Iowa Old Press

Dubuque Telegraph-Herald
Dubuque, Dubuque co. Iowa
Sunday, June 26, 1910


Dyersville, Iowa
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ament and son and Miss Barbara Kunkel returned Monday from a week's stay at the Wm. Lehmann home in Chicago.

Mrs. Henry Freiburg went to Dubuque Friday for a few days' visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schreiber and other relatives and friends.

Howard Bucknam has gone to Parkersburg to remain for some time with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Coper.

Mrs. Sam Vickers and sons, Kennell and Austin, departed Saturday for Blanchardville, Wis., where they will visit at the home of her relatives for a visit of some length.

Mrs. H.J. Meis terminated a week's visit with her mother, Mrs. Barbara Thill and family, and returned to her home at Sioux City Sunday evening.

Rev. Father Wienehe of Hampton arrived here Sunday afternoon, remaining for a several days visit with his sister, Sister M. Calista, and Very Rev. Theo. Warning.

Mrs. Amelia Meyer and daughter of North Buena Vista were calling on friends and transacting business here Saturday.

Mrs. John Engler and son, Will, were Clipper passengers to Dubuque Monday a.m.

Manchester, Iowa
John M. Brayton of Ryan was a visitor in town the latter part of last week. Mr. Brayton but recently proved up on a claim near Witten, South Dakota.

Miss Nina Carhart, who taught during the past year in the schools of De Kalb, Illinois, has arrived home and is spending her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Carhart.

James Gates, a student in the state university of Wisconsin, located at Madison, arrived Friday evening to spend the summer.

Mrs. J.J. Pentony arrived home Saturday from Clinton, where she had been called on account of the illness of her mother, Mrs. Mary Magill.

Mrs. A.M. Cloud has as her guests this week, two sisters, Miss Bess and Sue Fleming of Marshalltown.

Mrs. Jane Rich and daughter, Miss Sue Rich, left Wednesday for Presho, South Dakota, for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carpenter, former residents of this county.

Anson Shelden of Chicago arrived in the city Monday, called here by the serious illness of his father, F.J. shelden.

W.L. Adams and son, Ben, departed Tuesday for Lemmon, South Dakota, where they will file on claims.

Frank Beal and J.R. Nix are in Murdo, South Dakota, on land business.

W.H. Hutchison, G.H. Barr and Thomas Wilson left Saturday for Hanley, Canada, on a land investment trip.

Mrs. F.S. Morse of McGregor arrived here Saturday for a visit with relatives and friends.

Delaware county births
- to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lawrence, Richland township, June 20, a daughter
- to Mr. and Mrs. A.L. McElmeel, Honey Creek township, June 23, a son
- to Mr. and Mrs. charles Pinch, Manchester, June 21, a son

Lansing, Iowa
Joe Dempsey of Churches Ferry, N.D., arrived here Friday for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.H. Dempsey.

Mr. and Mrs. Ole Hanson and family of Waterville, spent Sunday at the home of his folks here, and also attended the sangerfest.

Charlie Wagner and Clara Strub departed Tuesday morning for Freeburg, Minn., on some land business.

Mr. John Nordmart of Kansas City, is here visiting with his family, and also with the Mr. and Mrs. F.A. Hammerstorm family.

Capt. Bascom sold his gasoline boat here recently to a party at Prairie du Chien.

Geo. Albert is having some improvements done at his cottage on Mt. Hosmer.

Messrs. Ed Roggensack, Richard Thompson, Henry Schafer and D.A. Holmes drove out to Dorchester and Eitzen last Monday.

Mrs. H.G. Johnson arrived Friday from Chicago for a visit with the Nels Bergs and Johnson families at Faegrie Prairie.

Born, a son at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wendel, last Saturday.

John Thompson departed Monday for Underwood, N.D.

Mrs. Katie Bartheld accompanied her mother to Prairie du Chien Monday for treatment.

Mrs. Annie Longheim of Waukon, arrived here Tuesday afternoon for a visit at the Max. Zeglemeier and family home.

Otto Ruprecht returned home Monday evening from La Crosse, where he underwent an operation.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rud departed for their home one day last week at Sioux Falls, S.D. They were accompanied by Miss Magdalene Rud; she stopping at St. Paul for a visit.
Mrs. L.M. Bockfinger of this city, was a visitor at Harpers Ferry Tuesday between trains.

Frank Langford found a large pearl here recently, which he was offered $200 for, by Pearl Buyer Kettleson, and refused it.

Mr. and Mrs. Christ Olson and family of Taylor township, visited Sunday with the Herman Olson family, and also attended the sangerfest here.

St. Donatus, Iowa
M.B. Manders and wife were Bellevue visitors last Saturday.

Mrs. Math Kirsch visited a few days the past week with her daughter, Mrs. N.. Hingtgen, of Lamotte.

Mrs. Peter Dupont of Charles Mound, was a St. Donatus visitor with the Math Dupont family.

Miss Mary Lowoen left for Omaha, Neb. to attend her sister, Mrs. Alois Flammang, who is sick in a hospital there.

Nick Haiar, a farmer living about three miles southwest of St. Donatus had nine sheep killed by dogs one night recently. He warns all owners of dogs to keep them at home or stand the consequences.

Zwingle, Iowa
Mr. and Mrs. Will Slattery were guests at the Mike Slattery home in Otter Creek Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Wells and two children from Portage, Wis., is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Michael.

The infant son of Dan Leffert is down with measles.

Lamotte, Iowa
Floyd Veach, our foreman has recovered and is back to his case again.

Among those from up this way that attended the Teachers' Institute at Maquoketa last week were: Misses Maggie McCabe, Gazelle Stover, Clara Cairy, Sylvia Griswold, Winnie Fuller, Maggie Stokesbury, Mamie Slattery, Nell Moore, Evelyn Feeney and Rose G. Moore.

Misses Elsie Litscher and Clara Cairy, recent graduates are at Maquoketa taking the teachers' examination.

Peter Pitts and lady friend of Clinton, were over Sunday visitors of his mother and sisters.

Lancaster, Iowa
Miss Portia Showalter and Miss Alma Henkel went to Platteville Friday.

Rev. Schmidt's son Edward, who completed the thrological course in Eden College, St. Louis, is said to be the youngest graduate that institution ever turned out. He will enter the ministry in the fall.

A sister of Thomas Haley, of Orton and Haley, is here on a visit. She came from New Richmond, their home.

There was a largely attended family reunion Sunday at Grandma Napp's.

Sherrill, Iowa
Mrs. George Schneider and two sons and two daughters, who have been visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. G.A. Kiefer, departed Tuesday for Petersburg, where she will spend a week with her husband's parents before returning to their home at Pocahontas, Iowa.

Miss Hattie Grimme, of Dubuque, and friend, Miss susia Perrian, who have been visiting relatives here the past week, departed for their home on the Steamer J.S. Thursday.

Cards are out announcing the forth-coming marriage, which will take place June 28th, of Miss Frances Brossel, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Brossel, to Mr. Edward Ostoff, of McGregor.

Miss Alta Wetter returned home from Dubuque to care for her mother, Mrs. Lou Wetter, who has been very ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pfieffer of Charles City, Ia., are spending their honeymoon here with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. G.P. Witter, and grandfather, Benjamin Witter.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nauman are the proud parents of a bouncing baby boy.

Mrs. Jim McGunk of Potcsi, Wis., is visiting friends here and also attended the Duehr brothers funeral.

The funeral of the late Peter and Nicholas Deuhr, who were drowned at Specht's Ferry Sunday afternoon, was held from their home to the SS. Peter and Paul's church, Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, where Father Tiltgen officiated and spoke of the high esteem in which they were held. The two young men were lifelong members of the Catholic church here at Sherrill and their death has cast gloom over this community and to their aged parents to whom they were a great help. The interment was made in the adjoining cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. N. Henkel, E. Voss, C. Schueller, C. Nauman, A. Arnsdorf, B. Ulbrecht, C. Miller, G. Meyer, B. Wagner, F. Knabel, G. Antony, F. Tiltgen.

Mr. and Mrs. Hantelman are rejoicing over the arrival of a girl baby.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Krutz are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy.

Rev. and Mrs. Koerner of St. Paul, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hinde and daughter Matilda of Early, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. A. Strete of St. Paul, Minn., and Mr. Henry Bruns of Minneapolis who were here to attend the funeral of their mother, Mrs. Sophia Bruns, left for their home Tuesday after a visit with their brother and wife, Mrs. Ed. Bruns and sister and husband, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kuntz.

Farley, Iowa
Relatives and friends of Mrs. John Schneider, nee Clara Locher, of Monticello, were grieved to hear of her death. The funeral was held Monday. Mrs. J.P. Kehoe of this place, an aunt of the deceased, was in attendance. Mrs. Schneider is survived by her husband and two children and the entire community is cast in sorrow over her passing.

Mrs. W. Connel and son Walter left Monday for Chicago to attend the funeral of her niece, Miss Coretta Norton.

Chas. Freemann and family, who have spent the past two years in Idaho, have returned to Farley to reside.

Worthington, Iowa
Those from here who attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Dave Gearhart at Hopkinton Sunday were as follows: Messrs. and Mesdames Vic Stoll, Ed. Tobin, Henry Nesler, John Freeze and family, Will Smith, George Tobin, Chris Haas, John Lukins, James Tobin and daughter, Emma.

Those who attended the funeral of the late Mr. John Engler at Dyersville Thursday were Messrs. and Mesdames Frank Engler, Victor Stoll, Barney White, Chris Ament, John Jaeger, Theo. Ament; Mesdames Jake Lenhoff, Mike Masuen, M. Engler; Messrs. Pros Engler, John Lukins, Carl and Theo. Engler, Ed Tobin; Misses Dora Stoll, Kate Guidinger, Kate, Agnes and May Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Schaeffer, Lawrence and Paul White.

[transcribed by S.F., October 2014]

Dubuque County