clermont, and Ben of Postville, besides a large number of other relatives and a host of friends both here and in the many other places where he was known.

With the exception of two years, spent at Inwood, Sam Erickson has lived his entire life in this community. In every enterprise that could in any way serve his community, Mr. Erickson has ever been a leading spirit, and as such he will be greatly missed by the entire community. The funeral services were held from the home and the Clermont church on Thursday afternoon, with interment in the cemetery beside the Marion church at Gunder, Rev. G. Gunsten officiating and assisted by Rev. Fink of Postville. The large number gathered at the funeral from the surrounding community bore ample evidence of the place that deceased held in this, his home community that he had served so long and so faithfully. Blessed be his memory.

Card of Thanks
We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to the many neighbors and friends for their kindly expressions of sympathy in our bereavement, the loss of our beloved husband and father, Same G. Erickson. Also we wish to thank Rev. Gunsten and Rev. Fink for the comforting words and the Misses Berg, Ness and Nelson and Clifford Kittleson for the splendid songs and those who expressed their sympathy in beautiful floral offerings.
Mrs. Caroline Erickson & Family.

Elling Gulsvig passed away last Tuesday at the home of his sister, Mrs. O.K. Olson, with whom he has been making his home. For several weeks he has been poorly and confined to bed. Funeral services will be held today (Thursday) afternoon at the West Clermont church.

Hiram E. Jacobson, Cand. Theol., a former Clermont boy, will God willing, be ordained into the office of the Holy Ministry on June 3, 1928, at the new Central Lutheran Church of Minneapolis, under the auspices of the biennial convention of the Norwegian Lutheran church of America. On July 8, he will be inducted as pastor of S. Paul's Lutheran church at Williams, Iowa, by the Rev. H.C. Holm, president of the Iowa district of N.L.C.A.

Hiram Edward Jacobson, oldest son of John E. Jacobson and Julia Jorgina (nee Skarshoug), was born at Clermont, Iowa, Nov. 12, 1900. He was baptized by Rev. Jacob Tanner and received his early training in a christian home and in the public schools of Clayton county. He was confirmed by Rev. N. Arvesen at St. Olaf, Iowa, May 17, 1914. In 1918, he suffered the loss of a christian mother whose influence can only be measured in terms of the hereafter. In 1920 he graduated from high school at Elkader, and in the fall of that same year matriculated in the engineering school of Marquette University. While under the influence of those Jesuit teachers he became conscious of a desire to serve his Lord and Master whom for some years he had denied and forsaken. Consequently he entered St. Olaf College in the fall of 1921, and after his graduation in 1925, entered Luther Theological Seminary from which he graduated with the class of 1928. Having received a call to serve as pastor of Tabitha, Landstad, and St. Paul's congregations in and near Williams, Iowa, he now humbly presents himself for the ordination of the church.

Oscar Reierson Buys Considine Barber Shop
Last week a deal was concluded whereby Oscar Reierson of Ossian, purchased the Considine barber shop and he took possession on Monday of this week. Mr. Considine and family intend to leave here in a short time and will move to Cedar Falls. During their stay of several years in Clermont they made many friends who regret that they will leave.

-Ellen Bilden returned from Northfield, Minn., last Saturday where she has been attending St. Olaf College.
-Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dibble were visitors at West Union the latter part of last week.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Walker and family of Donnan, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Shepherd and family of Fayette, and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Martin of Oelwein, were guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Steffans near Castalia.
-Mr. and Mrs.Nels Everson and daughter, Marian, Mr. and Mrs. A. Frederick and daughter, Alice, drove to Falling Springs Sunday where they had their picnic supper.
-L.O. Larson of West church and Henry Peterson of the East church, are delegates attending the national convention held at Minneapolis.
-Mr. and Mrs. George Washburn and family visited from Wednesday until Sunday with friends near McGregor.
-Clara Garnet of McGregor, began her duties at the Double Store as clerk last Monday. She is rooming with Mrs. Ingeborg Koland.
-Mr. and Mrs. Knudt Simpson and two sons of Hudson, Wis., and Mrs. Chas. Seilman of Boysville, Wis., came Saturday to visit at the Tom Ruroden home this week.
-HiramJacobson came Wednesday for a short visit among relatives.

20 Years Ago - Clipped from the Clermont Enterprise of 20 Years Ago [1908]
-Mrs. T.H. Hendershott and daughter, Marian, were Postville callers Saturday.
-Mrs. D.L. Love returned to her home in Lincoln, Neb., last Friday.
-H.J. McKeon, of Ossian, was in Clermont from Saturday until Monday.
-Mrs. John Burke of Cedar Rapids, came Saturday to visit friends and relatives.
-Fred Hendershot has severed his connection with Lein's general store at Postville.
-Miss Mae Pringle came home from Oskaloosa Tuesday to spend her vacation.
-Mr. and Mrs. A. Mitchell of Wadena, spent Sunday at the Chas. McAlavey home.
-Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Loomis returned to La Grange, Ill., with their son, Will, for a short visit.
-Miss Sadie Hendershott attended the wedding of her sister, Amy, at West Union, last Wednesday.
-Miss Nancy McKinley, of Chicago, came Saturday to visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McKinley.
-Rev. Burseth will conduct services Sunday in the Lutheran church at 10:30 a.m. and in the Presbyterian church at 3 p.m.
-Mattie Kelly came over from Wadena, Sunday to see his mother, Mrs. John Kelly, who has been quite sick the past few weeks.
-Mr. and Mrs. H.S. Tonjum and family went to Lawler Saturday to visit relatives. Henry returned home Monday but the rest of the family will make a more extended visit.
-Will Loomis, editor of the La Grange, Ill., Citizen, came last week to visit his parents.
-Dr. Rodger Appelman returned from Keokuk, Tuesday.
-The marriage of Miss Gertrude Rodgers to Dr. James A. Hart, occurred at Spencer, Iowa, Wednesday, May 27th.
-The following were graduates from the Clermont high school, June 5, 1908: Anna C. Houlihan, Rae Glanville, Winifred Appelman and Andine Vasby.

[transcribed by S.F., September 2009]

Iowa Old Press
Fayette County