Iowa Old Press

The Dubuque Herald
Dubuque, Dubuque county, Iowa
October 3, 1863

He [Governor Kirkwood] delivered himself of his usual bravado about the draft, told what he was going to do if any resistance were offered, and generally deported himself as would be expected of a filthy, low-lived creature accidentally elevated to power. There isn't a humble laborer in Dubuque who by hard toil bridges over his week's indebtedness by his week's income that has not more honor, more decency, more respect for his word, more sense of obligation to his oath, and who is not better fitted for governor of Iowa than Samuel J. Kirkwood. * * * There does not live a man in Iowa so rich in lucre and with such an utter poverty of character as the blustering, sweltering and doubtless cowardly governor of Iowa. He is a pitiful partisan without a redeeming trait.

[contributed by Dubuque co. IAGenWeb, Sept. 2015]


The Dubuque Herald
Dubuque, Dubuque county, Iowa
October 8, 1862

The time has come when we can no longer shut our eyes and hope for better things at the hands of the dominant party. This war is to be waged for partisan purposes. To save the Union is not a part of their design, but to divide and destroy it is their aim. This war, which we are told by Abolitionists, is being conducted to put down the rebellion, is in reality to further their mad schemes of negro emancipation and negro equality.

[contributed by Dubuque co. IAGenWeb, Sept. 2015]


The Dubuque Herald
Dubuque, Dubuque county, Iowa
October 11, 1863

The Dubuque Daily Times says that the resolution of the county board of supervisors to exempt poor men from the draft is a weak scheme to make the county pay their exemption fee for them. That is just what the board meant to do and no poor man who knows his interest will fail to support the board at the polls. Mr. Knoll, Mr. Cort and Mr. O'Brien, who are running on the Democratic ticket, voted for it, while Mr. Miller and Mr. Bonson, who voted against it, are running on the Republican ticket. Every man in Dubuque county who votes the Republican ticket votes for the draft and against the exempting of drafted men by a tax. Every man who votes the Democratic ticket votes for the conscription to be paid by property and not by blood. Now, which ticket will the poor man vote? Which ticket should he vote?

[contributed by Dubuque co. IAGenWeb, Sept. 2015]


The Dubuque Herald
Dubuque, Dubuque county, Iowa
October 23, 1863

This the board has been compelled to refuse, because if the county should once commence giving aid to associations formed for the dispensation of charity there would be no end to the applications made to them. They have therefore wisely abstained from making special appropriations, but at the same time have given the superintendent of the county poor additional instructions for relieving the wants of those in need wherever such cases are found, and the charity will be dispensed to soldiers as freely as to others."

[contributed by Dubuque co. IAGenWeb, Sept. 2015]


The Dubuque Herald
Dubuque, Dubuque county, Iowa
October 30, 1863

The Hypocrites
The Copperhead farmers of this county, who bring their grain and other products here to sell, heap the foulest abuse on the administration and all connected with it, as only ignorance can abuse that which it doesn't understand. When they receive their pay they won't take anything but the "Dirty Greenbacks," as they call them, to carry home. This a fair sample of the shameless hypocrisy of the party which controls the politics of the county.

[contributed by Dubuque co. IAGenWeb, Sept. 2015]


The Dubuque Herald
Dubuque, Dubuque county, Iowa
October 31, 1863

About two thousand hard-fisted, hard-working honest men who helped to make Dubuque just what she is and without whom her merchants could not live a month, who clog her granaries with grain and her markets with produce, are the subjects of this petty slanderer's abuse. The very life and trade of Dubuque city is thus attempted to be rendered contemptible and driven from her. We ask the merchants of Dubuque what they think of it. We know some of them whose advertisements appear in the Dubuque Daily Times regularly, who depend entirely on this 'ignorant class' of 'shameless hypocrites' for their trade.

[contributed by Dubuque co. IAGenWeb, Sept. 2015]


Dubuque County