Iowa Old Press

Spirit Lake Beacon
Spirit Lake, Dickinson co. Iowa
May 17, 1907

At Lake Park Tuesday, occurred the death of Mrs. C.F. Hatch, aged seventy-two years. Deceased had been a respected resident of that community for many years. She had been ailing with heart trouble for a number of months. Mrs. Clyde Crandall, of Seattle, Mrs. C.P. Bennett, of Minneapolis, Mrs. Theo. Strathman and Mrs. Myron Benson, of Lake Park, are daughters, and J.H. Gregory, of this place and C.C. Gregory, of Excelsior township, are brothers of the deceased.

In a letter to his father, E.D. Carlton, Ira W. Carlton incidentally mentions that he was married on the 7th, instant, to Miss Lenore Woodard, of Columbus, Nebraska. Ira is one of Dickinson county's very creditable products of manhood, and this important move on his part will be noted with much interest by a large circle of friends here at the old home. Ira has been making good in responsible positions in Omaha for a number of years. He is at present engaged with the Omaha Packing company. The happy twain have already set up a home in Omaha.

Town and County News.
-Ollie Clegg has made an engagement to cook at the Arnolds Park hotel during the resort season.
-Burt Sarazine has sold the remaining thirty-six acres of the old Sarazine farm lying west of the Rock Island track to his brother Dan.
-Auditor Hamilton is still seriously afflicted with rheumatism. He was at the office a few hours yesterday for the first time ina week.
-C.S. Warren has taken F.O. Parson as a partner in the photograph business and they are converting the old bowling alley south of the Antlers hotel into a gallery.
-Prof. Angus Macdonald has purchased of Mrs. Anna Copley what is known as the Halvor Lee house in the southeast part of town.
-C.A. West who recently returned from Alberta, Canada, has purchased A.H. Naudain's interest in the J.O. Stephenson & Co., drug business at Milford. Mr. Naudain will remain in Milford.
-Mrs. W.H. Price was called to Spencer Tuesday by the illness of her son Floyd, who is attending business college there. Floyd accompanied her home.
-Dr. C.L. Stoddard left yesterday for his new home at Boone.

V.B. Crane, who established the Spirit Lake Pilot in 1888 and a year later moved to Jackson and established the Jackson County Pilot, was buried at Jackson recently. The Spirit Lake Herald is the successor of the old Pilot. Mr. Crane was postmaster at Jackson under the democratic administration and served as state grain inspector in Minnesota under the administration of Governor John Lind. For a number of years he has been in the employ of a Minneapolis milling company. He was able to attend to his duties until a few days previous to his death. [transcriber note: the Jackson referenced here is Jackson, Jackson co. Minnesota]

[transcribed by S.F., October 2009]

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