Iowa Old Press

Estherville, Emmet co. Iowa
April 7, 1942

With The Colors
Francis Martinsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martinsen of Estherville, sent his parents word that he had completed his basic training at Great Lakes, Illinois, where he was stationed. He said he expected to take the additional training at Philadelphia, Pa., where he was to be transferred. He enlisted in the Navy as an aviation machinist’s mate, third class, in the instrument repairing division.

Norman Fink of Ringsted left for Fort Dix, N.J. last Wednesday evening. He had been home on a six weeks’ furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fink. He is being transferred to the air corps.

Norman House, present manager of the F.W. Woolworth store, received word to report to the Sioux City draft board on April 20. The new manager will come on the 15 or 16 of this month and Mr. House will leave on the 18. His plans from then on are indefinite.

Pvt. William Hamilton, son of Mrs. Tom Hamilton, is stationed with the Marines in San Diego, California.

Don Warren, who is stationed with the Great Lakes Naval Training School at Great Lakes, Ill., came home this week-end to spend a week. He was given a furlough before he has to report to trade school.

Howard Carlson, son of Ben Carlson, of Estherville, arrived home Friday morning for a 16-day furlough from the medical corps at Fort Wright, N.Y., where he is stationed.

John Prior, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Prior, left Monday to report at Des Moines for a final examination before he leaves for the marine corps base at San Diego, Calif.

Cadet William Deming was promoted to an upperclassman in the Navy Air Corps. He is in advance training, and is taking up dive bombing at the present time. In his letter to his father, he stated that he got to fly SNC planes, which are low wing monoplanes with 450 hp. They use these for cross country work, formation carrier tactics. The SBC’s which are biplanes with 950 hp. Are used for the actual dive bombing practice. Bill is at Corpus Christi, Tex.

[transcribed by L.Z., January 2016]


Estherville Daily News
Estherville, Emmet co. Iowa
April 25, 1942

With the FORCES – At Camp – On the Sea – In the Air – On the March
The Daily News Welcomes News and Letters from Men in the Service.

Ringsted Soldier Promoted to Captain
Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Petersen of Ringsted received word their son, Lawrence Petersen, has been promoted from First Lieutenant to Captain. He is stationed at Biloxi, Miss.

Arnold McGuinn Is in Clerk’s School
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McGuinn of Ringsted received word from their son, Arnold McGuinn, who is stationed at Camp Wolters, Texas. His location has been changed from basic training to specialist schooling. Arnold is attending a clerk’s school, which will continue for about six weeks.

Leo Olson Here on 10-Day Furlough
Leo Olson, manager of the JC Penney company store here, who was inducted into the Army, Monday, is in Estherville on a special 10-day furlough granted so that he could settle his business affairs here. He will report to Fort Des Moines, May 2, to be assigned to active duty.

Dr. Miller Is Home on Leave
Dr. O. H. Miller, who is now in the United States Navy, came home this morning to spend a two-day leave here. He will return to his duties at Chicago tomorrow.

Pvt. Russell Graves at Arkansas Camp
Pvt. Russell Graves, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Graves of Gruver, is stationed at Camp Robinson, Ark. His address is Company D, 105th medical training battalion, Camp Robinson.

Pvt. LeRoy O. LeVan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn C. LeVan, of Armstrong, who has been at Fort Francis E. Warren, Wyo., has been transferred to the 795th QMC company at Davis Monthan field at Tucson, Ariz. He enlisted Jan. 26.

[transcribed by L.Z., January 2016]

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