Iowa Old Press

Dubuque Herald
Dubuque, Dubuque co. Iowa
September 18, 1872

Reunion of the 21st Iowa Infantry
The following is a complete list of the members of the regiment who
participated in the reunion in this city on Monday, the 16th inst.:
Major W.D. Crooke, McGregor
Surgeon W.L. Orr, Ottumwa
Surgeon D.W. Chase, Elkader
Adjutant Horace Poole, Dubuque
Adjutant George Crook, McGregor
Chaplain James Hill, Cascade
Sergeant major Wm. P. Dickinson, Dubuque
Commissary sergeant Jeffrey A. Parker, Dubuque

Company A
D.W. Cleveland, Dubuque
Alonzo C. Fuller, Dubuque
George Fengler, Dubuque
Thos W. Wheeler, DeWitt

Company B
Lieut D.D. Drummond, McGregor
Lieut B.W. Phelps, Strawberry Point
John Meyer, Ridgway, Winneshiek co.

Company C
Capt Jesse M. Harrison, Dubuque
Lieut Geo. L. Fisher, Dubuque
Henry J. --anie, Dubuque
Jas. Brunskill, Dubuque
John Bottoms, Dubuque
Mathew Demuth, Dubuque
Carl Schiltz, Rockdale
Wm McCarty, Rockdale
Joseph E. Radford, Rockdale

Company D
Eber Golden, Yankee Settlement

Company E
Lieut A.Y. Mcdonald, Dubuque
George H. Hess, Dubuque
Matquias Bickel, Dubuque
John M. Buchholz, Dubuque
John Allgeyer, Dubuque
John Swens, Dubuque
Dan Wolf, Dubuque
D.D. Nitterauer, Dubuque
Wm Kruse, Dubuque
F. Trenkle, Dubuque
Aug Hoffmeuller, Dubuque
Dan Wagner, Dubuque
Chas T. Zugenbuhler, Dubuque
Wm Dusenbery, Moline, Ill.
W.W. Vana, Dixon, Ill.
John Reinert, Terrene, Miss.
Benn Kirst, Winona, Minn.

Company F
Lieut Jas H. Russell, Dubuque
Ed S. Stiles, Dubuque
Geo. C. Puck, Dubuque
J.A. Fanning, Dubuque
Lewis A. Deaver, Dubuque
Alex R. Foster, Zwingle
Walter J. McNally, Cedar Falls
Robt Strain, Prairieburg, Linn county

Company G
Lieut Arch H. Stuart, Dubuque
Wm. S.C. Barber, Clayton county
James P. Withrow, McGregor

Company H
Andrew J. Lett, Delhi
N.S. Preston, Delhi
Mathew F. King, Dubuque
Henry R. Paul, Janesville, Iowa

Company I
Capt. David Greaves, Delaware Center
Lieut Wm H. Lorimier, Dubuque
Lieut Geo. G. Moser, Dubuque
Lewis Castinet, Dubuque
James Baird, Dubuque
John F. Honer, Dubuque
Joseph Rogers, Dubuque
Jacob Collins, Dubuque
Elon Rafferty, Cascade
Rufus J. Dean, Cascade
Thos J. Worley, Cascade
Henry Heitchew, Cascade
John Lees, Cascade

Company K
Lieut Henry Hurger, Delhi
Thomas Simons, Delhi
Clemens P. Dunton, Dubuque
Alexander Philips, Sand Spring

Death of a Barber
Mr. Frank Buchet, who, for many years, kept a barber shop underneath the Key
City House, died last evening.  The disease which carried him off was
hemorrhage of the lungs.  the deceased was a native of France, but emigrated
to this country at an early age.  He was 37 years old at the time of his
death.  Mr. Buchet was a hard-working, honest, intelligent man, and leaves a
wife, several children, and a nuimber of relatives and friends to mourn his
loss.  A notice of the funeral will be found elsewhere.  The French
Benevolent society, of which the deceased was a member, will have charge of
the funeral.

Dubuque County