Iowa Old Press

The Catholic Messenger
Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa
December 3, 1914

Jesup, Ia.- Nov 30-The past week has been one of sorrow and great loss for one of the families of this city, for on Thanksgiving day death entered the Dr. Joynt home and carried away their only child who was their treasure and their darling.
Regina Margaret Joynt was born in Jesup six years ago. The cause of her death was acute jaundice. Death, indeed, has cast a gloom around the home and made vacant a place which never can be filled; has hushed a childish voice and has sealed the baby lips which lisped the merry greetings to "daddy" and "mamma." Her books and toys are laid away, for there are no little hands to play with them.
Regina was the friend of old and young, and in the vast number of people who viewed the remains there was not a dry eye; every one loved her, for "Babe," as she was called, was a sweet child and kind to everybody. Regina departed for school as usual on Wednesday morning, seemingly the healthiest pupil in school, but about 10 o'clock illness came up on her and ere evening she was a very sick child. Her father, who is a skillful physician, and her mother, a graduate nurse, stayed by their child's bed and did all in their power to save her, but to no avail. Several physicians and a trained nurse were called, but God needed this little angel and she must go. Her death was sweet and peaceful-just seemed to slip out of this world into the next. Tenderly she was laid in the beautiful white casket and as tenderly borne to the grave. Friends came from far and near to the funeral of this dear child, and during the services Simon Murray of Dubuque sang several beautiful hymns. The funeral which was one of the largest ever held in Jesup, was held at the Catholic church at 10 o'clock, Rev. J.J.Horsefield conducting the services. The floral offerings were many and beautiful.

Dubuque County