Iowa Old Press

The Elgin Echo
Elgin, Fayette co. Iowa
Thursday, January 17, 1895

Died at Milford
Friday morning the sad news of the death of Mrs. Lew Miller was received by her friends and relatives in Elgin. She died Friday morning at her home in Milford, Iowa and was buried Sunday at Volga City, Iowa.

Mrs. Miller's maiden name was Alta Phillips. She was a niece of Mrs. W.H. Finke and is remembered by many of our citizens as having having lived here with her aunt some time prior to her marriage to Mr. Miller. It was here she first met her husband, who is a native of this city. She was also a sister of Mrs. John Lehman, Jr., of La Porte City. Mrs. Miller's death is made doubly sad to her Elgin friends for the fact that they did not know she was sick and therefore had no warning of her sudden and untimely death.

Little Louise Bloomer
Thursday last, death relieved the suffering of the three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bloomer. Little Louisa was a victim of scarlet fever last winter and never fully recovered from that dread disease, being left deaf. After the long sickness she never becoming strong and healthy. This winter she caught cold and coupled with her already weak system, it proved more than her little body could overcome.

Death is always hard for those who are left to mourn and it seems doubly so the parents of one who has been afflicted and who more than ordinary leaned on them for support and care. Mr. and Mrs. Bloomer have the sympathy of all.

Sad Death
Friday night while on his way home from Elgin, Jake Michaels had the misfortune to have his team run away and throw him out of the wagon. He struck the ground with such force that his skull was fractured. He never regained consciousness and died Tuesday from the effects of the fall. Mr. Michaels leaves a wife and family of children who have the sympathy of neighbors and friends.

Local & Personal

Mr. and Mrs. John Lehman, Jr., passed through Elgin Saturday on their way to attend the funeral of Mrs. Lew Miller at Volga City.

Mr. and Mrs. John Lehman, Jr. and Lew Miller arrived in Elgin from Volga City Monday, where they had been to perform the last sad rite of burial of all that was mortal of Mrs. Lew Miller. They will spend a few days in this city before going to their homes at La Port City and Milford.

Harold Stoehr has been quite sick for the past week, but we are glad to announce that he is much improved at present.

George Baldwin arrived from western Iowa the other day. He is the same George he was a year ago with his odd, but true, philosophical sayings.

Peter Lostgard returned from western Iowa last Friday. Peter says that is a good country, but that there is no locality as good for him as Elgin.

Cole Younger, the noted out law had a happy New Year. He was released from the Stillwater penitentiary Jan. 1, to which place he was sentenced for life, fifteen years ago.

Mr. and Mrs. George White's baby is quite sick at the home of the mother's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Christ. George was telephoned Friday to come down from West Union which summons he immediately obeyed.

Mrs. O.E. (or C.E.) Merwin returned from Des Moines last Saturday where she had been for a week with her husband during and after the amputation of his leg. She reports Mr. Merwin as having rallied nicely from the shock of the opperation and is doing as well as could be expected under the circumstances when she left him.

Hon. L.B. Mattoon, wife and children, and Mrs. Greene, left Elgin yesterday for the Doctor's Mississippi plantation to spend the rest of the winter. L.B. says if his wife is satisfied there they will no doubt make that southern state their future home.

Peter Copang, living near Elgin, had the misfortune Friday to imbibe an over amount of alcoholic beverage, and from its effect was over come to such an extent that he did not reach home, but layed out during most of that cold night. When discovered the next morning it was found his hands and feet were frozen. His physician reports that it may prove necessary to amputate his feet. All are hopeful that he will recover without the sad misfortune of losing any of his limbs.

-Little Jimie Errickson is sick with bronchitis.
-Baby Granger is threatened with lung fever.
-Leigh Wade has been sick with La grippe the past week.
-Ed. Pringle has sold his barber shop to Til & Mamie Hendershot.
-Mrs. Lizzie Houstan was called home Monday by the illness of her husband.
-Magie Wells is visiting her sister, Ms. Mark louden, of Clayton Center.
-Chas. Welsh and Gussie Colliton were married at Cedar Rapids Jan. 8, by Justice Rall.
-Peter Copang is suffering from badly frosted feet as a result of the cold weather Friday.
-Mrs. Botsford has been suffering with inflamation of the larnyx, but is still able to attend to business.
-The revivals in Highland conducted by Rev. Salisbury have so far been quite successful. Eight people having been converted and so many more expected.

[transcribed by S.F., June 2014]

Iowa Old Press
Fayette County