Iowa Old Press

Elgin Echo
Elgin, Fayette co. Iowa
Thursday, December 8, 1910

Marriage Licenses
Robert A. Reir - Hattie M. Lein
Auust Stiemert - Artha Mayhew
George L. Scott - Merle Saltsgiver
Joseph Fraggrett - Edna Miller
Lester Boleyn - Gertie B. Jordan

Illyria Items
-Fred Wenger went to Oelwein Monday
-Roy Kimball and wife entertained company Sunday.
-Mrs. Will Kerr and baby are guests at the Thos Kerr home.
-Simon O'Niel's saw is sawing lumber at the Chris Holm home.
-Perry Medberry went to Oelwein Monday to enter the O.B.U.
-Robert Peters and wife spent Sunday at the Fremont Ogle home.
-Herve Robbins attended the Fat Stock show at Chicago last week.
-Ellen Hunsberger spent Saturday evening at the I.N. Conner home.
-Elma and Ivan Medberry visited with relatives in this vicinity over Sunday
-Ethel Shaffer began her winter term of school Monday in District No. 1.
-Mary Wenger visited recently at the home of her brother Alfred and family.
-Chas Fritz and wife were entertained at the Chas Chapman home Friday.
-Guy Whitford and Clint Humphry of Volga were in our vicinity Sunday evening.
-Mae Fritz spent Saturday evening and Sunday at the Fred Rothlisberger home.
-Rev. Graham and wife and Rev. Brown visited with friends in this vicinity last week.
-Mrs. C.L. Klingman enjoyed a few days visit last week from her mother, Mrs. Will Gruver of Elgin.
-Thos. Richards was taken very sick Sunday and is under the care of Dr. Berry. His many friends hope for a speedy recovery.
-Mrs. C.L. Klingman enjoyed a few days visit last week from her mother, Mrs. Will Gruver of Elgin.
-Mrs. William Doty went to Elgin Friday where she will spend the winter with Mrs. J.C. Cooley. She will be missed by her many friends in this vicinity.
-Mrs. Frances Doty Holyfield who is staying with her aunt, Mrs. Wil Yearous is rejoicing over the arrival of a son since Nov. 27. Nurse Martha Yearous of Giard is caring for her.

Oak Grove News.
-Joe Coin spent Sunday at Eddie Conner's.
-Mrs. Mary Bennett spent Sunday at C.W. Smiths.
-Marie Boyle spent Thursday night at Eddie Conners.
-Lester Boleyn and wife visited Sunday on the Ridge.
-Thomas Howard and wife of Elgin spent Sunday on the Ridge.
-Adam Boleyn of Elgin spent Sunday afternoon at Willie Wings.
-Harold Bennett is spending this week with his uncle D.D. May.
-Chris Duby, who moved to Mo. last fall, is visiting on the Ridge.
-Mrs. C.W. Smith spent Monday with her daughter Mrs. O.P. Craft.
-Ruth Conner of Elgin spent Saturday night at Palmer Barthelomew's.
-Mae Bartholomew visited Saturday with her aunt, Mrs. Palmer Bartholomew.
-Mrs. Anna Anderson and daughter, Emley, of Forest City, who have been visiting their relatives on the Ridge, started home Tuesday.
-John Wilson and Ward Brabham and families visited Sunday at Hugh Conner's.
-Earl Bennett spent Saturday evening with his sister, Mrs. Roy Vought, at West Union.
-Ira Bennett and family and Julia Brabham visited Sunday at the home of Mrs. A. Conner.

Oak Grove - Lester Boleyn sprang a surprise on his friends when he went to West Union last Thursday and was quietly married to Gertrude Jordan, of Wadena. The young couple are well and favorably known on the Ridge, as the young man always resided here. Their many friends wish for them a long and happy life.

West Union (From the county Seat Papers).
-Nora Stanton and Lena Halverson came from Elgin to visit over sunday with Minnie Herwig.
-Genevra Fennel returned to her school studies at Decorah Monday after a few days visit at home.
-Edith White returned to her home in Elgin Friday after spending Thanksgiving day at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Amos White.
-John Whitbeck and mother were visitors at the home of Mrs. J. Cloyer Friday and Saturday. They were on their way to their new home in Chicago.
-Dr. Fiege writes us that he has left Nevada, Mo., and will spend a few months resting and sightseeing. His address in the meantime will be Ireton, Iowa.
-J.G. Masters and wife returned to Cedar Rapids Monday after a few days visit here with relatives. Mrs. J.W. Dwyer accompanied them for a few days visit.

At a meeting of the Fayette County Savings Bank officers W.J. Ainsworth was chosen vice-president and J.D. Finch director to fill the vacancy caused by the death of D.W. Clements.

Thos. Loftus, who has been deputy county treasurer the past four years, left Saturday for Dubuque to take a position selling clothing on the road. If he likes the work he will continue on the road.

Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Ainsworth and Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Adams were in Waucoma Friday, guests of the Webster families. The ladies were there for the purpose of joining the D.A.R. There were eighteen ladies from the surrounding towns initiated at the time, and a dinner was given in the evening to the visitors at the home of the President of the Waucoma chapter, Mrs. Chas. Webster. Covers were laid for forty, and Messrs Adams and Ainsworth responded to toasts.

Clermont News (From the Enterprise)
-C.F. Weck spent Sunday at Iowa City.
-Mrs. Anna Rogers was in Elgin Tuesday.
-Henry Follett transacted business in Ossian Tuesday.
-Dan Butler and wife came Saturday for a few days visit at the home of Mrs. Butler's brother, Fred Hendershott.
-Grant Gruver was a guest of his brother Ben, Saturday.
-Dr. Fred Becker returned to his home at Iowa City Friday.
-K. Holverson is visiting old friends and relatives at Highland and Elkader this week.
-C. Miller & Sons are puting in a new hot water heating plant in the bank building.
-Will Kelly, of Lavina, Montana, came Friday to visit friends and relatives for a few days.
-Mrs. James Boyle and little son returned to their home at Ossian Monday after a pleasant visit with relatives in this vicinity.
-Mrs. F.K. White went to Luana Saturday to attend the funeral of John Dickson. Mr. White was at the home at the time of his death.
-Otto Scheel's hand that he had wounded in a corn shredder last week is healing up nicely and it is thought that the thumb will be saved.
-Mrs. J.E. Whitstine, of Cedar Rapids, was a guest at the home of her brother, Ernest Grimm and family from Thursday until Friday, going from here to Elgin where she will visit for a few days.

Plans are well under way for the organization of a stock company to erect an opera house in Clermont. If there is one thing more than a good system of water works that is needed in the Brick City, it is a good modern operal house, one that will be a credit to our citizens and little city. This move has been brewing for some time and those having the work in hand are well competent to make a success of the undertaking. Let everybody boost for the new opera house.

Elkader News (From the Elkader papers)
-Clarence Murphy came over from Madison to spend his Thanksgiving vacation at home.
-We understand that Sumner Miller, formerly of Guttenberg, has been elected to the Wyoming legislature.
-John Wilson and wife, of Illyria township spent Thursday and Friday at the home of their uncle, Wm. H. Crowe.
-Mr. and Mrs. George Lenth and son, Lawrence spent Thanksgiving day at the home of their uncle, Fred Reichert, of Illyria.
-Mrs. George Perry and little daughter Gladys came over from Cedar Rapids Thursday on a visit with her parents, Mr. Geo. Russel and his best girl.
-Chas. Huebner came down from Grand Meadow Monday to assist Wm. A. Walther in decorating the ceiling of Bayless & Oehring's drug store so it will be done right.
-Fred Schultz and wife, of Grand Meadow, spent Thanksgiving day with Wm. Walther and family, and Mrs. Adam Walther accompanied them home to spend the winter.

Dr. McGrath, assisted by Dr. Bersheim, of St. Olaf, and Dr. Patterson, operated on Mrs. R.B. Nichols, Saturday, for cancer of the breast. We are pleased to say that she is getting along nicely.

S.H. Merritt died in the asylum at Independence Friday evening and his wife departed Saturday morning to attend his remains to his old home in Medina, N.Y. Her sister, Mrs. Thos. Williams, accompanied her to Dubuque.

The month of November has given us automobile weather and the machines have been on the go all the time and what a beautiful enchanting sight they produce. The people will feel lonesome when the winter king shuts them off.

Franz Hadrich died last week at Aberdeen, S.D. but we have been unable to learn particulars. He was for many years a resident of this city and his remains were brought here for interment on Monday, in the east side cemetery. Funeral services were held in the German church Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Franke.

Early Monday morning a dispatch was received by Mrs. Chas. Reinecke giving notice of the death of her brother, Mr. Wm. H. Wagner, of Freeport, Ill. Deceased was sick only a couple of weeks and the notice was a sad blow to his sister and the other relatives. He was editor of the 'Freeport Anzeiger' and was favorably known all over the West. He would have been 70 years old next spring. In company with Mrs. Wagner, he visited here last summer and made quite a number of friends.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2013]

Iowa Old Press
Fayette County