Iowa Old Press

Dubuque Weekly Observer
Dubuque, Dubuque co. Iowa
Friday morning September 15, 1854

Dissolution of Partnership
The partnership existing heretofore between Nicholas Tanbald, John Hoffman, and John R. Ewing was on the 7th day of August last, dissolved by the death of Nicholas Tanbald. Said Hoffman and Ewing do not continue the partnership; but all partnership between them is dissolved by mutual consent. All persons holding claims against said firm are requested to present the same at the office of Smith, McKinlay and Poor, Globe Building, Main Street without delay, in order that the extent of the liabilities of said firm may be ascertained.
John Hoffman
John R. Ewing

[transcribed by S.F., October 2015]


Dubuque Weekly Observer
Dubuque, Dubuque co. Iowa
Friday morning September 22, 1854

The undermentioned persons are authorized to act as Agents for the Dubuque Observer:
Mr. J.F. Henry, Travelling Agent
Dr. L.R. Ware, Auburn, Fayette Co.
L.B. Potter, Bellevue, Jackson Co.
A.C. Smith, Travelling Agent for the State of Wisconsin
A. Fellows, Maquoketa
Mr. A.B. Webber, Decorah, Iowa

We learn that Mr. George A. Hall has just received a splendid lot of genuine Know-Nothing vests and coats, at the Key City Clothing Store, 138, Main Street.

Notice - You are thereby notified not to throw upon any streets, aileys, outlets, any filth, slush or manure of any kind, for I, shall enforce the ordinance for preventing nuisance after this date.
P.C. Morhiser, City Marshall

[transcribed by S.F., October 2015]


Dubuque Weekly Observer
Dubuque, Dubuque co. Iowa
Friday morning September 29, 1854

Robert I. Thomas, Editor

Won't Answer
The editor of the Dubuque Herald refuses to answer the question we have put to him - inquiring whether he is, or is not a "citizen of the United States." To avoid answering he is resorting to subterfuge - this will not do Dennis, you cannot, consistently, with your past course, avoid satisfying the public mind in regard to your claims to citizenship.

State Fair at Fairfield.
There is every prospect that the first State Fair to be held at Fairfield on the 25th day of October next, will be creditable to the State. We have occasion to know that stock will be present for exhibition from the most remote parts of the State. Pottawatamie, Dubuque and Jackson counties will be represented by Morgan and Clydesdale horses, and counties not so distant will be represented by horses, cattle, sheep, and hogs of as good a quality and of as aristocratic pedigrees as can be found anywhere.

We learn the Fairfielders are making arrangements for a large gathering; and they may do so. We venture the prediction that it will proote the vital interests of the state to a greater extent that any assembly ever convened in the State. Every live farmer who can possibly be present will be there. - Iowa Farmer

By Wm. A. Warren, Esq., on the 18th inst., at the residence of J.S. Phillips, Mr. LB. Potter to Miss Isadore Hurd, all of Bellevue.

We are informed by Mr. Joseph Collins of Hardin that this place is improving some, and that a number of houses will be built there this fall. We understand also that the stock necessary for building a steam mill is taken, and we believe the proprietors are prepared to go on with the work. Hardin has a beautiful situation, and is surrounded by a first rate country, which is fast settling up with enterprising farmers. We have no doubt but a steam mill there will prove a most profitable investment. - Clayton Co. Herald

[transcribed by S.F., October 2015]


Dubuque County