Iowa Old Press

West Union Argo-Gazette
West Union, Fayette County, Iowa
Wednesday, June 27, 1917

SOLDIERS ROLL OF HONOR - Partial List of Fayette County Boys Enlisted For Service in the War -- Know of Any Others?
Fayette county's "Roll of Honor" consists of the young men who are enlisted to serve the United States in any capacity connected with its fighting forces during the present war. No compilation of this list for the county as a whole has been attempted before, but in order to have the names of the Fayette county soldiers before the big audience at the fair ground Sunday afternoon such a list was prepared, and while it may contain inaccuracies and have omitted some names, still it will do as a starter. If anyone anywhere in the county detects errors or omissions in this list we shall be glad to have the correct information. The list by townships as it appeared on the big bulletin board Sunday afternoon was as follows:

West Union
Alfred Clapp, Jay Chapman, Leo Dwyer, Ronald Finch, Leon Layton, Reed McIlree, Merrill Probert, Clarence Richards, Archie Roberts, Horace. Schwestka, E.A. Schatz, Karl Schatz, Glen Johnson, Lyle Borland, Rob Riedel, Obbie Jobe, Harley Hills

Earl Wolgamot, Ray A. Hague, Irwin Edie, Harold Simar, Lloyd Hurmence, Paul E. Davis, Harold Littelle, Hadwin McCann, Charles Parker, Edward Robbins, Emerald Robbins, Robert Tann

Lou Busch, George Schultz, Theo Lenz, Ralph Sorg, Ed Rogers, Arrie Westpfahl, Anson Dooley.

Arthur Silka, Floyd Simpson, Walter Thiele, Howard Payne, George Warnke, Stephen Journett, Roy V. Smith.

Weldon Burns, Harold Dunn, Mark Antweine, Charles Crow, Lloyd. Frederick, Forest Powell, Clar.ence Sackett, Russell Stokes,. F.A. Wright, Leslie Welch, James Wilson, Hoyt Young.

Lerry Hinkle, Arthur Walters.

Ray Fels.

Pleasant Valley
Boies Capper, Robert Gehring, Walter Kohls, Ernest White

Bud Finch, Fred Thalman, Jr., Dan West, George West.

Harold Ashby, Carl Ashby, James Bittle, Henry Jach, Ed Tripp, Kenneth Wilder.

John D. Shipton, Millard Johnson, Bert Cahalan, Orville Coffman, Olaf Hanson, Charles Gruver, Stewart Buchanan, Francis Smith.

Hiram Lovrien, La Verne Belding, Dewey Lovrien, Othmar Luce, Ronald Roberts, Othie Finch.

H. Wimmer, S.A. Wolf, Robert Wolf, A.E. Van Arsdale, R.S. Stephenson, Charles Strand, Fred Smith, William Smith, Milo Schneider, Edward Serar, Bernard Schatz, Ahthur Robinson, Leon Robinson, Logan A. Sleak, H.E. Rickey, William Peterson, L.A. Merker, Paul La Vallette, George Mealey, Lyle Larghe, Frank Larson, Bernara Little, Sabin Kelley, Sidney Loeb, Ben King. S.A. Jones, R. Jennings, A. Graham, H. Hailperm, Charles Howell, Frank Hanson, L. Hilsabek, Arthur Hillinger, Frank Higgins, C. Ferguson, J.C. Giles, H. Gustafson, Allen Edwards, J.L. Dearhammer, M.S. Clark, E.E. Deyo, R.E. Doty, A.B. Cameroon, J.A. Christenson, Henry Cleming, Ray Cassidy, Max Crane, A.M. Bruce, C.H. Barnes, Martin Brinkman, Lewis Barnes, T. Basten, N.A. Bruner, Ray Beck, Percy M. Allen

Fayette County, Asked For $11,750 For Red Cross Service in France,Gives $12,094
Eden Township Gives $1500, Oelwein $2354, Fayette $1000 -- North End Over-Subscribes by $1700

The brief but strenuous campaign for raising Fayette county's $11750 share of the Red Cross war fund ended Monday night in a big victory, the fund being over subscribed by at least $350. The returns are not absolutely complete, but it is known that the subscriptions, total over $12,094. Of this amount $8433 was raised, in the north twelve townships, in which the headquarters was at West Union. This part of the county was asked to raise $6,756, and made it over $8,400, thus exceeding its apportionment by about $l,700. The south eight townships raised $3660.81 of the $5000 apportioned to them.

The fund raised in Oelwein reaches $2354.26. Oelwein is second only to West Union. This city's subscriptions amounted to $2643, which is the largest sum raised in any city, town, township, or town and township combined, in the county. While one subscriber paid $100, several others $50, a number $25, and scores gave $20 each, the smaller subscriptions came in by the hundreds, the boy clerks and girl stenographers pledging from $4 to $10 each, to be paid out of their weekly wages. The $2643 subscribed in West Union represents subscriptions of an average of $1.50 per capital which is 50 cents above the $1 per capita subscription asked on the average throughout the United States. Eden township (including Waucoma) subscribed $1500, which is at $1.25 per capita, the second largest subscription in the county in proportion to population. Fayette subscribed $1,000, although in the midst of U.I. U.'s ambitious endowment campaign, and that with Lima's $200 will give Westfield a total of$1,200. Pleasant Valley subscribed $836.25, most of which was put up in about three-quarters of an hour at a meeting in Elgin.

Since writing the above the claims of Waucoma and Eden township to the banner for giving to the war fund have been brought to our attention and are referred to in another place in this issue.

Bethel township appears to hold the banner for giving on the part of the strictly rural townships.

The result is one of which the patriotic people of Fayette county may well feel proud. The cause was one that appealed to their hearts. No man or woman who has formed any idea of the hardships of war, no one who stops to think that every community will under the conscription law furnish boys to the battle line in France to need the utmost relief the Red Cross can give, could fail to be impressed with the duty and the privilege of consecrating a few dollars to this cause. Wherever the conditions were properly put to the people, there the response was liberal and prompt. That Fayette county has oversubscribed its share, and that the north end of the county went so far beyond what was asked, is a cause for pride arid congratulation.

The meeting at the fair ground Sunday afternoon was attended by an audience estimated conservatively at 3000 people. The cars counted as they left the ground numbered 442. The address was by Hon. Charles E. Pickett of Waterloo, formerly congressman from the Third district. Mr. Pickett went at length into the justification of America for entering the world war, and held his audience attentively, for he is a very eloquent and incisive speaker. He drew frequent applause, made a strong impression, furnished his hearers food, for much subsequent thought; and rendered the cause of Americanism in Fayette county a great service. The committee was fortunate to secure for this great meeting a speaker of Mr.Pickett's caliber.

Carl Evans, president of the West Union chapter of the Red Cross, president. W.J. Ainsworth of the county council of defense spoke briefly of the needs of the war fund. The good music was by the Elgin and Hawkeye bands and by West Union vocalists, Lyle Schwestka, singing two patriotic solos, one accompanied, by the choir.

Large bulletin boards were set up fronting the amphitheater, and E.R. Ballard was kept busy lettering on them the names of Fayette county soldiers of this war, and of the amounts raised up to that time by the various towns and townships for the war fund.

Army Branch Asks $175,000 From Iowa, $3,000 From FayetteCounty -- Campaign is On
For Men Only, From North Twelve Townships, For Organization -- Mass Meeting Sunday

The campaign to raise $3,000 in Fayette county for the army Y.M.C.A. is being organized in the county by A. Vincent Bennett of Des Moines, and a meeting for men only with that purpose in view is to be held at the courthouse at 8 o'clock tomorrow (Thursday) evening. At this meeting men from the north twelve townships of Fayette county are invited to be present to take part in the organization work. It is also planned to have a mass meeting in West Union next Sundayafternoon.

The co-operation of citizens in every county in Iowa is needed at once to raise Iowa's $175,000 fund.

The Young Men's Christian association is "prepared by experience, approved methods, and assured resources to serve especially the troops in camp and field", and because this organization "has demonstrated its ability to render a service desired by officers and men", on April 15 President Wilson signed an executive order giving official recognition to this movement as a "valuable adjunt to the service."

From office, factory, farm - from city and country 40,000 Iowa men are soon to be a part of the U. S. army. Many are boys under twenty. In the new surroundings temptations are many. Home-sickness is prevalent. Influences that will help to hold the boys for clean living and the highest type of manhood are vitally important at this time.

The army Y.M.C.A. establishes buildings in the army training and prison camps in both foreign and home war departments. It seeks to hold up high moral ideals and to keep the men away from the evil influences which quickly surround camps of this kind. The Y.M.C.A. shack or building affords a homelike place for the boys, where they are given writing stationery and a place to write, the latest magazines and novels to read, games of all descriptions, entertainments of all kinds, a Victrola and a piano to use. It is the work of the Y.M.C.A. to keep the boys occupied, and above all to keep them as clean as when they left home.

Some Must Go—All Can Give
Fayette county's portion of the state fund is $3,000. This money must be raised as soon as possible that the work which has begun in preparation for our immense state training camp may not be retarded for lack of funds.

What It Does For the Boys
Judge C. B. Robbins of Cedar Rapids, captain of Co. D, First Iowa infantry, writing from Brownsville, said, "I wish to state that I consider the Y.M.C.A. organization with the First Iowa brigade to be of very great value indeed, to the men in almost countless ways, in providing, a club house where the men can meet, facilities for correspondence, etc. The institution is doing the greatest good among our Iowa boys here. I do not believe that there could be an institution doing more good to the boys than the Y.M.C.A. is doing here. I trust that the Y.M.C.A. organization will continue its work as a great moral force among the men."

[transcribed by C.D., September 2018]

Iowa Old Press
Fayette County