Iowa Old Press

The Dubuque Sunday Times-Journal
February 16, 1919
Page 10

Former Resident Of Lansing is Buried

Special to the Times-Journal.
Lansing, Ia., Feb 15 -- Mrs. H. E. Baxter was laid to rest in the Oak Hill
cemetery Thursday afternoon.  Rev. Soule, pastor of the Methodist Church,
officiating.  Interment was made in the Oak Hill cemetery.  The deceased was
born in Lansing, Ia., February 23 [22?], 1852, and was a resident here for
many years.

She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Nelson.  Death came at the age of
sixty-seven years.  Three brothers and one sister survive.  Mrs. Frank
Whaley, of this city, a sister.  The remains were brought here for burial
from Kansas City.

(Weekly Postville column)


Revolver Sends Bullet Into One Hand.
Special to the Times-Journal:
 Waukon, Ia., Feb.15:  John Bulman had what might easily been a serious
accident.  He was trying to extract a cartridge from a revolver and in some
way the weapon was discharged, the ball going through the fleshy part of his

Mrs. Dan Williams fell and broke her arm.  Mrs. Wells also fell on an icy
walk and sustained a broken arm.

Preparations are under way to properly entertain all returned soldier and
sailor boys who have been discharged from the service, under the auspices of
the Commercial club and the Red Cross chapter.  The banquet ball and the
date is Feb. 26.  A dance will be given in the Barthell opera house.  The
banquet will be in charge of the ladies of the Red Cross chapter and the
following committee:  T. J. Lee, chairman, John Hager, P. S. Narum, W.
Money, W. R. Erwin, H. J. Bentley and John Lee.

The Woman's Literary club, which is the second oldest woman's club in the
state, celebrated its 35th anniversary at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Alexander.  The present members are Mesdames Carrie Alexander, Elvida
Allison, Hattie Bowen, Margaret Bryant, May Burnham, Mary Dayton, Ellen
Earle, Emily Eddy, Charlotte Hancock, Augusta M. May, Althea Robbins, Ellen
Reed, Helen Sawyer, Phoebe Walker and Miss Emma Townsend.  The roll call of
honor of the deceased members is:  Mesdames May Stewart, Mirian Barnes,
Sarah Boomer, Susan Huffman, Adele Barnard, Callie Pratt, Ann C. Greer,
Henrietta Hale, Hannah Adams, Mary Stone, Anna Stillman, Anne Hersey,
Margaret Hall, Emily Hayes, Laura Lowe, Maria Dayton, Celia Spaulding,
Judith Stoddard, Jennie Hubbell, Laura Dapton and Mato Smith.

Mrs. George Wuennecke, of Wheatland died at her home after a long illness.
She was born in Germany Nov. 2, 1860.  She was the mother of fourteen, ten
of whom survive.  Her six nephews were pall bearers.

Rev. R. V. Van Nice married Carl Winter, son of Simon Winter and Miss Abbie
Livingood at the home of Wilbur Livingood in this city Thursday.

Miss Dora Eaten, of this city, who took the civil service examination while
attending the Iowa state university, has been appointed to a government
position at Washington, D. C.

The annual meeting of the County Union American Society of Equity was held
at the court house and the twenty-four locale in the county were represented
by delegates.  The following officers were elected:  President, John
Moellerman; vice president, Henry Opfer; secretary, H. A. Hendricksen.

Mrs. Fossum, residing near Waukon, is almost 80 years old, but assists in
the milking every day and other work about the farm conducted by her son,
Theodore, who the past season did all his work alone, being unable to
procure help.

Serg. Elmer Pieper has received his honorable discharge from army service
and returned to Waukon and will resume his practice of law.

J. G. Minert and Walter Aiken have formed a partnership for the purpose of
establishing a machine shop, and the new firm will be known as the Waukon
Machine company.  Mr. Aiken will have charge of the mechanical work.

Allamakee county's first cow testing association is now completed and has 26
members.  They have employed Sam Wilson, who spent some time working on the
college dairy farm at Ames, and he has taken some special work with the
dairy department and has been recommended by them for the work.  This is one
of the strongest associations in the state.

A home wedding took place at Mr. and Mrs. Rolf's at Frankville when their
daughter, Elsie, was united in marriage to Albert Lotermann.  The attendants
were Miss Esther Anderson and Richard Rolf.  Rev. Stuebbe, of Ludlow
township, performed the ceremony.  About 200 guests were present.

[note: Postville is in Allamakee Co. Iowa]

Tuesday, February 18, 1919
The Dubuque Times Journal
Page 5, Col. 5


Was Shot Through Knee and Narrowly Escaped Losing Leg.

Special to the Times-Journal:
Waukon, Ia. Feb. 18 -- Dr. and Mrs. John Haecker entertained at a 3 course 6
o'clock dinner in honor of George Kelly, who lately returned from France and
was home on furlough from the Camp Dodge hospital. George was shot through
the knee cap and at one time it was feared he would lose his leg above the
knee, at any rate his limb will always be stiff. Several of his soldier
friends were guests and the party spent a very enjoyable evening in talking
over camp duties and Mr. Kelley gave a fine talk on his work with the army
in France.

The Dubuque Times-Journal
Dubuque, Dubuque Co. Iowa
Wednesday, February 19, 1919


Special to the Times-Journal:
     Postville, Ia., Feb. 19 -- Mrs. R. E. Topliff was called to Decorah
last week by the illness of her mother.

     Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schuette entertained at dinner at their home on

     Corporal Edward Schroeder has resumed his former position in the
grocery department at Luhman & Sanders.  He has just returned from overseas.

     John Schroeder was a Dubuque visitor last week.
     Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Ruckdashel entertained a company of relatives at
dinner Sunday.

     Lester Harnack has received his discharge from the army and arrived
home Monday from an eastern camp.

     Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Comstock entertained a company of friends at their
home on Friday evening.

     Private Geo. Pixler returned from an eastern camp on Wednesday, having
received his discharge.

     Mrs. Tollia Hauge, of Ossian, died Sunday evening at the Postville
Hospital, following an operation for ruptured appendix.  The body was sent
to Ossian Monday morning for burial.

     Miss Margaret Michell is visiting friends in Minneapolis.

     The Luther League decided to hold a basket social at the Lutheran
school house on Thursday evening.  All members and friends are invited.

     Elmer Weihe and Arthur Brandt left Monday morning for St. Paul.  They
each took two fine horses which they will exhibit at a full blood sale.  Mr.
Weihe took one, a full blood Norman stallion that is twenty months old and
weighs 1, 550 pounds.

     Harry Slipack returned Monday from Chicago, where he has been for
several months.

     Mrs. Edna Halfpap, of McGregor, visited home folks over Sunday.

     Mr. and Mrs. Eldo Kluss returned Monday from a visit with her parents
at Fredericksburg.

     Miss Prudence Appleman is visiting at Lavina, Mont.

     Miss Clara Brandt, who teaches at Castalia, spent Sunday with home

     Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ervin returned to Waterloo Wednesday after a several
days visit here with relatives and friends.

     Miss Ellen Eberling of Austin, Minn. is visiting her parents here.

     Private Alfred David, of Monona, visited in town last Saturday.

     Miss Caroline Overbeck, of Luana, Ia. visiting at the Mrs. Louisa
Schroeder home.

     The Iowans visiting in California will hold their annual Iowa picnic at
Los Angeles, Cal., February 22.

     W. A. Brooks, of Britton, S. D. is visiting his brother, Gaddis and
family in this city.

     Jay Marston, of this city, has the agency for several Iowa counties for
the Cleveland Tractor.  He will soon have one here which he will use to
demonstrate to the people interested.

     Mr. and Mrs. Eldo Kluss moved into the A. B. Cook home Monday.

     Mrs. R. M. Hecker, of this city, has been quite ill at her home.

     Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nall, of Gunder, visited at the John Schultz home

     Miss Kate Lampman was a visitor at Cedar Rapids last week.

     Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Widman, of McGregor, visited at the Ed Schroeder
home Sunday.

     Mrs. Harold Laughlin, of near Decorah, visited home folks Sunday.

     Mrs. J. M. Boehm was a Decorah visitor last week.

     Mrs. O. J. Beucher and Mrs. A. C. Webster visited at Cresco last week.

     Mrs. Emory Robinson, of Elgin, submitted to an operation for
appendicitis at Postville Hospital last week.

     The Athletic Association of the high school held a sale Saturday in the
old bakery of cakes, candles, etc.

     The girls' basketball team played at Elgin last Friday and won the game
by seven points, the score being 8 to 1.

     Will Sebastian will build a fine home on his farm this year.

     Arnold Mohs, of New Richland, Minn., visited friends here last week.

     Paul Kossack and family of McGregor, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Schroeder.

     Miss Amy Meier entertained the teachers at her home at a party on
Wednesday evening.

     Gilbert Sanders and family and Mrs. John Sanders and Jeannette autoed
to Elgin and West Union on Sunday.

     August Kugel and family moved into his home in this city, coming in
from his farm.

     Miss Ambil, the nurse, returned to Decorah after spending several days
with Mrs. O. J. Blessin here.

     A. J. Phillips and Harold left on Monday for Cedar Rapids on business.

     Mr. and Mrs. Frank Samek visited relatives in Monona Sunday.

     Raymond Schroeder, of Lincoln, Ill., is visiting at the A. J. Koevening

     Joseph Lien, of Fargo, N. D., is taking treatments at Postville

submitted by M.D.

Dubuque County