Iowa Old Press

Dubuque, Iowa
March 22, 1907.

Mrs. Patrick Brennan Passes to Great Beyond Saturday Morning In This
City".--Another of Dubuque county's pioneers has answered the final summons and
joined the great army which has preceded her in death, Mrs. Patrick Brennan
having passed away at her family residence, 26 South Bluff Street, at 7:30 a.m.
Friday after an illness of a few weeks' duration.

Mrs. Brennan, whose maiden name was Miss Alice Welsh (sic), was born in
Kilkenny, Ireland, seventy-eight years ago. Fifty -two years ago she came to
Dubuque county and settled in Washington township, where she married Patrick
Brennan shortly after her arrival here. A few years ago the aged couple retired
from farm life and moved to this city, where the declining days of the
beautiful life of Mrs. Brennan was spent in preparation for the life which she
has entered upon. She was a devout Catholic all her life, and was a member of
the Cathedral parish since coming to this city.

Besides her husband Mrs Brennan is survived by five children, Mrs. Wm. Shortell
and Mrs. Dan Lynch of Washington township, and Michael, Thomas and Margaret of
this city; also one brother, Ed Welsh of Missouri Valley, and one sister, Mrs.
Mary Nash, of this city.

The funeral will be held Sunday morning at 8 o'clock to the Cathedral and the
burial will be made at St. Joseph's.

--Submitted by W.F., Aug 2006

Dubuque County