Iowa Old Press

Dubuque Weekly Observer
Dubuque, Dubuque co. Iowa
Friday morning November 3, 1854

Yesterday morning we saw a pair of young elks offered for sale on Main street. They were caught west of the Desmoines River in this State, and although but five months old, were as large as yearling colts; the owner asked two hundred dollars for the pair, and considering their size, beauty, speed and perfect match, to any of our "fast" young men about town, they are well worth the money. Just think what a "turn out" a crack span of fleet-footed elks would make, and how completely they would take the wind out of the fastest "bob-tailed" trotters in town.

Estray Notice
Taken up by John S. Moore living in Union Township, Delaware county, Iowa, on the 4th day of Octoer, 1854, two estray Colts; one a mare two years old last spring. The other a horse colt, one year old last spring. The mare appraised at [illegible], the horse at $65, by Aaron P. Blanchard, James Barnes and J.T. Payne, before Amos G. Smith, a Justice of the Peace.
James Wright, Co. Clark, Delhi, Nov. 3, 1854

Thomas Buell
Information is wanted of this person by his wife. He left Chicago the latter part of August, and wrote for his wife to meet him at Delhi, Delaware county. She finds he has been there, and returned to Dubuque about the 1st of Sept., since which she can find no trace of him.

He is an American, about 27 years of age, about 5 1/2 feet high, dark complexion, grey eyes, and brown hair, and left a farm at Grand Traverse, Michigan. His wife is now in this city, and has two small children and awaiting information of her husband with the utmost anxiety, and publishes this in hopes it may attract either his notice, or that of some person who may know something of him. Any information addressed to this office will be gratefully received by his afflicted wife.
Teressa Margaret Buell
Dubuque, October 30, 1853
[transcription note: the 1853 date on the notice is what was in the paper; unknown if it was an original typo or not, although I suspect a typo...sf]

Can't Be Beat
We are happy to learn that our fellow townsman, McKinney, the Daguerreotypist took the first premium at the State Fair held last week at Fairfield. His specimens having been pronounced by the Judges the best they had ever seen. Our Dubuque is hard to beat in the picture line.

[transcribed by S.F., December 2014]

Dubuque County