Iowa Old Press

The Arlington News
Arlington, Fayette co. Iowa
January 13, 1910

Local Items
-Wayne Welch, of Reinbeck, visited his grandmother, Mrs. J.H. Welch one day last week.
-Mrs. Willie Welch, of Arco, Minn., is visiting Mrs. J.H. Welch.
-Mrs. J.H. Welch entertained eight of her children and friends New Years Day. All report a fine time.
-Mr. Solomon Joy, of Strawberry Point was found dead in bed one day last week. He was well known in and around Arlington.
-Word has been received that little Wanda Howard, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B.M. Howard of California, is quite sick.
-C.B. Roe has been on the sick list the past week but is improved.
-Mrs. Etta Shippy and baby left Friday for her home in Limon, Colo.
-Tom Grapes left Saturday night for Kansas City.
-The many friends of Rev. Hoskyn will be glad to know that he is able to be down town again.
-Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Deming and Miss Marie Flower returned to Appleton, Wis., last Wednesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Will Foster returned to their home in Webster City Monday of last week.
-Mrs. Chas. Carnall was quite badly hurt Sunday of last week by a colt kicking her. Her many friends will be glad to know she is improving.
-Mrs. Tom Cummings, of Volga, visited last week in the B. McClarrinon home.
-Leut Palmer and Wallace Boyer started out the fore part of the week for the Chicago Metalic Sign Company.
-Mrs. W.H. Harkins is in the country taking care of her daughter, Mrs. Charley Culver, who is quite sick.
-Mrs. G.O. Miller was on the sick list last week but is better now.
-The Royal Neighbors gave Mrs. Lem Frane a farewell party Friday night before she leaves for Oelwein to spend the winter.

Marriage Licences
Marion E. Hitch and Kathyn Carlin.
S.W. Doctor and Jennie E. Mercer
Harold M. Walker and Nell B. Ballman

Mr. and Mrs. Boyd have moved into the Hesner house which they recently purchased and Mr. and Mrs. Hesner are now occupying their new home, formerly the Kirk property. Mr. and Mrs. James Smith have moved to their home at Arlington. - Edgewood Journal

The Arlington W.C.T.U. sent a barrel of clothing to Mrs. L.E. Bailey, Lancaster, Minn., Tuesday to be distributed in her mission S.S. work there. The W.C.T.U. will meet at Mrs. Welch's Thursday afternoon, Jan. 20. All ladies of all churches are cordially invited to be present.

A family reunion of the Rawson family, formerly of this vicinity, was held at the home of Albert Rawson, in Vancouver, Wash., on the 1st day of Jan., 1910, consisting of Buell Rawson, of Kennewick, Wash., Ed Rawson, of Moscow, Idaho, and Mrs. H.S. Palmer, of Arlington, Iowa.

Mrs. Win Moine, of near Arlington, met with a serious mishap last Sunday. She was in the yard and slipped on the icy ground breaking her arm. Medical assistance was at once called and her injuries dressed. The accident is quite painful and will take some time to heal.

East Scott Items.
-Plenty of snow for good sleighing although the roads have been badly drifted in some places. Wednesday, the roads were so badly drifted that our mail carrier could not deliver the mail.
-A baby girl came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Weisender last Tuesday.
-Mr. Jim Addie is working for Mr. Neibec near Scott.
-Miss Elsie Kraft is working for Mrs. John Weisender.
-Mrs. Miller visited her sister, Mrs. Fred Seedorff the last of the week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peiblo are the proud parents of a baby boy. Congratulations.
-There were eleven teams hauling ice to fill the ice house at the Scott creamery last Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Watson visited at John Strawn's Sunday.
-Parley McFarlane sold four loads of hogs to Mr. Burco and delivered them at Aurora Saturday.
-Fred Seedorff bought four milch cows of Peter Kraft Saturday.

Strawberry Point News
-The store known as Flack & Dexter will be under the new name of Dexter & Talcott, Mr. Flack having sold his interests to Geo. Dexter and Bert Talcott.
-Mrs. Fred Ulman, of Edgewood, was calling upon friends here the first of the week.
-Miss Dietta Donland, of Waverly, Iowa, is a guest in the Marks home.
-Mrs. Ed Lang is quite sick.
-Miss Nettie Correll, of Cedar Rapids, was a guest of relatives here this week.
-Mr. Haskil of Calmar, Iowa was in our town on Friday.
-H.G. Ambrose, of Volga, was calling upon friends here Friday.
-Mrs. Eugene Raymer, of Fond du Lac, Wis., is a guest in the home of her brother, Will Barker.
-Mesdames D. Sheldon and Mary Marcy, of Nevada, Mo., are guests of their son and brother and family, Mr. H. Sheldon.
-Mrs. Laura Allen has been confined to her bed with La Grippe.
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller have moved into their new home they purchased of Mrs. Wentzel in the north part of town.
-We are glad to report Mr. Jacob Accola as feeling some better.
-Henry Opperman, of Mitchell, S.D., after an absence of eight years, is a guest of relatives here.
-James Lange, of Minnesota, is visiting his brother, Ed Lange, and family and renewing old acquaintances.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Heubner are enjoying a visit from their daughter and children from Minnesota.
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry Campbell returned home from Iowa City Saturday morning where Mr. Campbell has been for an operation.
-Will Arnold, who is taking a commercial course at Fayette, spent Sunday at home.
-Miss anita Opperman, a student at the U.I.U., spent Sunday in the parental home.
-Mrs.E.P. Fogg left Thursday evening for Pasadena, Cal., to spend the winter with relatives.

Will Gladwin and Miss Ollie Warring stole a march on their young friends and went to Dubuque and were married. He has rented the John Gladwin, Sr., farm where they will begin housekeeping.

C. Imlaw passed away Sunday after a long and painful illness. The funeral was held from the Lutheran church Tuesday morning.

The funeral of Mr. Solomon Joy was held at the home on West Mission street, Saturday at 2 p.m., conducted by Rev. Searcy, pastor of the Baptist church of which he was a member. His daughter and one grandson were present from Colorado. Rev. Holden, of Bradgate, Iowa, came to attend the funeral of his stepfather, Mr. S. Joy.

Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Gill moved on Tuesday to their farm northeast of Strawberry Point. Before leaving, their near neighbors called upon them in the evening and gave them an old fashioned surprise. They were presented with a number of beautiful gifts in token of the high esteem in which they were held in by their neighbors.

[transcribed by S.F., June 2013]

Iowa Old Press
Fayette County