Iowa Old Press

Burlington Hawk Eye
Burlington, Iowa
February 5, 1880

Military - Official Staff of the Governor. 
Governor Gear has made the following general and staff appointments,
among whom we find some of our citizens who received positions:

Adjutant general, rank of major general, W.L. Alexander, of Lucas county
A.A. Perkins, of Des Moines county, military secretary
Henry C. Clock of Franklin county, quartermaster general, rank of brigadier general
W.H. Thrift, of Buchannan county, inspector general, rank of brigadier general
Wm. H. Fitch, of Calhoun county, commissioner general, rank of brigadier general
E.J. McGorrisk, of Polk county, surgeon general, rank of brigadier general
Aide de camp, rank of lieutenant colonel, Fred M. Wilson, Clayton county
Aide de camp, rank of lieutenant colonel, Rutledge Lea, Van Buren county
Aide de camp, rank of lieutenant colonel, M.V. King, Taylor county
Aide de camp, rank of lieutenant colonel, W.A. Gebhart, Van Buren county
Aide de camp, rank of lieutenant colonel, M.T.V. Bowman, Polk county
Aide de camp, rank of lieutenant colonel, C.H. Crawford, Greene county
Aide de camp, rank of lieutenant colonel, F.C. Overton, Davis county
Aide de camp, rank of lieutenant colonel, Lyman Cook, Des Moines county
Aide de camp, rank of lieutenant colonel, Mason P. Mills, Linn county
Special aide de camp, A.H. Neidig, Marshall county
Special aide de camp, John O'Keefe, Union county
Special aide de camp, Peter Karberg, Dubuque county
Special aide de camp, H.E. Griswold, Cass county

A.O.U.W.  Meeting of the Grand Lodge Tuesday.
The grand lodge of the state of Iowa of Ancient Order of United
Workmen met Tuesday at Mozart hall in this city.  The delegates from
all over the state are arriving in the city and our hotels are being
filled up with a fine looking set of men from other cities in Iowa. 
the grand lodge will be in session until Friday, and some important
business will be transacted this session that will be of considerable
interest to members of the order.  Some of the committees of the
grand lodge have been in session for a few days past preparing
reports to be made at the opening.  the officers of the grand lodge
are H.B. Fouke, Dubuque, P.G.M.W.; J.W. Willett, Toledo, G.M.W.; J.D.
Nichols, Vinton, G.F.; W.L. Dodge, Blue Grass, G.O.; R.A. Whitaker,
Waterloo, G. Recorder; E.A. Wadleigh, Clinton, G. receiver; C.H.
Cordeo, Reinbeck, G.G.; J.J. McAllister, Tama City, G.W.   The grand
trustees are M. Alexander, Dubuque, Thomas Richardson, Clinton,
William Wilson jr., Washington.  The standing committees are as
Finance and mileage, W.E. Webster, Clarinda; L.T. Hanks, Dubuque;
J.N. Coldren, Iowa City. 
Returns and credentials, J.L. Crawford, Marion; George B. Warne,
Independence; John Epeneter, Council Bluffs.
Laws and their supervision, A.P. Roberts, Ackley; A.M. Antrobus,
Burlington; J.Henderson, Indianola.
Appeals and grievances, D.H. Twomey, Davenport; J.H. Flint, Clinton;
C. Rohlfs, Reinbeck.
Printing and supplies, J.M. Davies, Davenport; H.S. Home, Muscatine;
A.J. Edwards, Waterloo.
State of the order, Thomas Kent, Lawler; A.D. Griffen,  L.E.B. Bolt,
Ways and means, Isaac Grant, Des Moines; Henry Wheeler, Dubuque; P.W.
Burr, Charles City.

The first lodge of A.O.U.W. organized in Iowa was the Hawkeye Lodge
No. 1, of Washington, which started in 1872.  the order grew steadily
until in 1875 this state was made a separate benificiary
organization, having secured the two thousand members necessary.  At
the first of January, 1879, the membership of the order comprised
7,736.  During the past year the increase has been as rapid, and at
this time there are nearly ten thousand members in the state of Iowa
alone.  There are two hundred and ten subordinate lodges, all but
three of whom have sent credentials to the grand lodge, and will be
present at this session.

[Transcribed by S. F., June 2004]

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