Iowa Old Press

Dubuque Herald
Dubuque, Dubuque co. Iowa
September 7, 1869

Secretary of War John A. Rawlins Dies Of Consumption
John A. Rawlins was born on the 14th of February, 1831, on the E. Bayliss place, in East Galena. His education beyond that acquired in the public school, was at the Mt. Morris academy. He remained a farm boy till near or quite his majority, and studied law in the office of I. P. Stevens, with whom he first commenced practice. He formed law partnership with David Sheehan, Esq., his former student, in 1858, and continued office practice till he entered the army. His record as a lawyer and soldier is a very credible one. (He was appointed Major General in the Union Army in 1865 and was appointed Secretary of War by President Grant in 1869.)

Mr. Rawlins was married to Emily Smith in 1856, who died in 1860, leaving him three children. He married Miss Mary E. Hulbert of Danbury, Conn., in Vicksburg, in which city she was engaged as teacher in 1863. By her he had two children, both deceased.

It is decided upon by Washington authorities, who have been conferring with the deceased's parents and brothers here all day, to inter the body in the Congressional burial grounds at Washington temporarily.

[transcribed by K.W., October 2013]


Dubuque Herald
Dubuque, Dubuque co. Iowa
September 16, 1869

DIED - at Farley, Sept. 14th, MARY ANN LENNON, the beloved wife of Hugh Lennon, in the 35th year of her age. She was the daughter of Daniel and Bridget O'Connell, and a native of the parish of Knockraha, County of Cork, Ireland. She leaves a beloved husband and five children to mourn her loss. Her remains were interred at St. Clemens, Bankston, on the 15th inst., attended by a large concourse of friends and neighbors. Requiescat in Pace

[transcribed by K.W., October 2013]

Dubuque County