Iowa Old Press

The Telegraph-Herald
Dubuque, Dubuque co. Iowa
Tuesday, November 28, 1922

Miss Francis Will Take Office Jan. 2 - Attorney General's Office Rules - Fight is Not Yet Ended, However
Des Moines, Ia., Nov. 28 - P.E. McClenahan's term of office as state superintendent of public instruction will expire January 2, 1923, and he will be succeeded on that date by Miss May E. Francis, superintendent-elect, according to an opinion prepared by Bruce J. Flick, assistant attorney general, and approved by Attorney General Ben J. Gibson.

The opinion will form the basis upon which the executive council will act when sitting as a board of canvassers to issue a certificate of election to Miss Francis. Official count of the vote on that office has not been completed, but by tomorrow or Thursday all totals will have been tabulated and Miss Francis will be issued a certificate for a term from January 2, 1923, to January 2, 1927.

Superintendent McClenahan announced today that he had no comment to make on his probable course of action. Members of Mr. McClenahan's official staff declared, however, that there was no necessity for him to contest for his seat as he holds a certificate of election showing that his term expires July 1, 1923 and that if Miss Francis expects to assume the position to which she was elected prior to that date, it will be up to her to show her right to the office.

Des Moines Boy is Head of Swimmers
Iowa City, Ia., Nov. 28 - Wayne W. Chambers of Des Moines has been elected captain of the freshman swimming team at the University of Iowa. Chambers was individual point winner in the novice swimming meet here last week. He is an all around swimmer but specializes in the dash and breast strokes.

Shurtz Murder Case To Jury Wednesday
Burlington, Ia., Nov. 28 - The defense rested in the Shurtz murder case this morning, following introduction of rebuttal testimony by Mrs. Kate Shurtz, her son, Junior Shurtz, and Roy Spees, who confessed to the actual murder. The testimony this morning bought out no new facts. This afternoon County Attorney W.E. Jackson made the opening argument. The remainder of the arguments will be made tomorrow morning following which the case will go to the jury, four women and eight men.

Aged Iowan Sucides As Wife Is Dying
Marshalltown, Ia., Nov. 28 - While N.M. Davis, aged 92, of Ferguson, this county, is lying at the point of death due to his attempted suicide Friday night by drinking lye, his wife, also 92 died last night. Davis attempted to kill himself because he thought his wife was going to die and he did not want to be left alone.

[transcribed by S.F., January 2017]


Dubuque County