Iowa Old Press

Dubuque Herald
Dubuque, Dubuque co. Iowa
Thursday, December 10, 1896

On the Fly
-The will of Almira Cummins was probated by Judge Husted yesterday.
-The stitches have been removed from J.K. Graves' face and he will be able to be out in about a week.
-The candy makers at Lawther's factory will give a ball Jan. 13. Gus Deggendorf is president, Thos. Davis vice president, James Martin treasurer, John Bewer secretary and J.W. White, Thomas Whitby and James Lowry, committee on arrangements.
-L.G. Hurd is home from Odin, Ill., where he attended the funeral of his father.
-Miss Nettie McKenzie has returned home after a three months' visit at Virginia and Jacksonville, Ill.
-C.E. Wales returned Tuesday night from Vermont, where he went to attend the funeral of an old friend.

Charles Byer, aged 51 years, a stone mason by trade, died Monday night at 11 o'clock at 2015 Washington street. He was a native of Germany but has resided here forty-two years. The funeral was held yesterday with burial at St. John's cemetery. Deceased is survived by a wife and two children, Robert and Charles, aged 13 and 8 years respectively.

Guttenberg, Dec 8 - Our Masonic temple was dedicated last Saturday evening, Judge Fellows, of Lansing, assisted by Grand Senior Warden Lambert, of Sabula, officiating. Judge Fellows delivered a fine lecture on masonry and its principles generally. Many visiting brethren were present, among whom were Editor Maurer of Garnavillo, Dick Turner of McGregor and others. After the dedicatory exercises the tables were spread when the masons and their wives and members of the Eastern Star did ample justice to the good things thereon. All went home with a feeling that it was "good to be there."

Guttenberg, Dec 8 - On Wednesday evening of this week will occur the wedding of Miss Martha Block, daughter of Mrs. Guss, to Mr. Luchterhand, of Dubuque. The young lady has a host of friends who wish her well in her new venture.

[transcribed by S.F., March 2013]

Dubuque County