Iowa Old Press

Dubuque Express and Herald
Dubuque, Dubuque co. Iowa
December 24, 1856

The subscribers are now prepared to fill all orders for shot, combining all the different sizes, from buck shot to No. 20, at nearly St. Louis prices. All orders will be promptly filled and shot delivered without any extra expense. Orders from the country must be addressed to G. W. Rogers & Co., accompanied by the cash to receive attention.

As our business will be a strictly cash business, we shall be enabled to serve those who may favor us with their orders at rates that will make it their interest to deal with us in preference to other markets.Orders left at the gun shop of E. H. Rogers on Fifth below Main Street will receive immediate attention.
G. W. Rogers & Co. Dubuque, Dec. 24, 1856

[transcribed by K.W., February 2015]


Dubuque County