Iowa Old Press

Vindicator and Republican
Estherville, Emmet co. Iowa
October 7, 1925

Mrs. Walter Sampson Had Lived Here Thirty Six Years - Buried Saturday
Mrs. Amy May Sampson who died at her home in Estherville last Tuesday had made her home here for 36 years, having moved here from Postville with her parents in 1889. She had been born at Postville on December 25, 1875 and was past 49 years old at the time of her death. On March 13, 1895 she was united in marriage to Walter H. Sampson. To this union seven children were born, all but one of whom with the husband survive. The children are: Mrs. Hazel Brewer, New York City; Mrs. Wilma Lucas, Harold Sampson and Marion Sampson of Chicago and Thelma and Bernice Sampson of Estherville. Mrs. Sampson is also survived by her mother, Mrs. Frank Van Velzer, and two sisters, Misss Myrtle Van Velzer of this city and Mrs. Galbraith of Ballatin, Minn. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon with Rev. H.L. Olmstead of the Christian church in charge. Burial was made in Oak Hill cemetery. Mrs. Sampson was a member of the Christian church.

Autos Purchased
R.W. Winters, Estherville, Studebaker touring
R.M. Ballantyne, Ford coupe.
Lidwig Larsen, Wallingford, Chevrolet sedan
F.S. Robinson, Armstrong, Ford touring
J.H. Larson, Estherville, Chevrolet sedan
R.E. Bunt, Armstrong, Chrystler sedan
W.D. Kane, Estherville, Studebaker coach
N.J. Lee, Estherville, Hudson coach
Mahlum & Anderson, Estherville, Ford roadster.
Loy E. Haworth, Armstrong, Ford coupe
Geo. G. Griffith, Estherville, Buick sedan
F.J. Evans, Dolliver, Chevrolet coupe
John Marello, Estherville, Ford touring
C.W. Dickinson, Dolliver, Ford touring
Sivert Lea, Estherville, Chevrolet touring
E.H. Zollar, Estherville, Willys Knight Brougham
John Strum, Armstrong, Chrysler sedan
J.M. Norgad, Estherville, Ford touring

John Fank Buried Thursday
Mr. John Fank, who has made his home in Estherville and vicinity for the past twenty five yeaers and who passed away on last Monday, was buried at the Catholic cemetery on Thursday with Rev. C.P. Conway in charge of the services. Mr. Fank had lived to the extreme old age of 86 years. He was born in Luxenburg, Germany on July 24, 1839. His death was caused by heart failure and pneumonia.

Local News
-Dan Howard is building a garage which will complete building operations at his home place.
-Jack Edge is attending the National Legion meeting in Omaha this week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hardy returned home Sunday from a three weeks vacation. Mr. Hardy had been at Chicago and at Geneava Lake, Wis. At the later place he visited his mother who is 94 years old, and found her bright and alert. Both visited at Decorah with their daughter.
-Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McCulla have purchased the Ed. Ellis residence on the West site. Mrs. McCulla is Mrs. Frank Logan's mother.
-Charles Wilson, who is a freshman student of the University of Iowa at Iowa City, has been announced as a pledge of Phi Kappa fraternity.
-F.X. Foran returned to work the first of last week after several weeks spent at Iowa City where he received treatments for his arm.
-Floyd Horton, file clerk, has been enjoying a week's vacation which he [spent] with his wife and babe at Ocheydan.
-Miss Verna Rogers of Spencer was a weekend visitor at the Elmer Rogers home.
-Mrs. Olaf Myhre went to Sioux Falls, S. Dak., Sunday, September 27 to enter a hospital there and on Monday submitted to an operation. Her husband and Mrs. Joe Alborg accompanied her there, returning home last Friday. She was getting along nicely when they left her bedside.
-C.M. Cole has installed a furnace in his residence on North 10th st.
-The Everett Clark family left last Wednesday for Miami, Florida, where they expect to make their home.
-Mr. and Mrs. Claus Hankins arrived in Estherville from Denver Saturday. It will be remembered that Mr. Hankins was owner of the blacksmith and repair shop of which H.P. Colt is proprietor and the family made this city their home for many years. They now wish to move back here and are looking about for a favorable opening.
-Dr. B.T. Osher left Tuesday for Canada and will remain there for the next two weeks or so looking after his extensive land interests.
-Mrs. Fred White and daughter Mary leave on the 18th for New York City. This is a special treat planned for Miss Mary.

-Gust Fostrum of Winnebago was a business caller in Dunnell Wednesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Pete Neilsen were dinner guests at the Theodore Ogberg home Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. C. Linus Peterson attended Windom fair last week.
-Relatives of Mr. and Mrs. F.A. Sandin had a dinner party for them September 25 in honor of their 25th wedding anniversary.
-Mrs. Ella Swenberg, Mrs. R.W. Swenberg, Lornene and Donald were in Ceylon getting dental work done.
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Anderson on October 2nd, a daughter.
-Evald Gradberg left Saturday for Chicago to find employment.
-Francis Erickson received first prize on his Jersey cow at the county fair. Alden Flygan received first prize on his chickens.

Twelve Mile Lake
-Amos Egland had dental work done at Estherville last week.
-Louise Kelting is working at Frank Patons.
-Myrtle Egland spent Thursday afternoon with Cara Johnson.
-John Johnson returned home from Watertown, South Dakota, Thursday evening after having worked there part of the summer. Leonard Hurd, formerly of their neighborhood, but now of East Lake, Minn. returned with him.

Gruver Locals.
-Melvin Balkin sold his barber shop and pool hall to Mr. Aresmith of Grand Forks, North Dakota. Mr. Aresmith will move his shop into the building next to him which used to be the hardware store. His family will come soon and live in the rooms back of his shop. Mr. Clyde Wilder has been painting and papering the hardware store this week, getting ready for Mr. Arismith [sic] and family. Mr. Balkin is undecided where he will locate as yet.
-Mr. and Mrs. Orin Johnston visited Mrs. Johnston's mother, Mrs. Huff over Sunday.
-Royal Neighbors meet Wednesday of this week with Mrs. Grover Calahan, Mrs. Hawley, Mrs. M.J. Nicholson serving lunch.
-Mrs. E.M. Pickell came home Monday evening of this week from Tim Lines home where she had been caring for Mrs. Line and the new daughter.

[transcribed by S.F., October 2009]

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