Iowa Old Press

Oelwein Daily Register
Oelwein, Fayette co. Iowa
October 18, 1917

J.A. Woodldrige - An Obituary
Born in Kentucky, August 28, 1830
Died in Oelwein October 14, 1917

On Sunday, October 14, 1917, at 5:30 p.m., occurred the death of John Archer Wooldridge at his home in Oelwein, Iowa, after an illness of long duration, having been confined to his bed for about a year. Mr. Wooldridge was born in Todd Co., Kentucky, August 28, 1830, and hwile a young man moved to Illinois with his parents who departed this life when he was but thirteen years old.

In after years he came to Clayton Co., Iowa, where he was united in marriage to Mary Ellen Burdine, July 3, 1856. The Lord spared them to live together for over sixty-one years. To them were born six sons and two daughters. Mrs. Melissa Jane Doud of Quinn, S.D.; John Archer and Farancis Irvin of Edgewood; Willis Sheldon of Cedar Rapids; Otis Thomas of Clear Lake; Ellen Rebecca Brewer of McGregor; Jesse Edward of Maynard and Charles Finley who died at two years of age.

He is survived by his companion who so long was a faithful helpmeet by his side.

Mr. Wooldridge served his country one year and six months during the civil was in Co. D., 21st Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and received an honorable discharge at the end of the war.

While a young man he put his trust in the Lord, his God, and lived a Christian life, uniting with the Free Baptist Church and was a member there until he was called to his heavenly home, where free from suffering and sorrow we all hope to meet him again. His life was an example of cheerfulness and patience. His kindness and Christian activity will be held in loving memory by those who knew him; and those who most came under his manly influence know that he has not lived in vain.

He is at rest, and "his works do follow him." The remains were taken Thursday, October 18, to Edgewood, Ia., where services were conducted by his pastor, Rev. E.H. Gillet, and interment was in Green Hill cemetery, each member of his family being present.

Mr. and Mrs. F.N. La Piere, 214 1st Avenue North, are the parents of an eight pound baby girl born Wednesday, October 17.

Shower for Mrs. W. Painton
Tuesday a miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Chas. Baugh in honor of her daughter, Marjery, who was married to Walter Painton, Monday. There were twenty guests present and Mrs. Painton was the recipent of many nice and useful gifts.

Collison-Martin Nuptials at Des Moines Tuesday
Announcements have been received in the city of the marriage of Miss Una Collinson and Vern Martin at Des Moines, Tuesday, Oct. 16th. Both young people are well and favorably known here, where both resided for a number of years. Mr. Martin being employed at the State Bank of Oelwein. Mutual friends extend congratulations and well wished for their new life.

Local Items
-Mr. and Mrs. West spent Wednesday in Waterloo
-Miss Anna Mangan went to West Union this morning
-Mrs. Charles Hand went to Walker today to visit relatives.
-Miss Helen Aubrey is attending institute at West Union.
-Miss Plaster of Westgate as a caller in the city yesterday.
-Roland Sexton has been transferred from Ft. Riley to Des Moines.
-Mrs. Lee Reed and son went to Maynard last evening for a few days visit.
-Miss Neve Richards went to West Union this morning to attend the Teachers Institute.
-John Painton and family left this morning for Des Moines where they will make their home.
-H.E. Phillips, Oelwein's resident piano turner, orders care Hanson's Music House - Adv.
-Miss Verneitta Scott went to Independence today for a visit with her aunt, Mrs. A.G. Rigby.
-Mrs. Julia Thiele left yesterday for New York City where she will make her home with her son Edward, for a while.
-Miss Elizabeth Connor has returned from a few days visit with her brother, Raymond, who is stationed at Camp Dodge.
-Mrs. J.W. Saundry left this morning for Barnes City for a weeks visit with her daughter, Neva, who is teaching in the city schools there.

[transcribed by S.F., September 2011]

Iowa Old Press
Fayette County