Iowa Old Press

Telegraph-Herald and Times-Journal
Dubuque, Dubuque co. Iowa
Thurs. evening, January 2, 1930

Dubuque Police Court
Fred Feller paid a fine of $20 and costs in police court Thursday monrning on a reckless driving charge. His car collided with a car driven by Joseph Mussehl at Twenty-first and White streets Tuesday evening.

Jake Liepe paid a fine of $1 and costs and James Kritz was assessed court costs as the result of a collision of their cars on West Fourteenth, near Wood street, Thursday night. Liepe was charged with careless driving and Kritz with failing to observe a boulevard stop.

Dubuque Child Dies from Unknown Cause - Autopsy Ordered
Believed to have been poisoned by food which she possibly picked up near her home while playing Wednesday evening, Virginia Marie Weichel, four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman G. Weichel, Jr., 653 East Seventeenth street, died at her home at 12:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon. The child was taken ill about midnight Wednesday night.

County Coroner Al Didesch, who was called when the child died, stated Thursday afternoon that he would have an autopsy made on the child's body to determine the cause of death. If necessary, the child's stomach will be sent to the state hospital at Iowa City for an examination of its contents. The child's parents expressed the belief that she had probably eaten some food of some sort which she probably found near her home.

The remains are at the Didesch funeral home where services will be conducted Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be made in Linwood cemetery.

The child was born in Dubuque four and one-half years ago and is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman G. Weichel, a sister, Hilda, two brothers, William and Earl Weichel, all of this city, her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fetschele, Dubuque, Mrs. Herman D. Weichel, Eau Claire, Wis., several aunts and uncles.

Probate of Will
Notice is hereby given, that an instrument of writing, purporting to be the last will of P.C. Murray, late of Dubuque County, Iowa, deceased, has been opened and read, and that Monday, the 20th day of January, A.D. 1930 has been set for hearing the proof of the same before the District Court of Dubuque county, Iowa.
R.P. Marshall, Clark District Court

Two G.A.R. Vets at Annual Election of West Union Post
West Union, Ia., Jan. 2 - Abernathy post, Grand Army of the Republic, at West Union, will carry on so long as two members are able to get together to transact business. This post has four members, D.H. Hall, J.E. Fitch, Henry Richmond and H.E. Foster. At the annual meeting Friday only the first two could be present, the election of officers resulting in Mr. Fitch being elected commander and D.H. Hall adjutant and quartermaster. The other offices were left unfilled.

West Union has one other "old soldier," Harvey Smith, who resides here but holds his membership in the Waterloo post.

Another Union soldier who is somewhat claimed by West Union, is Franklin Downs of the village of Auburn, six miles northwest of town. During the winters Mr. Downs makes his home at the soldiers' home in Marshalltown. Mr. Downs is one of three Union soldiers of Fayette county who were members of Company F of the Third Iowa infantry. It is reputed that there are only nine survivors of this company living anywhere. The other members from Fayette county are J.J. Earle and Franklin Dewey of Fayette.

Raid Waukon Home and Discover Still
Waukon, Ia., Jan 2 - Sheriff Leonard Bulman and deputies raided the Vern Slack home near Ion for the second time this week and were rewarded, it is alleged, by finding a still and a quantity of liquor in the house. Slack, with all the still equipment, was taken to this city where he was bound over to the grand jury.

Charged with Bootlegging
Manchester, Ia., Jan 2 - Anton Lukan, living near New Vienna, was arrested by county officials this week on a charge of bootlegging. Another criminal charge, the outgrowth of an automobile deal between Lukan and the late C.A. Kendall, is also pending against him.

Resume Inquest into Child's Death - New Evidence is Secured
Decorah, Ia., Jan 2 - An inquest into the death of 14-year-old Romelda Casten who died at her home at Locust several weeks ago will be resumed Friday by Coroner J.M. Boehm. The inquest was adjourned two weeks ago for the purpose of giving officials an opportunity of obtaining information from persons living at a distance. This evidence is expected to be submitted to the coroner's jurors when the inquest is resumed Friday.

The body of the child was found on the floor of a room at her home in Locust by her parents when they returned home from a business trip from Decorah. An investigation of the death was started after the child had been buried, when it was learned that five months previous to her death she had been insured for $5000. The policy was payable to her parents. The body was disinterred at the Postville cemetery where it was buried and the internal organs sent to the state hospital at Iowa City where experts found that the stomach contained quantities of poison.

Officials have not yet announced the request of their investigations since the adjournment of the coroner's jury, and it is expected that all the evidence will be submitted to the grand jury when it convenes next month.

[transcribed by S.F., October 2015]


Dubuque County