Iowa Old Press

Elgin Echo
Elgin, Fayette co. Iowa
Thursday, December 15, 1927

B.M. Benson, of Highland, came last Friday evening from Dubuque where he had been on a jury for the past week. He visited Saturday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C.O. Torkelson and family.

Anna Friedrich was surprised last Wednesday by a handkerchief shower, and she received more than one hundred handkerchiefs, besides a number of other gifts.

Arthur Adney, better known to most of us as "Rope", came back to town Tuesday and may remain for awhile. He had been visiting at Postville for the past three weeks and previous to that time had been at Marshfield, Wisconsin, where he worked on a farm.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mosby entertained a number of the younger married folks at their home last Friday evening. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schori, Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Kiple, Mr. and Mrs. George Falb, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Falb and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Klingman and Loraine Carpenter.

The Elgin members of the Gleaner drill team, which went to Kankakee, Illinois, last week to participate in the national convention, returned Monday to their homes here. Those who went from here were Mrs. Max Hunsberger, Mrs. Sheldon Boyle, Mrs. Walter Kohls, Mrs. Fred Griesinger, Mrs. Reuben Howard, Helen Gruver and Elma Kiple.

F.D. Welch left last night for Des Moines to attend a school, put on by the Chevrolet Company, for men who sell parts and accessories for that car. Mr. Welch handles this work for the Falb Garage and no doubt his attendance at the school will make him a more valuable man for his firm.

J.F. Berndt last week attended a Master Barbers' meeting at West Union and was elected for the second time to serve as treasurer of the county organization.

Judge Taylor of Waukon recently gave a sentence of $400 and costs and four months in jail for bootlegging and a fine of $65 for trapping out of season to John Bray, a farmer living four miles north of Postville. The state officials had found 14 pints of alleged moonshine and several hides of skunks and coons on the man's premises.

[transcribed by S.F., April 2015]

Iowa Old Press
Fayette County