Iowa Old Press

The Miner’s Express, DuBuque Visitor
Dubuque, Dubuque Co., Iowa
Wednesday, January 16, 1850

MARRIED On the 15th instant, by Rev. J. C. Holbrook, MR. JAMES D. WILLIAMS and MISS MARY ANN DUEL, all of this county.

JAMES MULLEN, TAILOR, would, respectfully inform his friends and the public, that he has taken into partnership with him, JOHN TIMONEY late Cutter for Charles Taylor, of this City, and hopes by their united exertions, to give entire satisfaction, in their line of business. They will receive, regularly, the latest FASHIONS, and feel confident that their work will be got up in style in neatness, not to be surpassed in the Western Country. They are prepared to furnish goods, or make up gentlemen’s own material. Their prices will be moderate. Cutting down at shortness notice. Their shop is at J. MULLEN’S old stand, over the Checkered Store, Main Street.
Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 27, 1849. 13-ly

[transcribed by C.M., December 2018]


The Miner’s Express, DuBuque Visitor
Dubuque, Dubuque Co., Iowa
Wednesday, January 23, 1850

Special Delegate to the North
Mr. L. H. Langworthy, appointed by the Anamosa Convention, as special delegate, to attend to the interest of Northern Iowa, left this city for Monday last for Washington. Twenty-seven dollars is the sum total of the money raised to pay his expenses. Afraid he will have to es-chew oyster soup.

DIED – In this city on the 18th inst., JEROME, son of John and Clara Dohany, aged 3 months and six days.

MAMMOTH STEAMBOAT – The St. Louis Era describes a new steamboat now in course of construction in that city, and nearly ready for launching, which, it says, will be the largest boat on the western waters. Her length is to be 317 feet, and her breath 38 feet.

[transcribed by C.M., December 2018]


The Miner’s Express, DuBuque Visitor
Dubuque, Dubuque Co., Iowa
Wednesday, January 30, 1850

DIED – On the 6th inst., in Jefferson Township, this county, of lung fever, MR. THOMAS COOK, aged 47 years.

[transcribed by C.M., December 2018]



Dubuque County