Iowa Old Press

The West Union Gazette
West Union, Fayette County, Iowa
July 28, 1905

Page 6 column 2
Sheriff Culver Went After Mrs. Leach, Returning With Her Monday.
David A. Leach, who was married to a Mrs. Catherine Clark about a year ago, has "begun an action against her for bigamy. She deserted Leach in May, and it is only recently he learned that she was with her daughter at Laramie, Wyo. The proper papers were secured for her arrest from Gov. Cummins, and Sheriff Culver started for Laramie early last week, returning on Monday with his prisoner, and she will probably remain in confinement until court convenes.

It is claimed that the evidence, is conclusive that she has three husbands living, that she married Clark years ago and bore him a daughter, now aged 14. June 3, 1903, she married Conrad Christy, leaving him over one year later. June 14, 1904, she married David A. Leach of West Union, whom she deserted May 16, 1905.

Page 6 column three
Another old citizen has terminated his earthly career-a good man gone to his reward. For a year or more Wm. Alcorn has been in failing health, and as a last attempt to check the ravages oŁ disease he was taken to Colorado. For a few days the change seemed beneficial followed by a reaction that left him more helpless than before. Then he was hurried home, arriving Friday last. He expired Sunday about noon.

William Alcorn was born in Mercer county, Penn., Jan. 28; 1834. In 1854 be came to this county, but eventually settled in Delaware county, returning here in 1877, buying the Frank Rosier farm a mile north of West Union, which has been his home ever since. In 1865 he was married to Elizabeth Montgomery, who survives him with five children.

The funeral was held Tuesday at the Presbyterian church, services conducted by Rev. Frank A. Gageby in the presence of a large congregation.

The annual gathering of the Union Veterans of Fayette county will be held on the public square in this city Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. 22-23, 1905. Chaplain Cole, who was the life and soul of the reunion last year, has signified his intention to be here the 22nd. Congressman Haugen, Post Dept. Com, Raymond and others have been invited. Music by the High School band and a double quartette. Every old soldier in the county should arrange to be here.

[transcribed by C.D., September 2017]

Iowa Old Press
Fayette County