Iowa Old Press

Dyersville Commercial
Dyersville, Dubuque, Iowa
Thursday, Aug 14, 1873

Bishop ANDREWS will dedicate a new Methodist church at Dresden on next

The Tipton Advertiser remarks that prairie chickens are "snipe" until August
15th, a fact not noticed by naturalists.

Some colored men of Burlington and Muscatine have organized a minstrel
troope and will shortly begin to attack the public with concerts.

Mrs. Helen W. LACEY of Dubuque died on Monday. The lady was * of much worth
and had been but four months married.

A girl fourteen years old named Emily EIST, was abducted from Monroe
township Linn county on the 23d inst. by three strange men.

Anthony CORIGON, a farme living near Buckingham, Tama county, was killed a
few days ago by being thrown from his reaper before the sickle. He was cut
nearly in two and lived but a short time.

E.F. COADY of Agency township, Wapello county, has harvested threshed and
sold to BOWEN & WILLIAMS ninety-seven bushels of wheat at $1.05. It was the
product of 4 1/2 acres.

At Festina, Winnesheik county, Tuesday, Joseph NESS, a respectable citizen,
committed suicide by hanging himself. Some two months ago he lost his wife,
and has been low-spirited ever since.

On Tuesday night a fire broke out in teh carding mill of KYES & CRAIG at
Vernon, Iowa. The building, with all its contents was destroyed. The loss is
estimated at $2500 on which there was no insurance.

The Mount Pleasant Journal chornicles the marriage of one Q.C. UMBER and
Bell Y. ACHE. The Dubuque Times, hearing this, fears the mania for incest is
extending to southern Iowa, as it has always understood the latter to be the
offspring of the former.

At McGregor Friday evening, William NEVINS descended into a well, and was
suffocated with foul air. A neighbor in attempting to rescue him, came near
meeting the same fate. NEVIN's body was taken out with grappling irons.

The Republicans of Henry county met in convention at Mt. Pleasant last
Saturday. It was largely composed of farmers and one of the most
enthusiastic Conventions ever assembled to the county. The following ticket
was put in the field Stae Senator John P. WEST, Representatives John P.
NEUBOLD and H.R. LYONS, Treasurer C.V. ARNOL, Auditor, Robert BAXTER,
Sheriff T. SPEARMON, County Superintendent Miss Hattie LENOX.

Submitted by: C.L


Dubuque Herald
Dubuque, Dubuque Co. Iowa
August 23, 1873

DIED IN A STUPOR Sudden Death of Mrs. Frater, of Harper's Ferry, From the
Effects of an Overdose of Chloroform
There was a very sad occurrence in the town of Harper's Ferry, Allamakee
county, yesterday, resulting in the death of Mrs. Frater, wife of Archibald
Frater, Esq., a prominent citizen and grain buyer formerly of Farley.  Mrs.
Frater had been greatly afflicted with neuralgia and headache for several
days.  On Wednesday last she went to a drug store and purchased a quantity
of chloroform to use as a relief from excessive pain.  Yesterday, Friday
morning, Mr. Frater left his house about 9 o'clock, to attend to his
business duties, his wife being in a tolerable state of health.  After his
departure it seems her disease took an unusually distressing form, and she
resorted to a larger dose of chloroform as a curative.  She soaked a large
cloth in the liquid and laid down on a bed with the cloth covering her
mouth.  The strength of the narcotic completely overcome her physical
powers, and when Mr. Frater returned home for dinner, about 12 o'clock, he
found her lying numb and insensible to all his efforts to awaken animation.
Physicians were called and every possible method of medical skill was use to
recover the lady to life but to no avail - she had passed the limit of
mortal existence.  The event produced a profound sensation at Harper's
Ferry, and rumors of suicide were rife, but these are worthless, and without
the slightest foundation in truth.  The funeral will be held at Farley, on

Submitters note: Mrs. Frater died in Harper's Ferry, Allamakee Co. and the
funeral may have been in Farley, but she is buried in Old East Paint Creek
Cemetery in Dalby (according to the Allamakee County Burial records book by

Submitted by: N.G.


Dubuque County