Iowa Old Press

Vindicator & Republican
Estherville, Emmet co., Iowa
March 22, 1945

Petty Officer and Mrs. John Camden and daughter are visiting Camden’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Camden at Armstrong. Petty Officer Camden is stationed at New York. Mrs. Camden before her marriage was Vera Sheldon, former welfare worker here. Her husband was a former old age pension worker here.
First Lieut. Donald W. Bollard, 26, of Estherville, has arrived at the Army air force redistribution station No. 2 at Miami Beach, Fla., for reassignment processing after completing a tour of duty outside the continental United States. Medical examinations and classification interviews at this post, pioneer of several redistribution stations operated by the AAF personnel distribution command for AAF returnee officers and enlisted men, will determine his new assignment. He will remain at the redistribution station two weeks, much of which will be devoted to rest and recreation. Lieutenant Bollard was a B-24 bombardier in the Central Pacific.
A group of inductees left Friday, March 16, for Fort Snelling. They are Charles Elrod, Roger M. Shonkwiler, Arnold E. Oleson, Paul N. Paulson, Joseph P. Hassel, James A. Sorensen, Albert P. Swartz, Donald J. Petersen, Ellsworth J. Swaive, Floyd A. Hartman, Kenneth A. Looft, Charles C. Shryock, John H. Rick and Clarence J. Hoppe.
Pfc. Milton Madsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman R. Madsen of Ringsted, is a paratrooper in the 13th airborne division stationed in France. His address is APO 333, care of postmaster, New York, N.Y.
First Lieut. Paul J. Madsen, 20, a co-pilot, has been awarded the second oak leaf cluster to his air me3dal. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Armand Madsen of Ringsted. The award was for “meritorious achievement” during bombing attacks on Nazi war industries and military targets in cooperation with allied ground forces.He is a member of the 358th Bombardment group, a unit of the Third air division, which was cited by the President for its historic shuttle mission to Africa when Messerschmitt aircraft plants at Regensburg, Germany, were bombed.
S 1-c R. H. Skoge, who is with the Seabees in the Philippines, has been promoted to C. M. 3-c, it was learned in Estherville Tuesday by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Johnson.
Tech. Sgt. Otto L. Klein has arrived home for a 15-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Klein, of Estherville. He is stationed at Chico, Calif.
Sgt. Kenneth R. Tostenrud arrived home Friday for a 15-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Tostenrud, of Armstrong.
Pvt. J. Ronald Smith is home on a 10-day furlough from Camp Hood, Texas, visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Smith and family. Private Smith is stationed with the infantry.
Dayle E. Higgins, EM 1-c who is with the submarines USS macobi SS375, is in Estherville visiting with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Higgins, and other relatives. Higgins completes a nine-day leave Wednesday when he returns to his submarine station.
Corp. Wayne Klein’s address is serial number xxxxxxx, APO 557, care of postmaster, New York, N.Y.
Corp. Arthur B. Irwin now has the address, serial number xxxxxxxxx, APO 11546, care of postmaster, New York, N.Y. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Irwin of Estherville.
Corp. Lyle Skow’s address is serial number x, 3706th AAF Base Unit, Sqd. L. (BTC), Sheppard Field, Texas. He was formerly stationed at Camp Howze, Texas.
Pvt. Irvin N. Munson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sever Munson who live north of Superior has been in the service one month and is stationed at Camp Maxey, Texas. Private Munson’s address is serial number xxxxxxxx, Co. A 92, IT. Bn, 23 Reg. Infantry Replacement Training Center, Camp Maxey, Texas.
Pvt. Blanche Maaland left Sunday for Camp LaJuene, N.C., where she will take her basic training for the woman’s branch of the marines.
Sgt. Ralph Boone left Saturday evening for Parris Island, S. C., where he is stationed after spending a few days at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Boone, and family. Mrs. Warren Boone returned Saturday to her home at Brookings, S.D.
Pvt. Glen Fisher returned to Camp Ord., Calif., Friday after spending a ten-day furlough with his wife and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fisher and other relatives.
Capt. Harvey I. Lundy, 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Lundy of Estherville, was assigned duties as a flying instructor this week at Fort Worth Army Air Field. Col. H. W. Dorr, commanding officer of the B-24 pilot training school, announced. Commissioned in July, 1942, Captain Lundy has recently returned from a tour of combat duty with 7th airforce in the Pacific. He was a B-24 pilot.
Donald Egertson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Egertson of Petersburg, was inducted into the Army Saturday. He volunteered for service.
Emmet county men who left last Friday for Fort Snelling, have been classified into the following branches of service:
Navy, Roger M. Shonkwiler, Joeseph P. Hassell, James A. Sorensen and Albert Swartz;
Marine Corps, Paul N. Paulson;
Army, Arnold E. Oleson, Donald J. Petersen, Ellsworth J. Swaive, Floyd A. Hartman, Kenneth A. Looft, Charles C. Shryock, John H. Rick and Clarence A. Hoppe.

Staff Sgt. Donald K. Konold, 25-year-old Marietta, Minn., resident who recently won the bronze star medal is the grand nephew of Mrs. Ada Eveleth of Estherville. Sergeant Konold was presented the bronze star medal for heroic service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States near Villers le Bonne-Eau, Belgium, on Jan. 11. “In the absence of his platoon leader, Sergeant Konold directed his platoon in a spearhead attack against strong enemy forces with consummate skill, ceaselessly moving among his men with complete disregard for the heavy small arms fire and tree-bursting mortar shells,” the citation said. “His courage, initiative and devotion to duty were largely responsible for the decisive defeat inflicted upon the enemy in this engagement.” Sergeant Konold’s wife live at Marietta, Minn., as do his parents.

Donald Bixby now is stationed at Alameda, Calif., and was recently promoted to the rating of Phm. Mate 3-c. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bixby of Estherville and his complete address is Denatl Dispensery, U.S. Naval Air Station, Alameda, Calif.
Ralph Tillea, S. 1-c, left Tuesday for San Francisco, Calif., after spending a 21-day leave in Estherville with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Tillea. He has been in service since September, 1943.
Kenneth Atkinson, F. 2-c, left Tuesday afternoon for Los Angeles, after spending a 16-day leave in Graettinger with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Atkinson.
Arnold Henningsen, U.S. Army, arrived at Graettinger Saturday from Clinton for a visit with his wife and children.
William Weir, U. S. Army, arrived home last Tuesday from Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., for a visit with his wife and other relatives and friends.
Pfc. Carling Synstelun, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Synstelun, of Petersburg, left for his camp in Texas Thursday after spending a 34-day leave at home.
Corp. Kenneth E. Larsen, arrived home Wed. morning from Texas to spend a furlough in Estherville with his wife at the home of her parents, the W. H. Olsons. Upon completion of his furlough, he will go to a camp in Kentucky to attend radio school for three months.
Robert B. McCoy, AM 1-c has recently been transferred from Texas to California and has been given an overseas address. His present address is in care of fleet postoffice, San Francisco, Calif.
T-Sgt. Robert F. Rosold’s address is serial number xxxxxxxx, HQ, 143rd MTB., Fort Lewis, Wash.
Pfc. Eugene Randolph, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Randolph of Estherville, recently arrived overseas and has the address APO 450 care of postmaster, New York, N.Y. His complete address may be obtained by friends from his parents.

Private Melvin Fouts Missing Since March 1 - Fighting on Belgian Front with Army
Pvt. Melvin C. Fouts, son of Ross Fouts of Estherville, is reported missing in action since March 1, in Belgium. Word from the government was received this week by Mrs. Melvin Fouts who lives at Fairmont. She notified Mr. Fouts of the message. Private Fouts, who attended public schools of Estherville, joined the signal corp three years ago in November and attended a signal corp school at Des Moines. Shortly after completing his work in the signal corp school, Fouts enlisted in the regular army service. He was first stationed in California, then in Pennsylvania and later was sent overseas. Private Fouts has been stationed overseas almost a year. He was first in England, later transferred to France and most recently has been in Belgium. The last letter received by Mr. Fouts from his son was written almost four months ago.

[transcribed by L.Z., December 2014]

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