Iowa Old Press

DuBuque Visitor
Dubuque, Dubuque Co., Wisconsin Territory*
Wednesday, July 20, 1836

DuBuque Mines, July 16, 1836
Messrs. Editor: – We furnish for you, a copy of the proceedings relative to Bee Branch celebration of the birthday of National Independence.

To you, as well as your readers, it may appear strange, that the proceedings were not handled in an earlier season: but the apology we have to offer, will, we trust, explain and prove satisfactory to all. We were instructed to call on John G, Hulit and request a copy of the address, in case of publication, to accompany the proceedings, but on inquiry, we were informed that business called him from this side of the river, early on Tuesday morning the 5th. Accordingly, we addressed a letter to him containing the request. We waited due time for an answer - none came – and we addressed him another letter, but have not as of yet (portion lost to blurred ink) a circumstance not uncommon of late for mailed communications. Too much time has already elapsed in waiting, to justify a longer delay, and hence we offer the proceedings alone, and should a copy of the address be hereafter obtained, we will take pleasure in furnishing it for publication.
Your, TH.CHILD, Sec’y.
By order of the Commission of Arrangement

At a meeting of the Diggers (Miners) of DuBuque Mines, assembled pursuant to previous notice, on Friday the 1st inst., at the home of Paul Cain, for the purpose of making arrangements preparatory to the celebration of the birthday of National Independence, PAUL CAIN being called to the chair, and THOMAS CHILD being appointed secretary. On motion of THOMAS CHILD, Resolved, That we, with all others, who feel disposed to unite with us on this most glorious occasion, assemble upon Bee Branch, in Cooley Hollow, at a fine spring nearly opposite Benjamin Scott’s cabin, on Monday, the 4th inst. At 1 o’clock P.M. and celebrate the day in a Republican manner, and that the ladies be particular invited to attend.

On motion of PAUL CAIN to make the necessary arrangements. Resolved, That a committee of seven be appointed. The following persons were appointed of said committee: Lucius H. Langworthy, Thomas Child, William Carter, John E. Miller, John M. Moore, Henry Gilbert, and Paul Cain.

On motion of William Carter:
Resolved: That this meeting adjourn, and that the committee of arrangements meet at the same place tomorrow, Saturday, the 2nd inst. At 3 o’clock P. M.
THE subscriber informs the citizens of DuBuque that he has opened a private Boarding House, on Main Street, nearly opposite the printing office, where he will be glad to accommodate those who may wish for boarding.
DuBuque, June 1st, 1836

SATURDAY, July 2nd, 1836
The committee met pursuant to adjournment, and on motion of Thomas Child, Resolved: That we proceed to business. The following arrangements were unambiguously agreed upon. That we have a barbecue dinner, after which toasts be drank, that Lucius H. Langworthy and Henry Gilbert procure and deliver at the place appointed, on Monday morning early, one fine bullock ready dressed, that Wm. Cain ... [the rest of article is missing]

Our steam boat register has been crowded out of the last two numbers. A list of the arrivals and departures for the fortnight ending on the 12th inst. will be found below. Notwithstanding the lateness of the season, the trade of the upper Mississippi remains unabated.

June 28, Wisconsin, Gleim, from St. Louis
June 29, St. Peters, Throckmorton, do St. L.
July 1, Emerald, O’Flaharty, do St. Louis
July 1, Plamyra, Cole, do St. Louis
July 3, Du Buque, Atchison, do do
July 4, M. Fulton, Smith, do do
July 5, M. Fulton, Smith, from Cassville
July 7, St. Peters, Throckmorton, do St. Peters
July 7, Frontier, Harris, do St. Louis
July 8, Envoy, do do
July 9, Adventure, Van Houton, do do
July 9, Envoy, do Cassville
July 10, Wisconsin, Gleim, do St. Louis
July 11, Wisconsin, do do P. du Chien
July 11, O. Branch, Briggs, do St. Louis

June 28, Wisconsin. Gleim, for St. Louis
June 29, St. Peters, Throckmorton, for St. Peters
July 2, Emerald, O’Flaharty, for St. Louis
July 2, Plamyra, Cole, to St. Louis
July 1, Emerald, O’Flaharty, do St. Louis
July 3, Du Buque, Atchison, do do
July 4, M. Fulton, Smith, for Cassville
July 5, M. Fulton, Smith, do St. Louis
July 7, St. Peters, Throckmorton, do St. Louis
July 7, Frontier, Harris, for Ft. Winnebago
July 8, Envoy, for Cassville
July 9, Adventure, Van Houton, do St. Louis
July 10, Envoy, do do do
July 10, Wisconsin. Gleim, for P. du Chien
July 11, do, do do St. Louis
July 12, O. Branch, Briggs, do St. Louis

[transcribed by C.M., December 2018]

[*IOP editor note: Wisconsin was organized from Michigan Territory in July 1836 and encompassed the land that now is the state of Iowa. Iowa Territory wasn't organized until 1838, and became a state in 1846.]


Dubuque County