Iowa Old Press

Dubuque Telegraph-Herald & Times Journal
Dubuque, Dubuque co. Iowa
Monday, January 1, 1934

Burke Named State Agent
Joseph J.Burke, former grocer and later a deputy sheriff under Frank J. Kennedy, received word late Sturday of his appintment as a state agent for the Iowa department of justice. The appointment was made by Gov. Clyde Herring at the request of Attorney-General Ed. O'Connor. Burke left for Des Moines Monday to confer with Park A. Finley, chief of state agents, and to receive his instructions. His headquarters will be in Dubuque. Burke is widely known in Dubuque city and county. He was a candidate for the democratic nomination for the office of county treasurer in the June, 1932, primary.

Wolf Hunt
Centerville, IA - from a social standpoint, the big New Year's day wolf hunt, in which 300 hunters participated, was a big success. But the hunters didn't get a wolf. What's more, they didn't even see a wolf in the two square miles of country-side they surrounded and combed in search of sheep and calf raiders. A hamburger stand was set up for the refreshment of the huntsmen, who included members of Company G, Iowa National Guard. Located early by the hunters, hundreds of the ground meat sandwiches were the day's only casualties.

License Issues
A marriage license was issued Dec. 18 at the office of the clerk of the district court to Joseph Noesen and Miss Ruth Jecklin, both of Dubuque county.


Radloff-Kadlec. McGregor - Miss Ruby D. Radloff of Elkader and Edmund J. Kadlec of McGregor were married Christmas Day at Waukon by the Rev. R.L. Van Nice, the wedding taking place at the parsonage. Ray W. Radloff, Irene Kadlec and Nels Opitz were the attendants. Mr. Kadlec is an employe of the Interstate Power company at McGregor. The young couple will live here.

Dittman-Hockaday. Manchester - Nuptial vows were taken at Waterloo Sunday afternoon by Miss Darlene Catherine Dittman and William Hockaday, Jr., son of William W. Hockaday of this city. The single ring ceremony was used. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Higman of Waterloo. The newlyweds will start housekeeping at Ulmer, Ia. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Dittman of Ulmer and was graduated from high school there. Mr. Hockaday was reared in this vicinity and was graduated from Manchester high school in 1930. Since then he has been employed at a shoe store in Manchester and also at Waterloo.

Hartweg-Miller. Cresco - County clerk Ruth Woodard issued a marriage license Saturday to Harold Miller and Viola Hartweg, both of Welceme, Minn. The couple was married Saturday afternoon in the office of Justice of the Peace C.E. Farnsorth of Cresco.

Scheutte-Friend. Independence - Miss Maxine B. Scheutte, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Scheutte, of Independence, and Dr. A.M. Friend of Grinnell were married here at the home of the bride's parents Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. George Fowler of Winthrop in the presence of 14 relatives and friends. The single ring ceremony was used. Mrs. Friend was born and reared in Independence, and was graduated from high school here. She attended Mt. Vernon college and for some time has been assistant to Dr. Friend in his office here. Dr. Friend is the osn of Dr. and Mrs. J.H. Friend of Grinnell and has been practicing his profession here for a number of years. The bridal couple left for a short wedding trip immediately after the dinner. They will be at home here after May 1.


Pier - Miss Elizabeth Pier died at 7:40 o'clock Sunday evening at her home, 698 Cleveland avenue. Miss Pier, a daughter, fo the late Phillip and Martha Pier, pioneer Dubuquers, was a lifelong resident of Dubuque. Following a college course she engaged in newspaper work and was employed in newspaper offices in Dubuque and Des Moines. During the World war she was located at Yonkers, N.Y., a member of the staff of the Hospital Review, a newspaper published by the soldiers of a base hospital. She remained there until the end of the war. In 1913, Miss Pier represented Iowa in the woman's suffrage parade in Chicago. She was an active worker in the woman's suffrage cause. Survivors are three brothers, Charles and Harvey, Dubuque, and Albert, Miami, Fla.; a sister, Mathilda, Dubuque. The body is at the Egelhof Home for Funerals, where services will be held at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Burial will be in Linwood cemetery.

Faust - Edward Faust, 82, well known retired farmer and lifelong resident of Dubuque county, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Fred Klett at Laudeville, at 3 o'clock Monday morning. He had been ill for a week. Mr. Faust was born in Dubuque county on Aug. 5, 1851 and had been engaged in farming all his life. He is survived by one sister, Mrs. Emma Meyer, Dubuque; four daughters, Mrs. Emma Buchanan, Laudeville; Mrs. Daniel Kemerer, Zwingle; Mrs. Wilfred Coates, Derby Grange, and Mrs. Fred Klett; also five grandchildren and one great grandchild. Funeral services will be hled from the home to Harmony Reformed church at Zwingle at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Burial will be in Rockdale cemetery.
~Note - the Jan 2 issue, same papter gave essentially the same obit, with the additional info.: His wife, Mrs. Christina Hoerner Faust, preceded him in death in March 1904.

Johnson - The funeral of Frank A. Johnson, 1173 Elm street, who died Saturday, will be held at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning from the Didesch funeral home to Linwood cemetery. Mr. Johnson was 48 years old and a World war veteran. He is survived by one son, Arthur, with the U.S. army in China; one brother, Emil, Milwaukee, and one sister, Anna Kennedy, Chicago.

Maire - Charles F. Maire, of Milwaukee, publicity agent for Kirma, a magician who appeared at a local theatre all last week, died at Finley hospital at 3 o'clock Monday morning. He was ill for two weeks with pneumonia. He was 37 years old and is survived by a sister, Ruth, of Milwaukee. The body is at the Didesch funeral home.

Gelling - Earnest Gelling, 53, a life long resident of Dubuque, died at 4:20 o'clock Sunday morning. Funeral sercies will be held at the Didesch funeral home at 1 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Burial will be at Benton, Wis.


Hopkinton, Ia - Mrs. Elizabeth Kelly, wife of M.J. Kelly, living five miles west of Hopkinton, died at the family residence Saturday. She was the mother of one son and two daughters, who, with the husband, was with her at the time of her death. Besides the immediate family, she is survived by one brother, William Hogan, and one sister, Mrs. Josephine Smith, both of Hopkinton. Funeral arrangements have not been completed.

Cresco, Ia. - Funeral services were held at Holy Trinity church in Protivin, Saturday morning for Anton Milota, 80, who died at his home south of Cresco, Thursday evening. The Rev. Hradecky, pastor, officiated. Burial was made in the cemetery adjoining the church. Anton Milota was born in Bohemia, June 13, 1853, and died Thursday. He came to this country with his parents and for many years farmed near Cresco. Surviving are his widow, two sons, Anton and Fronk, both of Cresco; and three daughters, Mrs. Mike Haskovec of Cresco, Mrs. Charles Crowe of Ridgeway, and Mrs. Frank Bilek of Waterloo.

Des Moines - In a telegram to H.L. Ickes, chairman of the civil works administration, J.C. Lewis, president of the Iowa State Federation of Labor, asked an official investigation of reports that skilled CWA workers in Iowa were not being paid the wage scale for skilled work.

Eddyville - LeRoy and Archie Roberts were killed when a hillside coal mine on their farm near here caved in upon them.

Boone - Fred Eamer, Jr., 9, died here a few moments after he fell beneath the wheels of a Chicago & Northwestern freight train beside which he was running. He was bringing his younger brother home from Sunday school.

Rolly Springs - One man was killed and another probably fatally injured when their automobile left the highway and overturned near here. Nels Jacobson, 32, of Danbury was killed, and Herbert Chandler, 45, of Wall Lake, injured.

Davenport - Alice French, 83, novelist known as Octave Thanet, whose first book was published 50 years ago, is critically ill here.

Davenport - Two men met death here under the wheels of railroad trains. Charleus Langan, 60, a transient, was struck by a gas-electric coach. A man known only as Frank was found dead at a street crossing where a train had passed over his body.

Dubuque - While crossing Twentieth Street at Central avenue Sunday night, Mrs. George Kruse, 2413 Central, and Miss Belle Becker, 2438 Central, were struck and knocked down by a car driven by John O'Harran, 1453 Washington street. Both women suffered bruises, but were not seriously hurt. O'Harran was booked at the police station on the charge of careless and reckless driving.

[transcribed by S.F., December 2013]


Dubuque Telegraph-Herald & Times Journal
Dubuque, Dubuque co. Iowa
Tuesday, January 2, 1934

-Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kirmse, a son, born Dec. 26
-Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Avenarius, a daughter, born Dec. 20
-Mr. and Mrs. William O. Magee, a son, born Dec. 20
-Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Richards, a son, born Dec. 18
-Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bahl, a daughter, born Dec. 20
-Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Mulgrew, a daughter, born Dec. 15
-Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Fox, a daughter, born Dec. 12
-Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Peobold, a daughter, born Dec. 10
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Holmberg, a daughter, born Dec. 10
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Kerschen, a son, born Dec. 8
-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. McAndrews, a daughter, born Dec. 7
-Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Hanley, a son, born Dec. 7
-Mr. and Mrs. John B. Petesch, a son, born Dec. 7
-Mr. and Mrs. Peter McDonnell, a daughter, born Dec. 4
-Mr. and Mrs. Florian J. Tiggan, a daughter, born Dec. 4
-Mr. and Mrs. Leo F. Shaan, a son, born Dec 1
-Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester A. Duehr, a daughter, born Dec 10
-Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Meyer, a son, born Dec 7
-Mr. and Mrs. William C. McLaughlin, a son, born Dec 7
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Cavanaugh, a son, born Dec. 26
-Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner, a daughter, born Dec. 21
-Mr. and Mrs. Allen Gaurley, a son, born Dec. 1
-Mr. and Mrs. Keller, a son, born Dec. 16
-Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Francois, a son, born Nov. 26
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reikle, a daughter, born Dec 5
-Mr. and Mrs. Elmer N. Fink, a son, born Dec 16
-Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester J. Lambert, a son, born Nov. 26
-Mr. and Mrs. Norman Irmen, a son, born Dec. 8
-Mr. and Mrs. William J. Powers, a son, born Nov. 11
-Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Heller, a son, born Dec 1
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Mai, a daughter, born Nov. 7
-Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Thill, a son, born Nov. 7
-Mr. and Mrs. George Frye, a daughter, born Nov. 30
-Mr. and Mrs. Carl Trilk, a son, born Dec. 1

Death - Gerard M. Cox
Michael M. Cox, 177 Cardiff street, received a telegram from Oakland, Calif., notifying him that his son, Gerard M. Cox, died in Highland hospital here at 4:45 o'clock Monday afternoon. Gerard Cox was born in Dubuque 26 years ago. He went to California five years ago to make his home with an aunt. His mother died 16 years ago. Survivors, besides the father, are four sisters: Geraldine, Milwaukee; Sister Mary Theresetia, Presentation nuns, Dubuque; Mrs. Charles McCabe, Cuba City, Wis, and Genevieve, at home.

Death of Former Resident
Relatives in Dubuque received word late last week of the death of Jake Pfeiffer, in San Francisco, Calif. Mr. Pfeiffer formerly lived in Dubuque.

Hangings Delayed
Des Moines - B.W. Garrett, chief clerk of the Iowa supreme court, said today that appeals of Elmer Brewer and Patrick Griffin from their first degree murder conviction will automatically delay their hanging, set for Jan. 26. The two were convicted of killing Deputy Sheriff W.F. Dilworth of Black Hawk county. Dilworth was shot as he attempted to arrest the two men in a small shack near Waterloo a year ago. Griffin and Brewer are now occupying cells in the 'death row' at Fort Madison penitentiary.

Maquoketa News

Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, near Bridgeport, a son, Dec. 31; to Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Guyer, south of Maquoketa, a daughter, Dec. 27.
Mortimer Rice, Maquoketa's oldest Civil war veteran, passed his ninety-second birthday anniversary Monday. The event was unmarked by a birthday dinner as Mr. Rice recently contracted a severe cold and has been kept at home for the last few days.

Marriage licenses have been issued by the clerk of the court to: Isaac Walch, Maquoketa, and Ava Heed of Andrew; Meryl Fields of Oxford Junction and Eleanor Starr, Baldwin; and Earl H. Berendes, Bellevue, and Sylvia Frantzen of St. Donatus.

Two farm sales Friday in closing the Louis Riedinger estate showed an upward trend in farm business according to the auctioneers, A.W. McGowan and Otto Seeberger. The 120-acre farm one mile east of Maquoketa brought $46 an acre and the 120-acre northeast, on the "Codfish Hollow" road, brought $23 an acre, both sales being for cash. J.F. Reeg bought the first farm, which has an 8-room house, while Mrs. Ralph Usher and Mrs. Lucy Gisel, heirs, bought the "Codfish" farm.

Ronald Crawford, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.B. crawford, left Monday evening for Los Angeles where he will enter engineering training on a steamship on the Grace Line of merchant vessels. He was graduated from the local high school in 1932, and has been employed in the Graham store here since that time.

Frank Shirley and Lester Nabb started the New Year by drawing 15-day sentences in the county jail when they pleaded guilty Monday forenoon, in Justice F.C. Gregory's court, of driving a motor car without the owner's consent. They were arrested by Sheriff Leo Heinecke, Sunday night after being seen driving the automobile of Charles Penn.

St. Catherine's Guild of the Sacred Heart Catholic church has elected new officers for this year, as follows: President, Mrs. Fred Rutenbeck; vice president, Mrs. Henry Medinger; secreatery, Mrs. William McGinn; treasurer, Mrs. J.A. Martin. Mrs. P.J. Hoffman is the retiring president.

Married. Miss Eleanor Starr, daughter of Mrs. J.W. Starr of west of Maquoketa, and Meryl G. Fields, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Fields, Sr., of Oxford Junction, were married Monday at high noon at the home of the bride. Attending them wer eMiss Ava Marie Starr, sister of the bride, and Jesse S. Fields, Jr., brother of the bride-groom Miss Geraldine Andrews of Rock Island, a cousin of the bride, played the wedding march. The Rev. D.E. Killoren, Baptist minister of Maquoketa, the bride's pastor, read the single ring service, in the presence of a group of relatives and close friends of the couple. The couple will live on a farm northeast of Oxford Junction, where Mr. Fields has been farming for the last two years.

Gibson Funeral - Funeral services for Mrs. Olive Orr Gibson, 65, whose death occurred Friday afternoon, were held Tuesday in the Congregational church, at 2 o'clock. The Rev. G.F. Barsalou, pastor of the church, officiated. The Woman's Relief Corps presented their ritualistic service. Burial was made in Mt. Hope cemetery.

McGregor News

Staking out of an ice road for cars between McGregor and Prairie du Chien, planned for last Sunday, has been delayed by two days of mild weather, which softened the ice near the shores.

Einar L. Henrikson of the engineering corps of the McGregor CCC camp, was married during the holidays at Washington, Ia., to Miriam Ellen Crossett. The young couple is living in McGregor.

Mrs. Anna Berry Monday became acting postmaster at Marquette, succeeding Elmer Langlie who resigned. Langlie held the office of postmaster for 12 years under three republican administrations. Mrs. Berry was postmaster for two terms under the Wilson administration.

Strawberry Point News

Dr. Edward Hotz, formerly of Omaha, has opened his office in the Rawson bilding, taking over the practice and equipment of Dr. A.E. Brown, who has practiced here the last three years. Dr. Brown leaves to take up his practice in Columbus, Miss.

Ross Baker, six-year-old son of Mrs. Lydia Baker, fell in the hay mow at his grandfather, Gus Kanmoss' farm, Saturday and broke his collar bone.

Married at Waukon
Clinton A. Lind and Ardell Cole, both of Lansing, were married Friday by the Rev. R.L. Van Nice at his home in Waukon. Following a brief wedding trip, they will live at Lansing.

State Senator's Son Is Fatally Injured
Des Moines - Jack Knudson, 5-year-old son of State Senator and Mrs. Irving H. Knudson of Ellsworth, was fatally injured today when he fell down a flight of stairs at the Commodore hotel, where the family is residing during the legislative session. The boy died at a hospital a short time after the accident. Senator Knudson respresents Hamilton, Hardin and Wright counties.

Injuries Claim Second Victim of Accident
Fort Dodge - Mrs. Carl Christenson of Badger, injured in an automobile accident near Britt, Dec. 15, in which her sister, Mrs. B. Beiber, of Alta Vista, was instantly killed, died in the hospital here. Mr. Christenson is still confined to the hospital but is expected to recover.

Enraged Bull Attacks Manchester Farmer
Herman Rimm, farmer living one mile southeast of Manchester, was seriously injured Monday in the barnyard at his farm. He entered the pen unarmed alone with two dogs to drive an aged Holstein out when the dogs attacked the bull. The bull, enraged at the attack from the dogs, charged at Grimm, knocking him to the ground and severely crushing his chest on the right side. He also sustained injuries about the ribs and jaw. LaVerne Grimm, 14, dragged his fahter from the pen while the dogs attacked the bull. The father has been semi-conscious since the attack. Physicians fear he sustained a punctured lung and other internal injuries.

Died - William Tank
Waucoma, Ia - Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at St. John's Lutheran church at Stapleton, for William Tank. The Rev. Ide officiated. Pallbearers were: William Kilcher, Otto Allbright, Fred Beier, Tom Burke, Henry Niowehner, Franke Nolte. Burial was made in the adjoining cemetery.

[transcribed by S.F., December 2013]

Dubuque County