Iowa Old Press
The Weekly Hawk-Eye
Burlington, Des Moines co. Iowa 
February 22, 1883

Post Office Changes in Iowa 
Special Dispatch to the Hawkeye - Washington, Feb 20 -- The following are postoffice changes in Iowa for the week ended February 17: Established - Hedrick, Keokuk county, Joseph Merryfielf, postmaster; Jamison, Clarke county, Julia E. Thompson, postmaster. Discontinued - Oakwood Station, Polk county. Name changed - Ward's Corners, Buchannan county, to Lamont. Postmasters appointed - Bartlett, Fremont county, Robert J. Hill; Clermont, Fayette county, Mrs. Mary B. Stedman; Doon, Lynn [sic Lyon] county, D.F. Case; Dodge, Guthrie county, Samuel S. Miller; North Branch, Guthrie county, Thomas Rodda; Plum Hollow, Fremont county, George Gould; Shell Rock, Butler county, J.W. Stewart; Wolfdale, Woodbury county, Mrs. Emily S.B. Smith.

Perry Hale has prepared plans for five handsome stores to be erected at Chariton.

Monday evening about seventy-five friends of Mr. E.G. Segner and his estimable wife made a sudden call upon them at their residence on West avenue, with baskets in hand, to spend the evening and celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of their wedded life. 

J.S. Templin, of Iowa City, who for the past three years has been engaged in mining in Wyoming territory, arrived in the city Sunday morning. He bore with him a number of rare specimens of fossil leaves, fish, etc. which he intends donating to the state university. 

Who Wants a Postoffice!
Mr. Thomas Burrus, postmaster at Franklin Mills, this county, has decided to move to his farm in Adams county next month. Yesterday he sent in his resignation as postmaster and recommended the discontinuance of the office as he can find no one willing to assume the duties. Since the burning of the grist mill there is no suitable place for the office and as the proprietor, Mr. Adam Temple, has decided not to rebuild the mill but will remove to Burlington to engage in the same line of business, there will be but little demand for a postoffice at Franklin Mills and it will probably be discontinued, and the people of that township will come to Burlington for their mail.

Old Firm in New Location.
Our genial friend, Henry Gabriel, has removed from 115 South Main to 311 North Main street, which he has fitted up in a tasty and creditable manner. This change of location is owing to an enlargement of the business in the manufacture of cigars and snuff on a larger scale than formerly. Mr. Gabriel is one of the old landmarks in the business world of Burlington, having begun the manufacture of cigars and snuff as early as 1852, and he can proudly look back upon an unblemished record as a merchant. It is well known that his goods are good and will stand competition.

Hawkeye Glances
-Shovel and pick brigade - a party of Americans at dinner
-Love, it is said, goes where it is sent. It goes sometimes where it is dissent.
-"Be jahers," exclaimed an Irishman, "I've slept sixteen hours! I went to bed at eight and got up at eight!"
-A man never loses much time in interviewing a bee. He generally comes right down to the point.
-"Colonel," said a man who wanted to make out a genealogical tree - "Colonel, how can I become thoroughly acquainted with my family history?" "Strictly by running for office," replied the colonel.
-Don't lose your presence of mind. A Nevada man who was carried half a mile by a snow avalanche estimated the pressure at twenty-two tons to the square inch. Some men would have been content to simply know that they moved!

Beginning to Assert Himself
Chicago Journal - The Iowa man is beginning to assert himself. Judge Bowen, the recently elected United States senator from Colorado, is a native of Iowa, and now we learn that Mr. J.O.B. Scoby, who was recently elected speaker of the house of the Dakota territorial legislature, is also an Iowa production. He is from Chariton, and was also at one time editor of the Corning Union.

Births and Deaths. 
The following is a list of the births and deaths filed during the past week with the county clerk for record:

January 25, a son to the wife of Charles Jacobs, carpenter, 410 Marshall street
December 20, a son to the wife of Henry Baker, farmer, Burlington
January 21, a son to the wife of Charley Thrash, carpenter, Warren street
December 25, a son to the wife of John Jbbottson, farmer, Yellow Springs township
September 19, females, twins, to the wife of Joseph Cline, gardener, Mediapolis.
October 10, a daughter to the wife of John Watson, farmer, Pleasant Grove township
November 13, a daughter to the wife of William Murry, railroad employee, Main street
December 22, a son to the wife of M.E. Blake, lawyer, Gunnison street, Burlington
January 30, a daughter to the wife of Carl Bubiing, tailor, 1303 Elm street.
January 12, a son to the wife of Oscar Tupton, photographer, 413 Washington street
January 30, a daughter to the wife of George Eads, laborer, Burlington
January 11, a daughter to the wife of Wm. Ahertson, machinist, North Seventh street
January 29, a daughter to the wife of John L. Pierson, laborer, North Third street
October 8, a daughter to the wife of Jacob Seeker, watchman, Burlington
October 24, a son to the wife of George Spurlock, teamster, Burlington
December 22, a son to the wife of Geo W. Robbins, builder, Franklin street
January 21, a daughter to the wife of Frank Tilley, machinist, maple and Boundary streets
November 14, a son to the wife of M.P. Shartz, bookkeeper, South Boundary street
January 23, a son to the wife of William W. Baldwin, land commissioner of the C,B &Q, Burlington

April 20, Mary Englehorn, 50 [or 60] years of age, Burlington
February 11, S.J. Johnson, 42 years of age, of consumption, Burlington
January 30, Thomas F. Durgea, 15 years of age, of capillary bronchitis, Franklin township
February 9, Elizabeth Durgen, 16 years of age, of pneumonia, Franklin township
January 26, Charles H. Storhann, 49 years of age, of chronic disease of stomach and liver, Flint River township
January 18, Joseph Sharp, 66 years of age, of erysipelas, Middletown.
December 24, Andrew Snyder, 79 years of age, of softening of the brain, Pleasant Grove township
December 21, Mary A. Snyder, 49 years of age, of consumption, Pleasant Grove township
February 1, Mary Emma Smith, of convulsions, Burlington
November 13, John B. Sherwood, 12 years of age, by cerebro meningittis, Yellow Springs township
November 19, _____ Johnson, 4 months years of age, of pneumonia, at Mediapolis
October 2, Conrad Urb, 56 years of age, Burlington
January 21, Filley, 55 minutes of age, of lack of vitality, Burlington
December 27, Daniel Power, 15 years of age, of peritonitis, Mediapolis.

[Submitted by S.F., Feb., 2007]

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