Iowa Old Press

West Union Gazette
West Union, Fayette County, Iowa
November 24, 1893
page 1, column 6

Supervisor W. L. Wells
In this paper last week was mentioned the serious illness of County Supervisor W. L. Wells. He died Thursday evening, the 16th. As a man and as a capable official he always did his duty; he was honest in his dealings with his fellows and warm in his friendships. We know of no higher praise than this.

Willis L. Wells was born in Ohio, June 26, 1827. He came to Iowa in 1858, locating in Hardin county, and removed to Fayette county the following year, settling on his farm in Dover township shortly after, which has since been his home. He was married to Miss Elizabeth Kirkpatrick in Will Co., Ill., on the 7th of March, 1848. She died in 1883. Nine children were born to them – Elizabeth, the wife of Joseph Stirk, now living in Nebraska; Adelia, who lives at the home in Dover; Lenoria, who married Wm. E. Easton and who resided in West Union till her death in 1878; James, now living in Nebraska; Mary, the wife of J.W. Tope of Dover; Jemima, now living in Nebraska; Florence, the wife of Amos Shaw of Eldorado; and William, a young man of 26 years, residing at the family home. All were present at the time of their father's death.

Mr. Wells was ever deeply interested in educational matters and had been a member of the school board in Dover township for many years. In the fall of 1888 he was elected by the Republicans a member of the Board of Supervisors of which he was Chairman at the time of his death. The roads and bridges of the northern district were under his supervision, and his familiarity with matters of this sort – he being a bridge builder by trade – made his services to the county of especial value.

Funeral services were held Monday morning at the Baptist church in this city, Rev. F. Bower officiating, and his remains were interred beside those of his wife in the West Union cemetery. The obsequies were largely attended.

[transcribed by J.S., August 2011]

Iowa Old Press
Fayette County