Iowa Old Press

Dubuque Telegraph-Herald
Dubuque, Dubuque Co. Iowa
Sunday, June 1, 1924

Pg. 3, Column 5
Mrs. Lena Klemme Is Killed In Allamakee County Auto Wreck

WAUKON, Iowa, -- May 31 -- Special:  Mrs. Lena Klemme, 45, of Waukon, mother
of Mrs. Ralph Russell, 1009 Garfield avenue, Dubuque, was instantly killed
at 7:45 Thursday evening when a car in which she was riding plunged over an
embankment near Dorchester.  Mrs. Henry Snicker**, 63, of Waukon, is in a
critical condition in a hospital.  Two other passengers escaped with minor

William Schwartzhoff, a farmer living near Dorchester, was driving the car.
He turned out too far in attempting to pass another auto and his machine
plunged down the embankment.

Mrs. Klemme is also survived by a son, Arthur of Waukon.

**Submittter note:  This spelling is exactly the way the newspaper spelled
it, not a typing error on my part.
Pg. 4, Column 2

WAUKON, Ia., -- May 31 --  William C. Denne died at his home in this city
Friday, May 23, after an illness of about two years duration, though he had
not been confined to his home until the Saturday previous to his death.

Deceased was born in Calidorf, Lippe Detmold, Germany, April 23, 1859, and
was 65 years of age.  He remained in the fatherland and cared for his aged
mother until 23 years of age.  In 1882 he accompanied Henry Hansmeier to
America, coming to Allamakee county,  which had since been his home.

In 1888 he was united in marriage with Miss Sophia Meierkord, her death
occurring a year later.  On September 4, 1889, he was married to Miss Louise
Herman, who survives him.  Two sons and two daughters were born to them, the
sons having preceded their father in death.  The daughters are Mrs. Olaf
Kirkeby, of this city, and Mrs. Paul Burroughs, who with the mother are left
to mourn the loss of a good husband and father.

Mr. Denne was an industrious thrifty man.  He came to this country a poor
emigrant, but by his frugality and hard work was able to acquire a
competency and retire from his farm in Ludlow township four years ago and
move to Waukon, where he erected a comfortable home for himself and family.

Funeral services were held Monday afternoon from the Zion Reformed Church of
which he was an esteemed member, conducted by Rev. Ernst, with burial in
Oakland Cemetery

submitted by M.D.

Dubuque County