Iowa Old Press

Dyersville Commercial
Dyersville, Dubuque, Iowa
Friday, April 13, 1877

A Live Snake Fifteen Inches in Length ejected from a Child's Stomach

Mr. Charles BINNING, who lives a short distance southwest of town, has a boy
six years old, who, since he was one year old has been terribly afflicted
with fits, which, at periods would attack him every twenty-four hours, other
times not quite so frequently. He has received a great deal of splendid
medical treatment, but all to no avail. Tuesday of this week, however, the
parents of the child brought him into town, for the purpose of having him
examined by Dr. GANNON, who is delivering a course of lectures here on
physiology and hygiene. Upon examination, the Dr. came to the conclusion
that there was something in the boys stomach that should not be there, and
that in order to cure the boy of his fits, that something must be removed,
and informed the parents that he thought he could remove it. The parents
gave consent, and Dr. stated that by about nine o'clock the next morning
(after being under the physicians treatment about 14 hours) the boy vomited
up a living snake about fifteen inches in length. The snake though nearly
dead when vomited up, exhibited the unmistakable signs of life. As soon as
the child recovered from the effects of the powerful emetics, he began to
recover, and now looks, feels and acts better than he ever has before in his
life. This is certainly one of most wonderful phenomenons that has
transpired in this locality, very recently at any rate.

Cheaper Than Ever
4 lbs Good Tea
for $1.00 at
Don't fail to try the "Boss" five cent cigar at (210) McFADDEN's
Timothy and Clover Seed for Sale at
Go to the Old Hardware Store with Your
Old Rags,
Old Copper,
Old Brass,
 Old Zinc,
Old Pewter,
Old Lead,
Kept by J.H. LONG.
Bran and middlings for sale cheap at BOLSCHER BROS.
Jos. BUCKNAM will give you a good clean shave in a neat and workmanlike
manner, for very little money.
Walter McKEE, corner of Union and Main streets, will give you satisfaction
in a set of harness or anything else you may need in his line.
Don't you forget the fact that Frank CONE, the successor to D.S. SMITH, has
the finest and best assorted stock of Havana and American cigars. Call on
him when you want to enjoy a "boss" smoke.
CORN.- Andrew KRAPFL has just received a car load of clean dry shelled corn,
which he will sell low prices. He intends keeping a full supply at all
NOTICE- The undersigned desires to say to the citizens of Dyersville that he
will furnish all material and build cisterns at a price that will give

- W.H. MERTON of Earlville was in town Tuesday.
- Mr. M.E. SATCHWELL of Farley called in upon us yesterday.
- Albert ANDERSON is now permanently located with us as a citizen.
- J.C. BUCHARD of Colesburg gave our office a call Wednesday morning.
- Joseph MALVIN was in town this week, he gave us a pleasant call Tuesday
- D.E. ROBINSON,the convival boot and shoe man was in town again this week.
- Mr. D. HOLBROOK and family have moved back among us, for all of which our
hearts are glad.
- Squire PEIRCE, the gentlemanly agent of Rumsy & Walker, Commission
merchants of Chicago, was in town Tuesday.
- There was a pleasant sociable at the  residence of Mr. C.C. CHESTERMAN
last evening, under the auspices of the Episcopal church
- Thos. BURTON offers his farm for sale, which is situated a short distance
southeast of town. See bills which are posted up around the country.
- And now comes James H. EVANS, with his face all wreathed in smiles, and
all because his wife has presented him with a 11 1/2 pound boy. Jim will
have a full outfit.
- We saw Mr. Joseph PARKER taking a quantity of lumber out of town Tuesday
for the purpose of making substantial improvements on his excellent farm, we
- T.R. BOARD was out from Dubuque the first few days of the week on a visit
to his folks...
- Mr. D.C. GLASSER, so well and favorably known through out this section, as
the popular travelling salesman, of Messrs. H.B. GLOVER & Co., of Dubuque,
was in town again this week, selling notions to the gentlemanly merchants
- W.J. McGEE of Farley sold a fine lot of cattle to P.S. MALVIN Tuesday,
which consequently brought him to our town that day. While Mr. McGEE was
here, Mr. MALVIN brought his horse, and consequently our Farley friend
remained in our town overnight.
- D.S. SMITH, the astute P.M. of this locality, returned yesterday from and
extended trip to Boston, New York, Washington and various other important
points in the east. He doesn't seem to have lost much flesh and looks just
about as healthy and clever as ever.
- Mrs. LANE would say to the public generally and the ladies in particular,
that she has just recieved direct from the east, a complete stock of new
spring millinery goods, consisting of the latest style of bonnets, hats,
ribbons, flowers, laces, etc., etc. Her many friends and patrons are
cordially invited to call and examine her goods at her old stand before
purchasing elsewhere.

Submitted by: C.J.L.


Dubuque County