Iowa Old Press

Dyersville Commercial
Dyersville, Dubuque, Iowa
Thursday, Dec 10, 1874

From Farley
Special Correspondence to the Dyersville Commercial
Farley, Dec 7th, 1874

As the times wear a more lively aspect, and business has again resumed its
busy turmoil, which is shown by the pleasant countenances of our merchants,
drovers, grain buyers and mechanics, as each one receives due compensation
for his labors, of which we note the firm of FITZPATRICK & DONAHUE, who are
putting up an elevator of an immense capacity on hte side of the L.C.R.R.
track, which will give them facilities for shipping over either road. Also
one of our prominent saloon keepers, Mr. Andrew KELLY has retired from
dealing liquor out by the glass, and has turned his saloon into a first
class grocery store, of which he has received a large and well selected
stock, and by other improvements which are under headway, shows that our
village is doing a thriving business, and our best wishes that it may
continue to prosper.
LEURS & BENNETT, Apothecaries
Dealers in
Fancy Groceries, Stationery,
School books, gift books and primers, blank keoks and memorands; All sytles.
Photographic albums, ladiesand gent's portmonies- prices low. Toys and fancy
goods, suitable for cheap or valuable presents for old or young. The largest
assortment in this market. Druggists sundries of every description, fancy
toilet articles, perfumeries for the handkerchief. French, German and
American fine toilet soaps, hair oils, pomades and cosmetics. Hair brushes
from 35c to 2.50.
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, and Painters' Materials
Our stock of holiday goods is the largest ever brought to Dyersville and
will be sold at prices to suit the times. Surgical instruments and
applyances. Violins, accordeons, and guitars at prices lower than ever
offered before. The best specials in the market, which we warrant to suit or
refund the money. Non-explosive lamps, which should be used in every family
for safety and economy. Physicians prescriptions compounded at all hours of
day or night. LUERS & BENNETT.
Dyersville, Iowa
Headquarters for
Cheap Dry Goods
A full assortment of new Dry Goods, consisting of
Dress Goods, Calicos,
Shirtings, Flannels, Cassimeres
Bleached and Brown Muslins, Balmoral Skirts,
Shawls, Hosiery and Notions at Dubuque and Chicago Prices. Also a Complete
Assortment of Desirable
Family Groceries
Glass and China Ware, will be found cheap at the new Cash Store. Everybody
is Politely Invited to call and Examine my Goods and Compare Prices.
Dealer in
Hardw'e, Stoves
Tin and Sheet Iron Ware,
Sole Agent for Friedman & Lanterjuny's
Table and Pocket Cutlery, &c
Also sole agent for Garry's patent Iron Roofing for houses, barns, etc.
Old metal and tin roofing repaired with pure iron-clad paint,
Every description of work done to order in the very best style.
Plum Creek Mills
Plum Creek Flour is the Best
This Mill is now prepared to funrish Flour, Feed and Bran at Reasonable
Grist Grinding
Done Order.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Submitted by: C.J.L.


Dubuque County