Iowa Old Press

Lake Park News
Dickinson county, Iowa
April 12, 1923

Local Notes
-George 'Bob' Rouse was at Spencer on business last Friday.
-Mrs. Ross a sister of Mrs. C.C. Frost who has been visiting here for a few weeks returned to her home at Estherville.
-Miss Harriet Meyer who has been spending some time visiting at Sioux City and other places returned home last Friday.
-The J.W. Sloan residence received a new shingled roof the past week.
-Kenneth May who is employed at Des Moines arrived Saturday for an over Sunday visit with home folks.
-Mrs. A.J. Gleason of Ft. Dodge came last Firday for a weeks visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Stouffer.
-Albert Kruger of Luverne, Minn., spent Friday at the John Kruger home in Lake Park.
-Mr. and Mrs. Merle Renn, of Harris visited at the Jas. Soules home Sunday.
-Art May the past week has been redecorating the room at the Matzen Hotel which is to be occupied by bakery and confectionary.
-The E.E. Shriner residence received a new shingled roof the past week.
-Julius Jacobsen Jr. has purchased the pool hall formerly occupied by E.A. Karteus. The place is being over hauled and redecorated throughout and will soon be ready to be open for business.
-E.A. Marco reshingled his entire residence the past week.
-Will Thompson who runs the North Shore boat livery at the north end of Spirit Lake and who has been in Florida for the winter returned Thursday and was in Lake Park visitin his parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thompson for a day or two.
-During the high school penmanship period the following basketball boys were awarded letters: Gilbert Robertson, Clayton Halquist, Hadley Shafer, Earl McCauley, Benni Alzen and Albert Schwarzenbach.

Along Route Four
-Mrs. Lloyd Bush and Mrs. Lyman Hegre spent last Wednesday afternoon at the S.G. Palmer home.
-Mrs. Laurel Martin returned to her home at Montgomery, Tuesday, leaving her grandson, Lawrence Versluis much improved.
-Rev. Garner Osborn brought Mrs. Osborn and Edwin to the H.L. Goodell home last Tuesday for an extended visit while she is having some dental work done at Spencer.
-Bill Peterson has been driving a new Chevrolet touring car.
-Dale Byers has not been recovering from his recent attack of pneumonia. He was taken to the Esterville hospital for treatment.
-While attending the sale at Louie Mortiz's Wednesday, Bill Wallace of Milford was taken very ill and was unable to be taken to his home. He was removed to his father-in-law's, the John Clark home until he could go to his own home.

-Mr. Fred Soat was confined to his bed with the flu the last of the week.
-Miss Laura Wicks returned to her school near Brewster Sunday.
-Mr. John Grant is here again running the cream station vacated by Mrs. Sam Gregerson.

Last week Wednesday at the family residence in this city occured the death of Mrs. F.W. Schoellerman, an old time resident of Lake Park and vicinity. Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church Saturday, April 7, and burial was made in the Sioux Valley cemetery, Sioux Valley, Minnesota. The relatives here from out of town were Henry Kuenzel of Dubuque, Ia., a brother; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harberg of Garnavillo, Iowa, a sister; Ed and Henry Oelke, of Farmersburg, Iowa; Mr. Chas. Hinsch of Farmersburg, Iowa and Mr. J.H. Schoellerman of Iroquois, South Dakota.

Julia Dorothy Kuenzel was born in Clayton County, Iowa, October 10, 1852 and died at her home in Lake Park, April 4, 1923, at the age 70 yrs., 5 mo. and 24 days. She was married to Mr. Fred Schoellerman December 17, 1874. To this union eight children were born, namely, Julius of Iroquois, S. Dakota, Will of Redlands Beach, California, Herbert at home, Alfred of Lake Park, Ben who died October 28, last, Cora dying in infancy and Ora and Olgo, twins, at home.

She was a member of the Evangelical Luthern church being confirmed at Garnavillo, Iowa at the age of 14 years. She had four brothers and five sisters, two of her sisters dying in infancy, one brother dying August 2, 1922, one sister and brother living at Cleveland, Ohio, one sister and brother living at Garnavillo, Iowa, one brother living at Dubuque, Iowa and a sister living at Davenport, Iowa. She leaves to mourn her death beside her loving husband and children, three sisters, three brothers and fifteen grandchildren, also many intimate and loving friends.

[transcribed by S.F., May 2010]

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