Iowa Old Press

The Miner’s Express, DuBuque Visitor
Dubuque, Dubuque Co., Iowa
Wednesday, May 29, 1850

--Bishop Loras, of Dubuque, returned to this city Saturday night after an absence of six months. He has brought with him from Europe six young Missionaries for the diocese of Dubuque, and made arrangement for the establishment of a branch of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. The object of the latter will be the education of youth in religion as well as in moral and intellectual culture.

--The Highland Mary, on her last trip, brought down from Fort Snelling 150 troops. They are destined for some service among the Indians on the Des Moines River.

DIED – On Friday the 24th inst., after a protracted illness, MARY ELIZA, second daughter of M. & Martha Mobley of this city; aged 10 years, 1 month and 17 days.

DOG MATICAL – Marshall Morrison says if the dog ordinance is not attended to forth with, he will destroy every delinquent puppy that come under his jurisdiction.

MARRIED On the 15th instant, by Rev. J. C. Holbrook, MR. JAMES D. WILLIAMS and MISS MARY ANN DUEL, all of this county.

[transcribed by C.M., December 2018]


Dubuque County