Iowa Old Press

Du Buque visitor
Dubuque Co., Iowa
Wednesday, May 10, 1848

Page: 1

For St. Louis, Dubuque, and Potosi Packet
The new and light draught St. Peters, W. S. GRIMES, Master, will commence her regular trips, on the opening of navigation, in the above trade, touching at all intermediate landings, and will continue in the trade the entire season. Her accommodations are not surpassed by any boat in the trade. For freight or passage apply on board or to P. & R. C. WAPLES, Dubuque, March 1, 1848.

The subscriber proposes to connect with his BOOK STORE, a LIBRARY OF PERIODICAL STANDARD LITERATURE, to embrace the most popular productions of the periodical press in Europe and America. Those gentlemen, in the city, who wish access to such a library, are desired to leave their names at the BOOK STORE, during this week – terms $3 per annum.

For St. Peters, St. Croix, Dubuque and Galena.
The very light draught steamer Pearl, having been purchased expressively for the above trade, and placed under the command of A. MONTGOMERY. Will run during the whole season. Every attention will be given to the comfort of passengers and the interest of SHIPPERS. For freight or passage apply on board or to E. LANGWORTHY, Dubuque.

THOSE wishing to be furnished with GRAVE stones, TOMBS, MONUMENTS, Sun Dials, Horizontal and Vertical, Hearth stones, sinks, &c., will do well to call on the subscriber, at his workshop, on the corner of Locust and Second Streets, as he is now prepared to furnish any of the above articles; also anything else in his line of business, with warranted correctness, on short notice and most reasonable terms, either in cash or produce. THOMAS HURLEY; N. B. The strictest attention paid to orders from a distance, directed to the subscriber, Dubuque, Dec. 4th, 1845.

For Galena, Dubuque, Burlington, Bloomington, Rock Island, and all intermediate landings.
The new and fast running steamer Dubuque, EDWARD H. BEENKE, master, having been thoroughly painted and refitted, is now equal, in speed, comfort and accommodations to any boat in the trade; she having a “Doctor” attached to her engines, making her doubly safe. Passengers and shippers may rely on her continuing in the trade the entire season, and no pains will be spared to promote the interests of all who may favor her with their patronage. For freight or passage apply on board, or to RANNEY & CO., St. Louis, W. HEMPSTEAD & CO., Galena or P. & R. C. WAPLES, Dubuque.

[transcribed by C.M., January 2019]


Miner's Express
Dubuque Co., Iowa
Wednesday, May 17, 1848

Page: 4

MR. AND MRS. RICE will announce to the Citizens of Dubuque and vicinity; that they will open School in the East room of the basement of the Stone Church on Monday the 8th inst.and most respectfully solicit a share of patronage. REFERENCES- Rev. Mr. Holbrook, A. S. Hetherington, and Judge King. N.B. A few scholars can be accommodated with board with the family of the principal, and all who wish can be accommodated in good families in town. LUCIAN RICE-Principal, Nov. 17th 1847

[transcribed by C.M., January 2019]


Dubuque County