Iowa Old Press

Dubuque Telegraph-Herald
Dubuque, Dubuque co. Iowa
February 23, 1939

Veteran Lodge Members Honored - 4 Odd Fellows to Be Guests
Veteran members of Julien lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, will be honored at a meeting of the lodge and a reception to be held in the lodge hall next Tuesday evening. The four members of the lodge whose memberships extend over a period of 50 years and their wives will be guests. The general public is invited to attend the meeting and reception.

A.E. Keen, Civil War veteran, is the oldest in the point of age and membership, having been a member of the lodge for more than 70 years. He affiliated with the lodge in February, 1869. The other veterans are Martin Scheidecker, a member for more than 60 years, having joined in April, 1878; Henry C. Bechtel, who joined in December, 1886; and George M. Billasch, who joined three weeks later, both having been members for more than 52 years.

Keen is believed to hold the record in the state for long membership.

Marriage Licenses
Rudolph Hack, 37, and Daisy Denson, 24, both of Madison, Wis.
Russell Burton, 22 and Dorothy Malmgren, 19, both of Rockford, Ill.
Ellis C. Tuckwell, 24, and Lucille M. LaManna, 22, both of Wauwatosa, Wis.

75 Years Ago Today
Father Samuel Mazuchelli, one of the first Dubuque priests and builder of the first Cathedral here, died at Benton, Wis. He had been Vicar General for Dubuque's first Bishop, the Right Rev. Mathias Loras.

Influenza Fails to Prevent Probe
Davenport, Ia. - A wave of influenza struck the Iowa Veterans' Orphans Home here Wednesday, but it failed to deter a state Senate committee investigation into charges of non-segregation of adolescent boys and girls. More than 50 inmates and employes were ill. The home houses 600 children.

Post Transferred
Patrolman Charles (Red) Post is to be relieved of his duties as a motorcycle officer and transferred to another shift for patrol duty, Chief of Police Joseph Strub said Thursday. The police chief said that the move was "for the betterment of the department."

-Henry A. Brouilet, 343 West Eighth Ave., left Thursday morning for Sparta, Wis., to attend the funeral of his mother, Mrs. Josephine Brouilet, who died in Minneapolis.

-Mrs. C.W. Hayes, 2250 Delhi Street, entertained at a party in her home Sunday afternoon in honor of her son, Allan, who celebrated his third birthday. Those present were Billy Schonhoff, Tony Pfab, Jimmy Hanton, Sally Pfab, Katherine Sheets, Shirley Hayes, Mrs. Allan Daykin, Mrs. Lillian Hayes, Miss Margaret Pfab, Mrs. Tony Pfab, and Mrs. Blanche Sheets.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2014]

Dubuque County