Iowa Old Press

Dubuque Telegraph-Herald
Dubuque, Dubuque co. Iowa
Sunday morning, January 8, 1939

Kriebs Named as a Fugitive - Missing Iowa Bank Cashier Hunted by G-Men
Clinton, Ia. - That Harold J. Kriebs, 38, cashier of the First National Bank of DeWitt, sought by Federal Bureau of Investigation agents as a fugitive, absconded with $40,000 in bank funds abstracted in two days, was charged Saturday by George Myers, president of the bank. Myers said that additional bank funds had been taken by Kriebs as revealed by the examination stil underway by national bank examiners, but none of the defalcations thus far uncovered affect the accounts of bank customers.

According to Myers, Kriebs received two registered packages of currency, dispatched by the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank, at the DeWitt postoffice, one Dec. 31, 1938, and the other Jan. 1, 1939, each containing approximately $20,000. The money was not placed in the bank before Kriebs left Jan. 1 for Chicago, where he vanished last tuesday night, after checking out of the Bismarck Hotel. Kriebs, he said, seemed to have a fondness for $20 bank notes and practically all of the $40,000 was in currency of that denomination.

All of Kriebs' shortages thus far uncovered represent sums taken from remittances by correspondent banks, Myers declared. "There was no tampering with depositors' accounts nor with trust, bond or other funds", the bank president declared. Myers said he could give not the total figure as bank examiners have not completed their audit and hare not prepared to make a statement. Other irregularities have been found, however, which may increase the total materially, Myers indicated.

Kriebs Formerly of Elkader
Harold J. Kriebs, missing DeWitt bank cashier, formerly was in the banking business at Elkader. Four years ago he left Elkader and moved to DeWitt. Prior to living at Elkader, he was also associated with the banking buriness at Elkport, another Clayton County town. He is 38 years old, married and the father of two sons, one 15 and the other 10 years old. Prior to Saturday, reports indicated Kriebs might have been a victim of amnesia or foul play.

Two Die in Fire Near Waterloo - 75 Year Old Couple Perish
Waterloo, Ia. - J.P. Burkholder and his wife were burned to death Saturday in a fire that destroyed their frame house five miles southeast of here. Both were about 75 years old. The fire was apparently caused by an explosion of oil which Burkholder had been heating on a stove before putting it in his auto to start the machine. Burkholder was believed to have died while trying to save his wife, who had been bedfast by a stroke of paralysis.

Council Bluffs Man Greets Mother After Long Absence
San Francisco, Cal. - James H. Whaley, one of the six children of Mrs. Clara C. Whaley, was reunited with his mother Saturday after becoming separated from her and his brothers and sisters during the San Francisco earthquake and fire in 1906. Whaley was 14 years old when the fire destroyed the family home and somehow - the family never did know - got lost in the shuffle and was never heard from again.

For years Whaley wrote letters but they always were returned unclaimed. Recently, however, he located the family through a clue found in a city directory and informed them he was coming home for a visit. With the exception of two brothers who died 20 years ago, the whole family was on hand to welcome him when he stepped off a ferry at the foot of Market Street after a train trip from his home in Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Whaley works for the Northwestern Railway Company there, is married and has two grown daughters. One daughter has a child making him a grandfather and his mother a great grandmother. His mother was the first to recognize him in the crowd. She ran forward and embraced him. "I'd have known him anywhere," she cried happily. "It's still Jim."

Missouri Girls Weds Carl Wagner
Mrs. Iro M. Smith, of St. Joseph, Mo., has announced the marriage of her daughter, Caroline Inez, to Captain N.M. Wagner, of Pittsburgh, Pa., son of Mrs. M. Wagner, of Dubuque. The wedding took place sunday night, Jan. 1, at the Stone Church, Independence, Mo., with the Rev. R.B. Hopkins officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hathaway and Miss Marjorie Sheehy, of Independence, were the attendants and only intimate friends of the couple present. Captain and Mrs. Wayne (sic) left today for Dubuque to visit the mother of the bridegoom before going to Pittsburgh, where they will make their home. Captain Wagner is with the United States War Department in the engineers' corps. He will return to service Jan. 23.

Engagement Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kruse, Sageville Road, announce the forth-coming marriage of their daughter, Doris, to Mr. Alfred Trierweiler, youngest son of Mr. Frank Trierweiler, Dubuque, Route No. 1. The wedding will take place Jan 25 at St. Peter and Paul Church in Sherrills Mound.

Engagement Announced
Mrs. John Kunnert, 2022 Rhomberg Avenue, announces the engagement and approaching marriage of her daughter, Miss Betty Roeber, to Mr. Wes Baumhover, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Baumhover, of Milwaukee, Wis. The wedding will take place this month.

Death Called Suicide
Des Moines - Coroner A.E. Shaw pronounced as suicide the death of Edwin Illsley, 60, plumber, whose body was found in a tool house behind his home. The coroner said death resulted from a shotgun charge into the mouth.

Dubuquer Reports His Watch Stolen
Harry Boyd of St. Francis Home reported to police Saturday that he believed his yellow gold watch was stolen. He missed the timepiece last Thursday but didn't report the matter until Saturday. He said he had the watch when he left a jewelry store near Eighteenth Street and missed it when he got to Twenty-third.

Boy Hit By Auto
William Lammers, 2350 Pearl Street, Saturday afternoon told police that a boy, about eight years old, had run into the side of his automobile on Main Street. He stopped and sought to question him, but the boy ran away. He appeared to be uninjured.

Dubuquer Loses Two Fingers in Accident
The attending physician said Saturday that Lloyd Stanley, 2243 Harold St. had suffered no complications as the result of an accident in which he lost two fingers and part of a third at the Carr, Adams and Collier Company plant several days ago. Fellow workmen said that Stanley's left hand was caught in a machine.

James Waller Funeral
The funeral of James R. Waller, a former Dubuquer who died Thursday night in Chicago, will be held at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon from the Bennett and Ashworth Funeral Home to the Rockdale Church. Burial will be in the adjoining cemetery.

James R. Waller was born Feb. 23, 1870 and died Jan. 5, 1939. He is survived by his widow, three sons, Walter J., Dubuque; Joseph, Waukegan, Ill.; William, Plymouth, Ind.; one daughter, Mrs. Hazel Kelly, Chicago, Ill.; two brothers, Richard Waller, Dubuque; Thomas, Key West; two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Simpson, Mrs. Sidonia McAlecce, Dubuque; nine grandchildren, one great-grandchild.

John Reiff Funeral
John Reiff, 78, died at 10 o'clock Saturday morning at his home in Luxemburg. The funeral will be held from the home in Luxemburg to the Hold Trinity Church at 9:30 o'clock Monday morning. Burial will be in the adjoining cemetery.

Mr. Reiff was born in Luxemburg, Germany, June 7, 1860. Surviving with his wife are two sons, John N., Dyersville and Leo Reiff, Waterloo; five daughters, Mrs. John Henkels, Luxemburg, Mrs. George Junk, Rockford,, Mrs. Maurice Hill, Dubuque, and Mrs. Ernest Redderson, and Mrs. H. Bandy, Chicago; and one sister, Mrs. Henry Wilhelm, Dyersville. Also surviving are 29 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.

Odd Ceremony - Uncle and Nephew Wed Davenport Girls
An uncle, 22, and his nephew, 21, were married in a double ceremony performed Saturday morning by Justice of the Peace Thomas M. Barrett. The uncle, Arthur Mosier, married Miss Erna Schreck, and Miss Betty Doering became the bride of the nephew, Edward Karslens. All are from Davenport, Ia.

Reasnor Child Dies of Burns
Newton, Ia. - Four-year-old Louise Vandervoort died of burns which resulted when flames set fire to her dress as she was stuffing paper into a stove at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Vandervoort of Reasnor, Ia.

Decorah Briefs
-The Ladies Aid Society of the Burr Oak Methodist Church has elected the following officers for the ensuing year: president, Gladys Albertson; vice-president, Florence Erickson; secretary-treasurer, Alice Price.

-The Norse Selskab elected the following officers for the ensuing year: president, Oscar Winger; vice-president, Adolph Running; secretary, Otto Olson' assistant, Hildus Burreson; treasurer, R.J. Brandt; assistant, Alex Hotvedt; librarians, Lars Seim and Alex Hotvedt.

-Karl Bishop of Decorah has purchased a weekly newspaper at Chouteau, Mont., a county seat town of 1,200 and located 60 miles northwest of Great Falls. He has already taken possession.

Hawkeye Briefs
-New officers of the Lutheran Ladies Aid Society for the coming year are: president, Mrs. H.H. Tone; vice-president, Mrs. Elmer House; secretary, Mrs. Herman Belschner; treasuerer, Mrs. George Boess.

-H.C. Carmichael is recovering at his home from injuries received when his automobile overturned. Seven stitches were required to close a scalp wound.

-Louis Begalske and August Nieman were elected trustees of the Trinity Lutheran Church at the annual meeting here. Frank Dietel was named secretary.

Oelwein Briefs
-Mrs. Jestina Kreklau, who is said to be the oldest person in Fayette County, observed her ninety-ninth birthday here Friday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.O. Brownell.

-The Mary Magdalene Circle has elected the following officers: president, Mrs. Joseph Malone; and secretary-treasurer, Mrs. James Graff.

Waukon Briefs
-Officers of the newly organized Men's Club of St. John's Church are: President, Andrew Olson; vice-president, Dr. William Bakkum; secretary, John Sivesind; treasurer, Lester Neverman.

-Miss Teresa Moroney, present Waukon postmistress, has been recommended for reappointment by ex-Congressman Fred Biermann of Decorah.

-Oscar Hummel, World War veteran, was taken to the Soldiers' Home at Marshalltown where he will remain indefinitely. He has been in poor health the past several years.

-Miss Anna Quanrude of Waterloo Township and Arnold Sannes of Spring Grove, Minn., were married Thursday afternoon at the Big Canoe Church in Waterloo Township by the Rev. T.O. Tolo, pastor, it was announced at Waukon Saturday. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Quanrude, Waterloo Township farmers. Since completing her education, she has been teaching in the rural schools of Allamakee County. The bridegroom is the driver of a school bus at Spring Grove but in spring will engage in farming in that vicinity.

Business Briefs
Monticello, Ia - Dale Lundquist, formerly of Parkersburg, manager of the Diamond Grocery Store the past year has been transferred to Eldora. He was succeeded by M.C. Larsen of New Hampton, who was local assistant manager.

Manchester, Ia - G.J. Gill and J.G. Gill of Strawberry Point, operators of the Franklin Furniture Company there, have just leased a store building here from Mrs. Will Drew, now tenanted by the State Liquor Store, where they will open a furniture establishment within a few weeks. J.G. Gill will be in charge of the store. The liquor store will occupy the former postoffice building.

Clayton County Board Names Chairman
Elkader, Ia. - The Clayton County Board of Supervisors organized here with J.R. Moses of Monona being named chairman for 1939. Sam Seeman of Garnavillo Township is the new member of the board, succeeding Frank Brown of Colesburg who he defeated in the last general election. Official papers for the county remain the same for the coming year. They are: the Clayton County Register of Elkader, Monona Leader of Monona, North Iowa Times of McGregor, Guttenberg Press of Guttenberg, and the Press-Journal of Strawberry Point.

51st Wedding
Volga City, Ia. - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Whitford, farmers living just west of here, will observe their 51st wedding anniversary at their home Wednesday. They are the parents of three sons and three daughters: Guy, James, and Eugene, all of Volga City; Mrs. C.W. Humphrey of West Union, Mrs. L.H. Appleman of Clermont, and Mrs. John Sprague of Arlington. They also have 12 grandchildren and one great-grandson.

Brietsprecher - Connell Wedding
Luana, Ia. - Miss Avis Jean Brietsprecher and Gerald Connell were married Jan. 4 at Elkader. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Moon, sister and brother-in-law of the bride. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Brietsprecher of Luana and the bridegroom is the oldest son of C.G. Connell of McGregor. The new home will be made in McGregor where the bridegroom is employed by the Milwaukee Railroad Company.

Kenyon - Ownby Marriage
Winthrop, Ia. - Announcement is being made here of the marriage of Miss Jean Louise Kenyon, niece of Dr. and Mrs. H.A. Housholder, and Robert A. Ownby, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Ownby, all of Winthrop. The ceremony took place Dec. 30 in St. John's Lutheran parsonage in Dubuque with the Rev. W.P. Sandrock officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Householder were the attendants. The bride is a graduate of Winthrop High School and of Finley Hospital's Nursing School in Dubuque. The bridegroom is also a graduate of the local high school and is now enlisted in the U.S. Navy and is assigned to the USS Vincennes, Pacific Coast waters. The bridegroom has returned to California and his bride has remained here. She will join him at the completion of his service.

Bellevue, Ia. - Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Anderson, a daughter, Jan. 2 and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Burke, a daughter, Jan. 3.
Delhi, Ia. - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sorg, a son, Jan. 3.
Edgewood, Ia. - Supt. and Mrs. Urban Harkes, a son, Jan. 6.
St. Donatus, Ia. - Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Huenske, of St. Donatus, a daughter, Jan. 7, at Finley Hospital.
Dubuque - Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Koenig, 868 White St., a son, Jan. 6, at Finley Hospital
Bernard, Ia. - Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose McDonnell of Bernard, a son, Jan. 6, at Mercy Hospital
Davenport, Ia. - Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Buechele, former Dubuquers, a son, William Carl, Jan. 3, at Mercy Hospital, Davenport. Mrs. Buechele is the former Dorothy Schon.

Injuries Fatal To Emmetsburg Boy
Emmetsburg, Ia. - Pat Phillips, 17, of Emmetsburg died in a Sioux City hospital Saturday of injuries sustained here Dec. 1, in an automobile accident. The youth's spinal cord was severed and he has been paralyzed since the crash. His parents, County Supervisor and Mrs. Lou Phillips, five brothers and sisters, survive.

Executive Pardon Frees Bank Robber
Des Moines, Ia. - An executive pardon Saturday had freed Dee Aldrich from the life prison term to which he was sentenced for the 1933 robbery of the United States Bank in Cedar Rapids, Ia. Aldrich, one of four persons who participated in the $2,500 robbery, entered Fort Madison Prison in November, 1933, and Governor Kraschel commuted his sentence to a term of years in 1937. Trial testimony showed Aldrich received $900 as his "cut" of the loot. One of the other men is a fugitive, one has not been prosecuted and the third had been released from prison.

Aged Decorah Man Dies After Fall
Decorah, Ia. - Funeral arrangements were completed here Saturday for James Henry Duncan, 77, local confectionery proprietor who died Friday at the Decorah Hospital from injuries received when he slipped and fell through a glass showcase in his store a week ago.

The last rites will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Grace Episcopal Church with the Rev. Charles F. Edwards, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in Phelps Cemetery.

Mr. Duncan accidentally slipped and fell through the showcase, a portion of the glass entering his side and piercing his lung. He did not consider it serious at the time and went home where he spent the night. Removed to the hospital the next morning, x-rays disclosed that the lung had been punctured. He appeared to be on the road to recovery until two days ago when he took a turn for the worse.

He was born Jan. 28, 1862, at Osborne, Ontario, Canada, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Duncan. He married Blanche Duncan June 12, 1894, who survives. There were no children. Mr. Duncan was a registered pharmacist by trade, and had been in business at Winnipeg, Canada, Ardoch, N.D., Westgate, and Decorah. At one time he and his brother had an exporting business in New York City. He went into the confectionery business here about 20 years ago. Besides his widow, a sister, Mrs. Ernest MacDonald, of Colcorne, Ontario, survives.

Injuries Fatal to Lamont Woman
Lamont, Ia. - Mrs. Matilda Abbott, 68, wife of W.A. Abbott, custodian of Devils Backbone Park, died at an Osceola hospital Friday night as the result of injuries received in an automobile accident Dec. 23. Funeral services will be held from St. Mary's Church at 10 o'clock Monday morning, Rev. George Weihl officiating.

The deceased was born in Richland Township Aug. 7, 1870, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klonus and was united in marriage to W.A. Abbott, Jan. 15, 1894. Besides her husband she is survived by two sons, Welcome of Kansas City, Mo., and Donald of Sioux City. Burial will be at Manchester.

Katie Shurtz to be Pardoned
Des Moines - Governor Nelson G. Kraschel said Saturday he would pardon Katie Shurtz, 59, who was sent to the women's reformatory at Rockwell City, Ia., in 1922, accused of being an accomplice in the slaying of her husband in Des Moines County. Mrs. Shurtz was sentenced to life imprisonment. Former Governor Clyde L. Herring commuted the sentence to a term of years in November 1936. Since March, 1928, Mrs. Shurtz has been employed at the state sanitarium at Oakdale as a trusty. The governor said he understands the woman plans to make her home with her son. He said he believes the pardon to be "thoroughly justified."

[transcribed by S.F., February 2014]


Dubuque Telegraph-Herald
Dubuque, Dubuque co. Iowa
Wednesday evening edition, January 18, 1939


Born to Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Martin of Omaha, Neb., a son, David Linehan Martin, Friday, Jan. 13, at St. Catherine's Hospital in Omaha. Mrs. Martin is the former Lucille Linehan of Dubuque.

District Court
-Florentine Lugrain vs Joseph L. Lugrain, petition for divorce.
-Joseph De Tellem vs Gladys De Tellem, divorce decree signed by Judge Milton J. Glenn.
-Fred J. Huftill vs Edity V. Huftill, divorce decree signed by Judge Glenn.

Marriage License Issued
-Glender Bertsprecher (Brietsprecher), 21 and Mildred Otterbeck, 17, both of Strawberry Point, Ia.

Mrs. Anna Dempsey, wife of Joseph Dempsey, Marquette, died Wednesday morning at 1:15 o'clock at a Prairie du Chien hospital after a lingering illness. The funeral will be held from the residence in Marquette to St. Mary's Church at McGregor Thursday morning at 9 o'clock, after which the body will be taken to the Haudenshield Funeral Home, 2170 Central Avenue. The body may be viewed at the funeral home until Friday morning at 10 o'clock, when burial services will be held in Mount Calvary Cemetery.

Mrs. Dempsey was born in Dubuque, Sept. 13, 1886, and has been a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church at McGregor. She was also a member of the Milwaukee Women's Club, the American Legion Auxiliary, the Harmony Club of Marquette, and the Women's Benefit Association of Dubuque.

Surviving with her husband are one son, Jack, McGregor; three brothers, Clem and James Ward of Dubuque and Edward Ward of St. Paul; and several nieces and nephews.

Mother Finds Missing Son
Des Moines, Ia. - A five-year separation of a mother and her 10-year-old son was near an end Wednesday. Lloyd Comstock, 10, was to be sent by bus to Fort Morgan, Colo., to his mother, Mrs. Adasell Comstock Dennis, who had been searching for him since she watched him go away with her permission with her divorced husband five years ago to visit relatives for three weeks.

Lloyd never returned. The mother traced the boy through relatives of his father, whom she had divorced shortly after the baby was born, and this week she located him here in a home for boys, where he had been for more than a year. The mother has remarried since. Juvenile authorities had placed the boy in his home when economic conditions prevented his living with his father. They helped the mother locate the boy.

Crushed by Safe
Marengo, Ia. - Pushed down a flight of steps by a two-ton safe which crushed him when it hit the bottom, George McBride died late Tuesday a few minutes after an automobile wrecker crane had lifted the strongbox from his body. McBride, 43, a contactor, was moving the safe from a second floor office to another building. With the aid of two helpers, he had moved the strongbox onto heavy planks, laid on the stairs, and was preparing to let it down the incline gradually. He stepped below the safe to help guide it down the boards, expecting friction of the wood to keep it from slipping. Instead, the strongbox began racing down the planks, pushing McBride ahead of it and finally landing on his head and body, crushing them. He died as he was being lifted into an ambulance.

To Orphans Home
Waukon, Ia. - Judge T.H. Goheen, in Allamakee County District Court here Tuesday afternoon, ordered the three minor children of Edward Meyer of Lansing be confined to the Orphans' Home at Davenport. They were placed under the temporary custody of Lloyd Roe until May 1. County Attorney Arthur Jacobson charged that the father, a widower, had neglected and failed to properly support the children. He has been confined in jail here since Jan. 5. The three children are: Esther, 14; Myrtle, 11 and Nettie, 9.

[transcribed by S.F., April 2014]

Dubuque County