Iowa Old Press

The Fayette County Union
West Union, Fayette Co., Iowa
November 15, 1923
Page 1


Mrs. John D. Shaffer passed away Monday morning about nine o'clock after an illness of over a year. She was the wife of Hon. J.D. Shaffer and was sixty four years of age. She was the mother of seven children, Mrs. Harry Gilson, Jack Shaffer, and Israel F. Shaffer, all of Elgin; Mrs. Odell of Milwaukee; Mrs. Guy Whitford, of Limo Springs; Mrs. John Bowers, of Los Angeles and Ray Shaffer, of Volga City, all of whom survive. Mrs. Shaffer was a sister of Mrs. Amy Layton, of this city. Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the Methodist church and interment made in the Elgin cemetery.

Mrs. C.L. Frieburghaus passed Monday Morning at a hospital in St. Paul. She was the widow of a former Elgin merchant and was sixty one years of age. Six daughters and one son survive: Mesdames Carl Hackman, Will Krueger, Fred Mueleuthale and Miss Freda, all of Elgin: Mrs. Max Lehman, of Stillwater, Minn.; Mrs. Gus Hackman,of Clermont, and Julius Frieburghaus of Huron, So. Dak. The funeral services are being held this afternoon at Elgin and burial will be made in the Elgin cemetery beside the body of her husband, who passed away three years ago.

Ed Neuman had his band injured lately so badly that he was unable to get his corn husked. His popularity in the neighborhood was demonstrated when twenty-nine men with thirteen teams came and husked thirty-nine loads of corn for him. Ten women came along and prepared the big feast at the noon hour.

The champion (?) husker was Will Mishler who husked two and a half times around the field to Frank Glascock's once.

The fourth floor of the court house was poured Tuesday and with five car loads of Bedford stone on hand work will be rushed now to get the building enclosed before cold weather sets in. The pillars are up and it will not be long before the roof will be put on and the remaining height of the wall laid.

Quite a number have driven up to West Union the past week to see the progress made on the new court house. Work on the top story is going along fast and it is expected the roof will be complicated this fall so that inside work can be done during the winter. -- Maynard News

Alexander Clyde, a resident of near Waucoma from 1850 until 1908, passed away at his home in Phillipsburg, Mo. Nov. 1, aged eighty-five years. Mr. Clyde was born in Ayrshire, Scotland. January 20, 1838. He lived while in Fayette county on a farm between Waucoma and Ft. Atkinson. His remains were brought to Waucoma for interment, services being held Tuesday of last week.

The annual meeting of the Union township Farm Bureau was held Monday evening at H.M. Stafford's office and resulted in the old officers being re-elected to their respective positions as follows: Olaf Haug, president; Ollie Palmer, vice president and Wm. R. Halstead secretary. Owing to the rainy weather only a small number were present but the work of the old officers was so satisfactory we are sure the outcome of the election would have been the same.

A.H. Bentz of Maynard won first place in the fresh butter class at the national creamery butter makers contest held at Milwaukee last week. Otto F. Weger of Strawberry Point, was first in the cold storage butter competition. Fred Harms of Oelwein was a prize winner in the butter judging contest.

COUNTY HOME INMATE COMMITS SUICIDE - Wandered from Home and Is Found in Creek in Frog Hollow.
Mrs. Amelia Nygard, an inmate of the County Home, wandered away from the institution last Friday and her body was found in a creek in Frog Hollow vicinity Monday afternoon.

Mrs. Nygard, formerly from near Clermont, was about forty-four years of age. She has been a patient at the county home for a number of years. She often wandered away and had been found two or three days later. Friday night she was numbered among the missing but no alarm was felt. Monday afternoon, while out hunting Art Earle and Philip Craft, two young men of this city, came upon her body. Earle, while walking along, noticed something white on the bank of the creek, and closer inspection found it to be the woman's apron. Looking down into the creek he saw the body of the woman, lying face downward, her outer apparel removed but her underclothing on. They reported their find to Sheriff Wright who got in touch with C.J. Wells at the county farm where her body was taken and prepared for burial. The coroners jury impaneled Tuesday by acting coroner. Harvey Smith returned a verdict of suicide.

Mr. Wells reports that Mrs. Nygard was a model patient at the county home, but in her condition her pet theory was that of running away. Mrs. Nygard has many friends near her old home who sympathize with this left to mourn her passing.

Miss Helen McAndrews, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.J. McAndrews, of this city was married in St. Paul to Mr.H.B. Schwestka, of West Union, on October 31st. Mrs. Schwestka has been living in St. Paul some time past and has had a position as stenographer with the Local Loan Company. She is a highly esteemed young woman and has many friends here and all join with us in extending congratulations and best wishes. They will make their home in St. Paul. -- Decorah Public Opinion.

As a testimonial in his honor over one hundred people of Dover township gathered at the home of Isaac Johnson Sunday for an all day celebration. The reason for all this was the fact that Mr. Johnson had completed forty-seven years of service as an instructor in the Norwegian Lutheran parochial school at Eldorado. Following a feast and social time, Mr. Johnson was presented with a purse of silver, the gift of his friends. Rev. Mr. Kvamme who presented the purse made a nice speech.

OELWEIN MAN DEAD THE WOMAN INJURED - Shooting Occured at Strawberry Point Sunday Eve About Six O'clock.
O.B. Eales, 35 years of age, proprietor of the Saratoga barber shop at Oelwein, committed suicide at Strawberry Point Sunday evening about six o'clock, after he had shot and injured Mrs. B.B. Braycon, of that city.

It seems that Eales, who was married, was deeply infatuated with the Braycon woman, who was also married. They had been together quite a good deal and only lately had been in an auto mishap near Oelwein. Eales drove to Strawberry Point Sunday evening and went to the restaurant conducted by Mrs. Brayeon and her husband, and so the report goes, asked her a question to which she replied "no." Eales pulled out a gun and shot her, the bullet striking her in the temple and she fell. He then turned the gun on himself and fired two bullets into his head, just back of the eyes, dying almost instantly.

Eales was the husband of Miss Craig, of Maynard, but they were living apart. The deceased had been married before and leaves a daughter in Illinois. His parents live in Hannibal, Missouri, and he had written them last week what to do with his body — showing that his deed was a sort of per-arranged affair. He was a world war veteran and a member of the Legion and the I.O.O.F.

Mrs. Braycon was not seriously injured. Thus endeth another triangle love affair.

While shredding at the Phillip Lauer farm; three miles northwest of this city, Thursday afternoon, fire in some way started around the shredder and was blown into the barn, starting a fire that consumed Mr. Lauer's hay, straw, corn stalks, with the exception of five acres. The machinery and harness were gotten out of the basement before the fire reached it. The separator house was burned also. The chemical wagon of the local fire department was sent out to assist in checking the fire. Mr. Lauer received a check for $2,319 from the Eldorado Mutual, but this will not cover his loss. Will Domke lost a good sized barn Monday evening by fire. Miss Domke, his sister, discovered a small blaze in the barn and after failing to put it out ran to the neighbors for help.

By the time help arrived the fire had gained too much headway to be put out. The hay crop was burned, but the small grain and other articles were gotten out.

Thirty babies were examined last Wednesday at the baby clinic held at Clermont, held under auspices of the Red Cross. Twenty-seven of the babies were from Clermont, two from Postville and one from Elgin. The doctors and nurses, present were the same that held the, clinic, at West Union. Twenty-six mothers were given instructions in maternal care. Seven of the children examined were found normal in every way.

[transcribed by C.D., January 2017]

Iowa Old Press
Fayette County