Iowa Old Press

The Milford Mail
Milford, Dickinson County, Iowa
September 26, 1918

LeMars, Ia., Sept. 16.‹Another Plymouth County boy has given his life for his country in France. Relatives in this community received a letter from Charles Ewin, of the headquarters company of the 168th infantry, stating this his brother Albert, of the same company, was taken ill July 16 with pneumonia and died in the hospital, July 22. For some reason no information relative to his death reached the relatives here through government channels, and the first word of his death came through this letter from his brother, which was delayed a week or 10 days in transit.


A quiet marriage took place last Sunday at the home of Rev. E. C. Meyers, when Miss Gertrude Erdmann became the bride of Paul Johnson. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Erdmann, residing southeast of Milford. She has made her home in Milford for the past year or so and is well known here. The groom was a member of the gang of men who was here this past summer putting in the sewer. He is now employed at Laurens, Iowa, where a sewer is being put in. The happy couple left Monday for Laurens, where they will have a home for a time at least.

Mrs. Arthur Wheeler, of Milford, and Miss Vera Davidson, of Beloit, Wisconsin, were married at Spencer, on Saturday, Sept. 21, 1918, by Rev. Taylor, pastor of the Methodist church. The bridal couple was accompanied by Ural Cother and Miss Vivian Davis, of Milford. After the ceremony the happy couple left for a few days visit at Storm Lake and Cherokee. They will have a home in Milford.

New Teacher
Edna Thrift Congleton is the name of the new Seventh Grade teacher in the Milford public schools. The board deemed it best to put in another grade teacher and thus allow all of the high school teachers to give entire time to the high school. The scarcity of high school teachers in Iowa is becoming more and more threatening, and there appears to be no more teachers in sight.

Ladies Aid Society
The Congregational Ladies Aid Society will meet in Pilgrim Hall on Thursday afternoon, October 3d. All those who have not paid their dollar and told how it was earned will have an opportunity of doing so at this meeting. Hostesses Mesdames Torstenson, Ree, C. Madsen and Kent.

-Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Vetter were shopping at Milford on Tuesday.
-John Owens was transacting business at Milford on Saturday.
-Geo. Follows drove down to Everly, Thursday evening.
-F. W. Robinson and H. Adkins were callers at Milford on Saturday.
-J. J. Stoltz, of Mason City, was in Westport the last of the week.
-J. F. Brett, of Spirit Lake, was a caller in this vicinity Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Braun, of Milford, spent several days in Westport,visiting with relatives.
-J. S. Rock was a caller at Harris on Monday.
-Quite a number from here were transacting business and paying their taxes at Spirit Lake the first of the week.
-Miss Emma Gudburg, of St. Paul, was in Westport the past week visiting with friends.
-Mrs. R. Simpkins spent a week at Canton, South Dakota, visiting with her daughter there.
-B. L. Meyerdirk drove to Milford on Saturday.
-The farmers here have all saved a good supply of seed corn.
-Our teachers all went to Spirit Lake last week to attend a three-day meeting there.
-Miss Marie Herbster and Miss Ella Page spent Sunday at their homes in Milford.
-Miss Kate Matthieson Sundayed at Arnolds Park.

[transcribed by L.Z., July 2011]

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