Iowa Old Press

Dyersville Commercial
Dyersville, Dubuque, Iowa
Thursday, Oct. 2d, 1873

For the Commercial
On last Friday evening we had the pleasure of participating in the joyous
festivities connected with the celebration of the tin wedding of our
friends, Mr and Mrs J.S. COLLINS. The occasion was one of those which we
shall ever remember with pleasure. The family having been invited to tea,
and spend the evening at a friends, a committe of ladies took possession of
the house and soon had their arrangements made, and the company attended to,
as they came in through the back door, (the mistress having as she supposed,
securely locked up the house, and carried off the front door key in her
pocket) on arrival of the family, their astonishment was depleted in every
fashion to find a party of about twenty-five of their most intimate friends,
awaiting them, and on the centre table such a pile of tinware, as would
enlarge the eyes and gladden the heart of any housekeeper. There were pail
and pans, teapots and dippers, in short, everything and amongst it,
conspicuously displayed, were a bran new stovepipe hat and an elegant
hunting case watchand chain, all manufactured for the occasion by friend
CLARK, thw whole scene being brilliantly illuminated by a tin lantern
suspended in the center of the room, but this was not all, at the proper
time supper was announced by the committee, and a splendid supper it was,any
amount of oysters, cakes, tarts, etc., which together with the tea and
coffee were evidently prepared by addebts in the art, in short it was
unexceptionable in quality and profuse in quantity. After supper the party
enjoyed themselves with music, charades, and other games until "the clock
struck the hour for retiring," when a masterly retreat was effected, leaving
the family (as they have since informed us) exceedingly gratified by so
pleasant a surprise, and the good will of so many of their friends. In
conclusion we will say, that we are now firm believers in tin weddings.
Whose is the next?

Spring Styles
Very Latest Styles in Hats and Bonnets
Mrs. Joseph LEMBECK
Fashionable Milliner, Clerk and Dress maker, has constantly on hand a full
and complete assortment of Ladies' Dress Trimmings, Notions, Velvets, Silks,
Plumes, French and American Flowers, &c. Hats and Bonnets bleached and
altered. Stamping for emboridering, &c. done to order.

(Late from Germany)
Physician and Surgeon,
Would announce to the suffering public that he has located in Dyersville.
Office up stairs next to Bank. Residence in LUTHMER's brick house.

Wagon and Blacksmith Shop
All kinds of Horse shoeing, Blacksmithing and Plow-work done and warranted.
Also all kinds of carriage and wagon work done to order and satisfaction

Dealer in Whips, Lashes, Nets, Cloths, Combs and Brushes, and everything
connected wit hthe Saddle and Harness trade. A large assortment constantly
on hand, and repairing done on short notice, Dyersville, Iowa.

Physician and Surgeon
Office over BAILEY's store,
Dyersville, Iowa

Insurance Agency
For Good and Reliable Insurance, call on
Well known local an travelling agent for the German Insurance Company of
Freeport, Ill. who will transact business promptly and honorably. All losses
will be attended to and settled without delay. Office up stairs, over the
Post Office, Main st., Dyersville, Iowa.

Dyersville Restaurant
and Fruit Store
Kept by Nic Kremer
Warm and Cold
Meals at all Hours
Fresh bread constantly on hand.

For Sale
Owing to failing health, offers his entire Blacksmith Shop, 24x40, Tools and
Stock, complete for sale. The shop has a splendid run of business and offers
a large inducement to a good blacksmith.

Would announce to the citizens of Dyersville and vicinity that she is doing
All Kinds of Sewing
on short notice. Stitching done by the yard. Also agent for Mrs. CARPENTER's
United States Dress Model the best in use.
Residence corner Elm and Victoria street.

Plain and Ornamental
Paper Hanging
And everything in the line of his trade.

Farley, Sept 23d, 1873

To the Editor of the Commercial.
John FOWLSTON, hardware merchant, and one of the McGEE brothers, has just
been out on a tour of observation in Dakota and Nebraska, and returned home
on Monday, well pleased with their trip after being gone about three weeks.

Our old friend Alva SHOONOVER met with a serious accident a day or tow ago,
as I understand it, he was stacking some straw or hay, and he being quite an
old man, the wind either blowed him over, or fell from the stack and ran the
tines of the fork in his shoulder, that was setting up by the stack.

Our friend O.BYERLY is out again selling the Singer Sewing Machine this
time, he was former agent for the Howe, his wife carries on a first class
milliner shop at the office, and she sells goods smarting cheap too. We have
three shops of this kind here, and three drug stores, five dry goods stores,
and groceries. I don't know how many, where they sell something to keep us
cool in Summer, and warm in Winter. We have two physicians, capital men of
medicine that can be found sober and at their post at all times, in fact,
all our business men are fair and square dealing men, as can be found in the

Dubuque County